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Posts posted by faith

  1. 8-) Glad to be in a place for some of the most eccentric of the eccentric. Kinda like how John says in the PS2 video game 'I had to get the hell out of hell.' That was genius at work. I don't know if anything that I may or may not waste my time writing here will availeth anything at all but what the heaven, uh, I mean hell...It was and is an excellent work of art (the movie I mean) and I would give complete permission to anyone who could provide these ideas to the Donners co. or Village Roadshow, or the WB. All that I ask is that good movies like this continue to be made. Imagine, if you will, two more installments of Constantine. Not exactly a Constantine 2 or 3. Nah, enough with the numbers. I admire how the sequel to Tomb Raider didn't have a '2' or a 'II' and just had a kind of secondary title being 'The Cradle of Life.' For example, Constantine: Dirge


    Constanine: Requiem


    Please consider that. Next, each of the next two installments could feature yet another archangel (including Gabriel played by Tilda Swinton) and as a part of Hebraic/Catholic+Christian theology, in all there would be three playing part in the trilogy being Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael. Gabriel is the angel associated with messages and the media, Raphael being associated with healing, travel, and matchmaking, and Michael is associated with law enforcement and the military. About the 3rd, I will write more, but I think it would be interesting to see a contemporary portrayal of the Book of Tobit story, where the archangel Raphael, along with John could possibly visit New York in search of someone that has something to do with a large number of deaths in the fashion industry. Along the way, they meet up with a freelance photographer that is getting extremely bizarre death threats that seem to be of a demonic origin. Raphael could then begin to recognize where the whole story is leading as he begins to recall an ancient enemy that he once fought in the deserts of Egypt being Asmodeus, or the demon of lustful wrath that he drove away from a newlywed couple by burning the liver of a specific Middle-Eastern fish. I think having a musician like Gavin Rossdale was a good choice and when it comes to the idea of lust, I think possibly Prince, the musician would play a wonderfully diabolical Asmodeus (Asmodai in Hebrew). Raphael then tells the story of how he once vanquished Asmodeus and this terrifies the photographer as he sees an eerie similarity between the past incidents with his fiance, who is a fashion model (Natalie Portman, or maybe someone else) that has had a number of previous boyfriends (or dates) die horribly violent deaths due to the hellish work of Asmodeus. Perhaps the model has an agent (Dennis Hopper, or a guy who could play someone real sleazy and untrustworthy) who has actually sold his soul to Lucifer in a bargain that would make him the top dog of the fashion world. It would good to see Gabriel appear in a cameo and possibly John contacting Angela Dodson from New York for some kind of information.

    Well....hell! This is only brainstormin' for anyone (hopefully who has worked on the comics or the movie) for some ideas. I would only hope Garth Ennis would like it. Man, if only my art lessons took me further and I could draw comics. Oh well, I can't learn that stuff unless it's hand's-on training and I happen to live in a very small rural community with no plans of moving. Good luck to anyone who wants to use these ideas. Damn, it sure would be good to get something for them. Later Hellblazer fans....speaking of fans, it's hot as hell in here. It's actually as hot as the temper of someone driving on the LA freeway. Francis' Lawrence and friends have a good sense of humor. Viva Vertigo!

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