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Posts posted by PreacherC

  1. There's still plently of life in the book. Just because John's fifty doesn't change the fact that what he does and who is is going to change.


    Theere are plently of different directions to take the story as long as the heart of the character is there and that's been in place since the beginning.


    Just need fresh takes. If not, we can always get Ennis to bring back Lucifer and make him younger and force him to leave out the movie. (Joke intended.)


    If not I'm joining the bunch and seeing spin-offs, either that or we can see some Year One approaches. John dabbling in magic for the first time and the consequences, forming Mucous Membrane, meeting future lovers, and doing his first con jobs.


    It worked for Batman. It can work for Hellblazer. We just don't need to restart the entire series over. It would be great for newcomers and regs alike. All the while either having the main title still running, while having this Year One title working at the same time.


    Maybe bring back Moore or Delano.

  2. That rocks! Just wish they would get around to doing that with Warner Bros/DC/Vertigo comics. Who knows maybe they will.


    They released classic John at one point.


    So it's only a matter of time until we see Hollywood John.

  3. I'm about halfway through. It keeps with the movies tone, the main voice actor has pretty much got Keanu down and thus far there has yet to be Chaz in the game. Beeman and the Preacher are there from the get-go.


    The CG Opening scene (a direct copy of the exorcism reel) is dead on.


    The gameplay is pretty rough. The controls are scattered but walking through the worlds is great.


    One of the better games I've bought. I bought at the same time as when I got THE PUNISHER, which is far superior.

  4. I flipped through the first issue after reading both DAMNATION'S FLAME and ORIGINAL SINS and kind of cringed.


    I know the writer is trying to make him less cliched, but at this point it's really too early to determine what the hell Vertigo is thinking. I've got the movie-vibe, which works to a degree since John supposedly killed him. Who am I kidding? He dropped off the Empire State building for crying out loud.


    Any way, the book has some potential but I really don't want this to screw up the regular line in some way. I feel like its what Marvel did with Spider-Man and X-Men. Let's tie-in a familiar character story arc just for the flair and see if it sells.

  5. I'd basically take him back home from where Jamie Delano left us at the beginning, keep the noir elements from Mike Carey and Azarello's runs, bring in some new characters and an old girlfriend or two.


    But the focus of my 10 issue arc would be dealing directly with the ghost of his past and figuring out what the hell has happened to them since they are constantly haunting him...just knowing there is a bigger reason and connection.


    It would be a total trip from the beginning to the end.


    John would crossover and dig up somethings that really make him what he is and how he is connected to his magic. On one hand it would be very emotional but on the other it would be very supernatural.


    The Ghost or The Suffering as I like to call them would confront him kind of like Lucky did in Azarello's run, but the effects would be higher and dark as hell, without the actual Hell, itself.

  6. Am I one of the few who actually enjoyed the film?


    Even though, it truly drew me to the actual books themselves? I mean, i truly love both verisons.


    The movie is the movie. The books are the books.


    They each stand on their own.


    And like to put forth the old cliche: We're all allowed to our own opinions.




  7. To me that portion was just a simple way to just jump to Hell in a different way. It's just something we haven't seen on screen before and I think that's what they were going for with that.


    As my opinion, I dug it.


    "No pentagrams or candles?"

    "Why do have any?"

  8. Alright, I understand this is fan fiction (something I'm notoriously known for -- did a JASON VS. MICHAEL script in the past that fans ripped me for) but some of these fans need to seriously rethink the material.


    I read THE WALTZ -- a story that isn't complete but feels like your typical Angels trying to bring Armaggedon about mixed with a few twists (probably the Devil or some demon responsible for the end). It reminds of me of your average sequel. Let's bring this character back and this one, too and what can we do with that?


    And what it is with these soft Constantine's? Just because he's giving up smoking at the end, doesn't mean that habit isn't coming back or he's not going to have new ones. He may have been saved but he's still going to be a pissed off person.

  9. I've seen it twice, re-read the half-a##ed comic book adaptation and reading John Shirley's book (which I dig). Overall, my opinion of the movie hasn't changed much.


    I loved it. True, it wasn't exactly the comics, but this is Hollywood buying a property. I've come to expect the changes and cherish them.


    It's not the comics John Constantine but it is an American Constantine that works, enough so that I want a sequel.


    As for the trouble with the details, some information on this board has truly help and much thanks to John Shirley for a breakdown.

  10. I think Hollywood has the potential to keep it dark instead of turning it into "I'm the big hero." That's just not the John Constantine character they developed on screen. Yeah, he stopped smoking but as the old saying goes or new goes: quit one addiction, gain another.


    I look for him to go to Revelations or something along those lines.

  11. Yeah, I have to agree with you all. It's bringing more attention the character.


    I'm one of those cases, I was reading PREACHER and PUNISHER before the I actually picked up HELLBLAZER. (Thank Ennis.) I stopped reading comics for a while and had no expectations for CONSTANTINE.


    I wasn't going to pay to see it originally, but caught a sneak preview and have seen it twice since.


    On my first reading of HELLBLAZER, I was really unsure but I did enjoy the film noir aspects of the character but really couldn't get hooked. Different writers, different effects.


    I saw the movie and picked up the Mike Carey ALL HIS ENGINES and ORIGINAL SINS by Jamie Delano and all I can say is I actually want to join this fanbase, just wish DC/Vertigo would produce more TPBs since I can't go into the comic shop every week like I used to.

  12. "Come into the light! I command thee! I command thee!...Alfred E. Newman?"


    Keanu "Whoa!"


    I've got the issue but have yet to read it since I've seen the movie twice I'm itching to read it. MAD is always great when it comes down to these parodies, it was the only reason I used to pick-up the books back in the day.

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