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Posts posted by Whisper2AScream

  1. "Constantine" might have worked better in other hands. Different writers, for one thing, and a different director. (First-timer Francis Lawrence is a music-video veteran best-known for his work with Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake.) And probably a different star, too." - MTV


    RT Update

    Reviews counted: 93

    Fresh: 40  Rotten: 53

    Average Rating: 5.5/10

    Caught that one by Kurt Loder as well. My respect rating for him has shot up considerably. Maybe he's too old for MTV, but the guy makes some excellent points, as well as mentioning the comic books. (Possibly a closet fan there, eh?) Also have it on VH1. com. Here's some more from the review:


    "Unfortunately, "Constantine" is a little too muddled and way too erratically paced (especially toward the end, where it sags woefully) to command much interest. It's a fairly expensive FX movie, and while some of the effects, as noted, are cleverly worked-up, the picture seems more often to be on CGI autopilot — the snarling fiends that creep through its fiery underworld are too cartoonish to be menacing, and one particular infernal creature — a complicated mess of writhing serpents and roiling cockroaches — is too ungainly a conception to register as anything more than run-of-the-mill computer-spawn.


    This is too bad, because the original material from which the movie is drawn is rich with promise. The character of John Constantine, a hard-boiled British occult investigator who does weary battle with Satan's evil, half-human minions here on Earth, was introduced in a 1985 installment of Alan Moore's groundbreaking series of "Swamp Thing" comics. He has since made his way, in a haze of cigarette smoke and bad hangovers, through more than 200 issues of his own "Hellblazer" books. "


    And more about his different star remark: "I've always liked Keanu Reeves. He may not have a lot of range as an actor (I know, I know), but with his throaty, confiding voice and his distinctively lagged reactions, he has a very particular screen presence. In a movie like "The Matrix," he can be perfect. But he's too guilelessly appealing to carry off the cold-bastard character of John Constantine. Even when he's icily informing Angela that her recently deceased sister is probably in Hell, being "ripped apart over and over, in screaming, brutal agony," you can't help thinking, "Hey, it's Keanu — he probably doesn't mean it the way it sounds." And then you think, "Hey, there are worse torments than that." Because you're sitting through one."


    Well said, Kurt.

  2. GAAAH!!!  This thread DOES work...I can already feel the bile rising...


    OK, why L-fuckin'-A?!?  Los Angeles?  I'll never understand...


    Of ALL the American cities to base this "new" JC in, why would they pick the one major city with perhaps the LEAST history and "character?"  At LEAST drop him in a 'burg with some kind of a storied past, like New York.


    Or hell, even here in DC.  The whole place is done up like a Masonic temple...and with the Red States in power, it could a throwback to all the anti-Thatcher/anti-Conservative tones of the series when it started.


    And like Tom said, we've got great bands running all over the place.  We could have hosted the Yankee-fied JC AND supplied the film's soundtrack.


    How can I get myself in charge of this mess to fix it up?

    I second the comment about basing in NYC. There's been stories about John in NY, and it would make more sense. Hadn't thought of DC, but when you put it that way, that would have been a fucking brilliant movie if they had gone that route. Hell, I live near Philadelphia, and it's also got more history then friggin' LA.


    I've been so fucking bitter about this movie, that I cringe every time they show one of the godawful trailers on TV now. But it's been over a year, and all our bitchin's done shit-all to change it.


    Only hope now is if somebody goes independant, and does an unauthorized Hellblazer version just to piss on WB studios.

  3. Here's one that will make you break down and cry. Imagine them making a film of Jamie Delano's dapper, suit-wearing Constantine.


    Then lookee here: http://zzt.the-underdogs.org/james/bettany.jpg


    Yeah, was crying already at PaulBettany.net. Too bloody perfect. Good actor, and his work suggests he could handle the character nicely. And some of those pics might as well been lifted from the panels.


    Gilliam would have been an interesting choice. Especially if they adapted the Damnation's Flame story arc.

  4. Logo: good

    The overall look: good

    The "holy shotgun":Godawful

    The casting: (Welll, already expressed my opinion on the matter. And just saw some photos of Paul Bettany that made me weep for what could have been. He looked dead-on in some of the shots, complete with smokes even.)

    Eh, pics like this are why I love Photoshop. *laughs manically and goes to create a more appropiate poster.* :icon_evil: :wink:

  5. Don't have the skillset for the job, and DBAing pays far better than freelance web design - I just don't understand the half-arsed approach to the trailer and website that're being aimed at the biggest likely box office for the flick.


    Can vouch for that on the freelance web designing. I have a couple of customers who owe us money for jobs finished that they never bothered responding to us once the work was complete.

  6. Hey Whisper, long time no see, hope you're keeping well.


    Hey Warners, see what a little work can do to generate positive buzz ?


    Hullo John, same here. Alright, been busy with going to back to school next month to finish my degree. Hope things are alright at your end.


    Originally planned to stay far away from anything to do with that movie. Then, the new trailer came out. My friends saw it first, and one of them swore I was there in spirit, and thumping my head in the seat near them to get the horrible images out of my brain. :lol: So faced my fear, and watched it. Then stopped by here to see what everybody else thought of it.


    And the Warners are lazy, and don't really care about anything except money. Wish they put the effort into this that they appear to be doing with Batman Begins because that actually looks decent. Haven't read Batman:Year One, but a lot of it looks like what's been stated about Bruce Wayne's background.


    And again, the logo on the German site looks a lot better. They should have stuck with that for the American site. But guessing they want to ride on the Matrix's shredded coattails still, eh?

  7. Yeah, wish the American site looked like this. And was able to see their trailer. There's some shots from the US trailers, but it must be the international version since there was creepier scenes, like more scenes from an exorcism, more demons being shown, and such. Now if they had showed a trailer like that in the States, I might actually want to see the movie.

  8. Was first introduced to John Constantine via his appearance in Preludes and Nocturnes story arc in Sandman back in '96-97. Soon discovered Hellblazer, Books of Magic, Swamp Thing, and so on. Waded out for a swim, and never returned. Hence my arrival to sites like here, and reading and writing Hellblazer and other Vertigo title-related fan fiction.

  9. Delayed release dates and reshoots typically don't bode well for a movie. I think it'll make a brief spike in box office numbers, and then fade out quickly.


    Just saw the new trailer, and the opening, "Whoa, cold" made me want to puke and cringe in a corner to sob like a baby. :icon_cry: And more shots of the Holy Shotgun. :icon_mgun: ARRGGHHHH!!!


    Definitely not wasting any money on seeing it. If I happen to catch it on cable, I'll see it then. I'll stick with rereading my issues, and my Hellblazer trades.

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