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Posts posted by Prudence

  1. Hey Jason...


    I'm on my way to NYC as well this weekend (in fact, just about to hit the road), but unfortunately I have no floor to lend!


    If I see you, I'll be sure to wave! I'll just look for the Frog Reporter...



    Have a great visit!




  2. Yeah, J-Roc is the white trash rapper. In Who's the Microphone Assassin he is confronted with the fact that he's not black. Includes the great 'coming out' scene: "It's hard to admit it but... Mom, I'm white."

    The best thing about J-Roc is that Jonathan Torrens's career started on a CBC kids' series about fiscal responsibility (Street Cents). He then went on to have his own "tween" age variety show, aptly named Jonovision. J-Roc has been a great attempt to shake his squeeky clean image!


    For those Degrassi fans out there, he's also appeared in the current series as Shane - the guy who knocked Spike up back in the original series.

  3. Oh, and the episode of Wonder Woman (live-aciton/'70s) with Paul Williams in it. Had nightmares about that little freak for a long, long time...




    Not that that counts as a horror movie. But I've never been able to watch Phantom of the Paradise because of it!

  4. Aside from clowns, not a lot freaks me out.


    Always been a fan of Argento. Watched a lot of Büttgereit. Saw Saw.


    The Changling, however, scared the crap out of me the first time I saw it. Damn mysterious rubber balls bouncing down stairs!

  5. TomWaits is the shit. One of those artist that's constantly playing in the background of life.


    One of my favorite Waits vignettes:


    I spent a few months hanging out with one of our chefs at the artsy-fartsy coffeehouse/restaurant I ran back in Victoria in the early 90's. He and his roommate, both "Magick Users" (O.T.O. style) shared a couple of rooms in a roach-infested dive hotel. We used stumble in after work with a few bottles of Ballantine's. They'd stay up all night debating the proper approaches to creating homonucli; I would race cockroaches and muse about designing clothes from the curtains. When the sun came up, we'd head for the diner for breakfast, I'd head home for a shower and nap, then back to work again.


    Though this whole time, we only had one cassette that we listened to over and over on a crappy tape-player they'd nicked off one of their hotel neighbours: Rain Dogs



    I frequently visit this time when I find my self caught up in form-filling and red tape at work and generally feeling like an "adult." *Sigh*




    Years later, I was horrified to hear that Waits was a member at the same fitness club as a friends' dad in L.A.

  6. Hey all...


    The BF and I are heading down to NYC for a short visit (4-5 days) begining next weekend.


    We're spending a couple of days with the lads (just call me Wendy), then a couple of days for "just the two of us," rounding it all off with a visit to his folks' cottage on our return to Canada.


    At any rate, I'm looking for things of interest that wouldn't pop up in the tourist guides. Comic shops, pubs, famous murder sites....


    As a point of reference, we'll be staying on either side of Central Park (roughly around 95th St on either side, oddly enough).


    Any recommendations would be appreciated.


    Oh, and Murray's coming along as well.

  7. I had the 45 single of The Greatest American Hero's theme when I was a wee one, and apparently played it until it would play no more.

    Used to sing it while biking when I was in Grade 5 - right after I dumped my first bf for trying to kiss me...


    Yes, believe it or not, Pru was a pre-teen prude!

  8. I'm still wondering why anyone would want to make Jessica Alba invisible.


    The whole movie has been justified by this comment alone.

    Oh, you naysayer!




    Hell, I have to pledge allegiance to the Alba - my dad practically melts at the mention of her name!

    (And you don't want to see how squirelly he gets over barcode tattoos!)

  9. Kung Fu Hustle made me a Stephen Chow fan, now I have to go grab Shaolin Soccer.  The landlady and husband were my favorite in KFH.  I'm not a big martial-arts-for-the-sake-of-martial-arts film fan, I was in it for the comedy :biggrin:

    Just came back from Kung Fu Hustle (via a "short" detour at my local).

    What a fantastic movie!


    Perhaps "The Landlady" will inspire this year's Hallowe'en costume, even....


    Still, for some reason, I anticipated more musical numbers. But no real complaints!

  10. It's a little light on sordid details - just a bad run-in on UBC campus about 17 years ago...


    We were a couple of eager little skater punks (cute as buttons, to put) who asked when his next lecture would be (in a polite, traditionally Canadian manner, of course) and he responded with a charming "Get the fuck out of my way!"


    I've met more polite rock stars.

  11. I though this was the Greatest American Hero:



    I'm sure Don Cherry was selected for his leadership in fashion, not his commentary!


    And to this day, I have an urge to check Gretzky into the boards everytime I see him.


    Suzuki, btw, was an absolute asshole when I met him.

  12. I always wanted a "cone of silence."


    I remember there was a "couple" in kindergarten who used to always pretend to be Smart and 99, while the rest of us played Batman (I always took the role of Catwoman, but for some pint-sized wonder of logic, also had a coven of witches under my command). At any rate, "Smart" and "99" always played just outside of the rest of our theatrics.


    Even though I moved (again) at the end of that school year, I somehow always had the idea that they would grow up together. He would become a dentist and they would get married.

  13. No matter how many times I've read Good Omens, I don't get past even the author's page without laughing! (Much like watching Rosencranz and Guildenstern...) I've gone through numerous copies just lending it out.


    Eager for Anansi Boys.


    Also eager to check out the comicization of Neverwhere.


    Thanks for the early review!

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