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Posts posted by birdchild

  1. no matter how retarded a movie has been, gary oldman has always done nothing but be absolutly fantastic. this movie is going to by god sweet as hell. too bad so many other comic book movies get an anal rapping...fantastic 4 anyone? i dont even like the comic but i can tell its going to be pure shit

  2. David Goyer is the screenwriter, u may have seen his first take at directing and also wrote the shitfeast that was blade 3.

    i think he is a good writer(for the most part) but he really sucks as directing. i believe this movie will kick ball sack and have alot of faith in chris nolan. plus christain bale looks perfect. it also has one of my fav actors in it too, gary oldman

  3. "National Treasure did (Nicholas Cage is following a trail of clues to find a treasure hidden by America's Founding Fathers"


    and people thought i was retarded b/c i thought it sounded and looked like shit.


    btw- i agree that the dragon breath parts sucks big time, reminded me of harry frickin' potter

  4. i dont recall seeing a rating on it.

    the trailer showed alittle of the story but seemed to focus more on the special effects of it. i thought there was too little focus on john himself. mainly just keanu talking about the deal between god and the devil & u see them they see you. they showed more of office scene where rach gets pulled out and keanu running with his holy "stupidass" shotgun. scene with him in the electric chair were papa throws water then jabs a stick into it then johns freaks out and looks up which was in the teaser but his face seemed to be messed with for some reason. scene where he slams his arms together is changed with the background going crazy. the dragon breath part was stupid, there was no chas which i think is a good thing since they have that retarded kid doing the part, him jumping in hell which i also didnt like, a window shattering and lucifer walking through it. it was okay but its just not hellblazer. you can really tell if keanu is playing him right b/c there is so little of him saying anything in the trailer.

  5. i read original sins and i loved it. i dont actually remember why i read it.

    but i loved it and when online where i found issues 1-90 comic lot for $95, poor bastard had it titled helblazer but i found it 'cause i typed in constantine...still so happy about that shit. i was surprised i didnt start reading it sooner b/c i've been a huge punisher fan for a long time now and ennis is the shit i tells ya

  6. has the apocalypse already begun??


    when shit like busted is actually on tv im just dumbfounded, my gf and i witnessed this video when she was flippin' through the channels and i was amazed and sad how people have reached a state where this is accepted


    man i would beat my kids if they listened to that shit

  7. i go every other week with my cousin(since i was 15) to the c-store but the only comics i have steadily gotten every month is punisher, ult spidey, and hellblazer.


    i try to get trades b/c its just alot cheaper but i must have those 3 in single issue, i just love the cover art and the fact of just being able to see that i have an assload of them

  8. 'well, if we are going to fuck a comic, let's do it to the end'?


    obviously said as a joke but the more i hear about the rape job they are doing on hellblazer the more this sentence seems logical


    a mature comic to a pg-13 movie?? what the fuck?!

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