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Posts posted by Suicide_king

  1. If I have a story to tell, in any medium, what the hell should I care waht other people in the medium have or have not done. They are responsible for thier work and I am responsible for mine. In the context that this took place, a horror book, by a character who is crazy as a shithouse rat, I see no issue with how it was portrayed. Sure it was over the top, sure it was difficult to watch. THIS IS A HORROR BOOK! Bad things happen to good people in these types of fiction.

  2. EVERYBODY WAS IN A FUCKING PANIC. I highly doubt anybody was going to stop and take pictures when they running for their lives.


    "Oh let me take a picture, while I try not to get trampled to death."


    I sure have seen a lot of eye witness video from the 9/11 tragedy and the LA riots and Hurricane Katrina, and the Running of the Bulls and.....

  3. I'm pretty sure the people in Spain have no idea of whats going on in America.


    Daredevil isnt an internationaly known hero. He's not Captain America or something. He's mainly just known in Hells Kitchen or the lower slums of manhatten.

    I don't buy that. The paperazzi would be all over every cape they could. Also the trial of Murdock would garner news all over the place. It would have international relevance.

  4. I had a big problem with him putting on the DD costume to do his shit there. If there is a DD running around still in NYC and a DD running around in Europe too it wouldn't take long for the FBI to put 2 and 2 together. The world is way to small a place with as many media outlets as we have, and that doesn't even take into account camcorders and cell phone cams. A cowl or other mask would have been fine.

    I agree with Kingmob about it being short-sighted for heroes to stick to one neighbourhood or even city. A smart dude like DD (or Bats) could affect things greatly on a larger scale just by doing thier street level stuff.

    Oh, and way to open a can of worms by mentioning DK2 KM. ;)

  5. All Star should be reserved for iconic characters with legendary/visionary artists. Batgirl? WTF? It should be the big three and then Flash/GL. There shouldn't even be any competition. As for writers I second Gaiman. Maybe Peter David on flash.

  6. Got the new issue today! Holy fuck was that AWESOME!

    Michonne seriously kicked ass and took names. The book is gonna go into massive action mode for the next couple of issues it seems.

  7. I am one of the people that kingmob pushed his trades on and I read up until the end of church and state. Found it got kinda boring. But I loved loved loved High Society. The best social satire I have ever read in comics and laugh out loud funny in many spots.

  8. I thought Planetary was pretty boring until I read everything that has come out. As it moved along it got more and more epic until the issue with the spaceship and evolved creatures inside practically moved me to tears and I had to set the book down and reflect for 20 minutes (granted I was heavily herbally medicated at the time).

  9. Howdy all,

    First post. My friend kingmob told me to check this place out.


    Now on to the current discussion:

    The governor is not gonna get his from a zombie (unless its the daoughter). Michonne is gonna fix him real good. I would probably say by cutting pieces of him off and feeding it to his daughter ala Kevin from Sin City.

    As for the prison being taken, It wouldn't happen unless they bring out a hostage, which is what they will probably do. You don't get in or out of a prison. Andrea and Tyreese with highpowered sniper rifles on the guard towers and they kill anyone that comes close, however, Lori and Tyreese would roll over instantly if Phillip has a gun to Rick's head.

    Glenn will easily survive much better than almost anyone in a zombie wilderness setting. Its his bread and butter. I really wanna see him double back or lure some tail into a zombie trap.

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