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Posts posted by kinki

  1. I hate being a procrastinator.


    Well stop it then - it can make you go blind Ive been told.


    I dislike greatly cold sores - especially when you have to go out in public and look beautiful, apart from the big twatting growth on your lip. Grrrrrrrrr.


    PS Good luck Jessie in your exams.


  2. oaky, i'm rpetyy driunk. i like wine, it appears. my keyboard is skitcky. I think I love everyone aon the thoe bards. peraps i should not ve psoting. but id ot'c are it, is fun. it is butsy at unvietsy, but ihop e to love iup to expectaitons.


    that's drunk. And very very funny.




  3. I was 17, doing things I ought not to be doing, I came at sunrise, smelling someone foul. A snake was beginning to lick my thigh. I abruptly poured the nearest liquid on it, which was an ancient bottle of Pepsi, which helped the fire but not the smell.

    The best part was coming on my really red thighs and smelling like foul Pepsi and burnt denim just as my mother was leaving for work. Neither of us said a word to each other as we passed in the driveway. I was, however, interrogated later that night.


    Sorry couldn't resist. :icon_rolleyes: Pathetic I know.

  4. The flu.


    Nasty - I remember sweating buckets and not being able to get out of bed for the best part of 10 days - my sympathies.


    On the other hand if it's MAN FLU - Ive no sympathy at all! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


  5. I love BSG - but have found this last season hard to get into - what the FOOOOOK is it on about????? Im sorry to be thick, but can someone explain in no more than 25 words please? I got very confused with the timeline at the end. Im guessing the characters existed in another highly developed galaxy 150000 years in the past.


    However as a whole I love the darkness of it - the quality of the acting and particularly the music some of which (the orchestral arrangements) is to me of a very very high quality indeed.




    I always maintain that, however good BSG is, it is the Eastenders of Sci-Fi - leaves you depressed and pessimistic.

  6. Hollywood movies where the main character is a gorgeous, unattainable woman who can't get it on with even average guys.


    Although I love him to bits, my hubby's best friend has a habit of saying 'I'd shag that' when said unattainable woman appears on screen. I dislike this greatly.


  7. When I have to deal with clumps of people hanging around in constricted areas I need to get through, I fantasize having lighting up a cattle prob and scattering them none to gently with it. :icon_gun_s:



    Totally agree - especially in supermarkets where they also have trolleys and are having a chat.




    I am really starting to pathologically dislike ADVERT BREAKS.

  8. sorry guys, not been around for a bit -yes, Im shit I know......hope you're all by and large ok and getting through life in a recession with at least a half smile on your face.

    Im doing OK, although it'd be nice to be 10 years younger but hey.

    I have a moral/ethical/political/whatever you'd call it quandry which I'll post separately about...you guys were the first ones I thought of to throw it at!!!!!Lucky you.

  9. regular water top-ups, ........none of us ended up particularly drunk or hungover.


    I declare a love of waking up without a hangover having made many water stops the night before.


    I have to watch at least one Frasier per day - it takes my mind off dealing with shite tradesmen.


    [Mark's Patented Guide To The Perfect Pot Of Tea (which I've almost certainly posted here before, but can't be arsed to go looking for now).


    Hasnt that been trumped by Chrief Walks With i-pod's tea-making tract? :tongue:


  10. Grammer gave the keynote speech at a Republican Party conference about a month ago.


    Bugger. Oh well, I suppose we all have our weaknesses...

    Not enough to stop me watching Frasier though - it's the only show which makes me laugh out loud alone.


    The Wire isn't currently showing anywhere else that I know of but the Box Sets are widely available to buy and rent. They do need to be watched in sequential order, though. It's pretty vital. The series as a whole is the closest I've seen telly come to the structure of a novel.


    Bugger again - that means I have to make the effort to buy the box sets now - there arent enough chuffing hours in the day...


    Will have to look out for Japanese whiskies here -although i wont hold my breath - I drink Highland Park when I do drink whisky - which is nice.

  11. Also - if you're not grabbed immediately, stick with it. The first few episodes are a pretty slow-burn, but it's enormously worth it.


    That could be worrying for someone who watches Neighbours with the attention span of a gnat - but at least I know what to expect.


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