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Posts posted by outrider

  1. Comic shops got the book a few weeks before places like Amazon - you could try marsimport.com - Jared is a good guy.


    Thanks, I dropped them an email with a few questions. The books here cost twice the price, but that's something I'm often willing to pay to support the local comic shop. However, I sometimes their distributors seem to jerk them around a bit with availability which wastes their time, so for certain newer titles or books that I want urgently I order from overseas.


    The order arrived today: Hellblazer: All His Engines, Lucifer book 7, and Lucifer: Nirvana (they actually had a copy left). Communication was good, as were prices and shipping rates. I opted for the $9 International flat rate envelope so they triple packed it (as in three envelopes, with the two inner ones for protection of the books). It looks like it took some pretty hard knocks in the mail getting here to Western Australia, but the books are in good shape, and I'm happy. Thanks again for recommending Mars Import to me :-)






    PS- for those who may be wondering, we still don't know if we're going to have to resort to a high risk transplant in a month or two or if they doctors will be able to keep me limping along for a year or two more. It's not nice having such an indefinite future, but then again a jet could drop an engine onto me while I type this and that would be the end of all this :-)

  2. Comic shops got the book a few weeks before places like Amazon - you could try marsimport.com - Jared is a good guy.


    Thanks, I dropped them an email with a few questions. The books here cost twice the price, but that's something I'm often willing to pay to support the local comic shop. However, I sometimes their distributors seem to jerk them around a bit with availability which wastes their time, so for certain newer titles or books that I want urgently I order from overseas.

  3. Congrats Maddi!


    I've just sent an email to Amazon.com asking why they don't have this available yet. Does anyone know another online shop (that doesn't charge exhorbitant rates to ship to Australia) that has this available?


    I suspect I'll make short work of Rare Cuts and Setting Sun which have arrived from Amazon in the last week. I'll need more to consume! :-)





  4. Good luck on the marrow transplant, Outrider. Let us know how you're doing as soon as you're well enough, yeah?


    I'm hoping that over the next few weeks we'll be able to stabilise things again and I can wait another year before the transplant. It's a longshot, but the odds are better of achieving it than achieving a successful mismatch transplant. Hopefully in the time they can keep me stable some of the new stem cell technology will be available for improving my odds (transplants are now done with peripheral blood stem cells rather than actual marrow most of the time).


    Regarding Lucifer: Nirvana I'm beginning to suspect that the comic shop up in the city is chasing a ghost in trying to order it in. they had it listed on their computers, but from what you guys have just said, I doubt they really have a source for it. I'll give them a ring and find out in the next few days.




    Ari (who never can seem to fall asleep at the right times)

  5. This might not be popular John, but might you determine entries based on need and inability to obtain said books? Just a thought.


    I think the original 'draw out of a hat' idea is fairer. It's not like handicapped parking, where it really is need based :-)


    Think of it this way: what if the book were given to someone based on need and such. The person who missed out on that book from the chance draw may miss an important 'window' for an idea in their life that would eventually come to be one of the greatest vertigo series ever! that way, if it's done by chance, the person giving the book away bears no responsibility for the series of events that results in that greatest ever vertigo series never coming to pass. Hehehehe (I can really crap on, can't I?)


    In my circumstances, I'm sure I'll be able to order a copy from Amazon.com before they lock me in the isolation room (they don't really lock you in, it's more of a restricted access room...you just can't leave it). My doc has to give thirty days notice to the registry back in the USA where my partial match is before they can procede, so even if he were to decide to go ahead tomorrow (which he won't), I'll have plenty of time to get the book.

  6. Woah, what's the transplant? Good luck, and get well soon!


    Thanks mate. Bone marrow transplant.


    I've been buying the TPs of hellblazer to sort of bring me up to date. When I changed continents I stopped buying comics because they were too expensive over here. I have a couple of first issues of one of the Vertigo line sitting bagged and boarded in my parents' place on the other side of the globe. I suspect it might be Hellblazer #1. I so wish I could get my hands on all my old issues and read through them again. I've started on the TPs from Son of Man onwards over the last 6 months. I figured I can't really put it off anymore if I wanted to see how things turned out :-)


    I really like the Vertigo TPs. On nights when I'm scared shitless about what's probably going to happen to me, these books have been great. I get a few pages in and I can almost push the fear away as I read through and immerse myself in the fantasy until I can sleep. I'm waiting on a couple of Lucifer TPs, Nirvana and Exodus, to come in (one at the local comic shop, been waiting two months, and the other to be available from Amazon.com).


    Oh, and just for the record, I was at first excited upon hearing that there would be a Hellblazer movie, then horrified and depressed when I heard who would be playing John.

  7. email sent! I'm hoping to read these (I've picked up the TPs of the issues since I left the States) before the transplant (I've got DVDs to watch in hospital during the transplant, I don't think I'll be up to reading much) and Amazon.com don't have this title available to order yet!

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