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Posts posted by Vagabond

  1. Thanks guys, hopefully I can get a nonstop flight from boston for a good price if I book soon

    EDIT: looks like I should just buy a round trip flight and not use the return flight. weird.

    Edit: and they fixed it so I'm in the fiction track like I applied for

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  2. Dear Max ******,


    This is an unofficial note to let you know that the Creative Nonfiction faculty have read your work and recommend accepting you into the creative nonfiction track of the ****** Graduate Program in Creative Writing at ** University in Israel. Congratulations! We are glad to have you. It looks like your secondary genre is meant to be fiction, and you have been approved here, as well. You will receive an official acceptance through the mail with information about registration for classes.


    Please note that at this time, we can only offer one creative nonfiction workshop a year, which means that you will need to take a workshop in a secondary genre, either poetry or fiction.


    During the course of your two-year degree, you will need 3workshops and 3 literature courses, the Jewish Arts Seminar, and two Jewish Studies courses (or general studies courses).



    Classes begin October 18. We will plan an orientation for all students the week before. Here is a link to the academic calendar.

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