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Posts posted by Nagrom

  1. This sounds good, I like it. Tales of the early con-job would b fun as well. An arrogant, bloody n winning John, gleefully breaking hearts n heads of boys n girls in a charming fashion, the character we loved being sexy n dangerous, yes plz

  2. After finishing Reaper's Gale, I went back and re-read the previous novels in reverse order. This made the subtle and somewhat confusing/wayward story threads easyier 2 grasp.


    Also Bonehunters last section (after Y'Ghatan, which is an incredible bit of writing) made more sense as a build up 2 RG.


    Still gotta say The Malazan Books of the Fallen R possibly the best fantasy I've eva read

    and I've read faaaar 2 many in my life. :icon_redface:


    I can't go back 2 the others like Jordan or suchlike. I tried going back in2 The Wheel of Time (Book 6),

    utter piffle. Sooo generic.


    I might even say I prefer MBotF 2 - gasp Tolkien :o


    Not read the Esslemont Night of Knives yet, do u recommend it Sethos? As good, or just more info/background?


    I know there's also the novella's of Erikson's MBotF characters - 'Bauchelain' and 'Korbal Broach':

    Blood Follows, The Healthy Dead and The Lees of Laughter's End, which can B bought as 1 complete collection now.

    Have any of u guys read these as well? any good?


    Anyway... bring on Toll the Hounds - which, so Ive heard, is told from 1st persons point of view all the way thru, which would B slightly odd.

  3. Im currently finishing off the Robert Evans autobiography 'The Kid Stays in the Picture',

    and Im just starting Emile Zola's 'The Masterpiece'.


    'Kid' is quite a good quickie about the faces, places and time of film in the late 20th century, it dips a little in the middle but he's such a character/egomanic it cant help but keep the interest going.


    Also while looking at books in the bookshop, I saw a few Mike Carey novels, anybody read them? Any good?

  4. nah Im afraid u need the guitar-controller 2 play it, as when u lift the guitar or move it around it affects u're points/score.


    So u have 2 imagine u're on stage playing a gig and just like Slash/Jimmy Page/etc. when u move/throw rock'n'roll shapes u get a higher score. Also the whammy-bar affects the score as well.


    Apart from those areas a normal controller would have done I think.

  5. 4 those of u with no friends in mySpace add one of these...(c sig.)


    Spiderlegs and Bedford Falls R the only 1's so far 2 join us,

    u guys saying something mmmm?... :sad:


    It can B quite a good arena 4 getting people 2 gigs, spreading the word etc. about ure music/band/whateva

    We did a few gigs and more people from mySpace turned up than peeps that we knew :D

    U can put rules on the site 2 only allow friends/comments that u want, I know a lot of kids that I teach music 2 who have mySpace sites and its purely the youngsters who R able access and use their site.

    ( I think that sentence made sense) :blink:

  6. Started playing the new Warhammer game, Mark of Chaos by Namco, on PC.

    Oh dear, looks great but they've obviously rush-released it 4 Xmas

    There is sooo many bugs. It’s only been out a few weeks and its already on patch 1.6.

    Don't bother getting it 'till it’s finished, say March '07, get Total War Medieval 2 instead. It’s much better, more like Total War Rome.


    Looks like its back 2 WoW 4 me. Lookin' 4ward 2 Burning Crusade expansion tho.

  7. Its not really in the past 12 months Pnergen, but a interesting 'artistic comic' was called 'RAW'.

    I think it started out in the late 80's 'till mid 90's and it might have been the 1st to run 'Maus' and a few other well know strips/artists.


    I'll c if i can dig out the details 4 u if it helps.


    Man, what a great subject 4 a PhD. :D

  8. how did I miss this thread!!

    dudes, Hooray!


    These books R just the most exellent fantasy Ive ever read.


    They just keep getting better and better, I can't wait 4 him 2 finish the next 1. I finished Bonehunter's earlier this year and I just love the grittyness, like Avaunt said its like its written by some1 from WWI.


    And I STILL don't know what the fuk is going on, altho I think the next 1 will draw all the threads 2gether.

    Great races and magics. Fantastic characters, depth and movement. I've re-read them over and over and I still can't get enuff.


    Tell every1 about 'em.



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