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Posts posted by yblees

  1. Hi,

    Recently, I splurged out and got a couple (or three) of Hellblazer trade paperbacks that I've been meaning to read, and felt the urgent need to discuss them.

    So i found this forum, and read like 20 pages of postings before I found this "Introduce Yourself Thread" - yes i also often read the back of the book first..


    I must say, this has not been the easiest website to navigate around but it has got to be better than the last one i looked at, where the bloke recommending TP's to a newbie had never read any of the non-collected issues.... nuf said.

  2. But replacing Chas with a teen age side kick that spells his name with a goddamn Z? That's fucking inexcusable. It's a shameless bullshit ploy to pander to the little kiddie market and that's not what Hellblazer's about.

    I was reading this and just had to have a laugh. Kiddie market indeed. Obviously the movie people missed the "Son of Man" tp. I just read it today, can you imagine one of those little kiddies watching the movie and then getting inspired to actually read some of the stories?


    Incidentally, the trade paperback did come with one of those "Constantine" promotional stickers. I removed it first thing.

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