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Posts posted by Ben

  1. John's "home" pub is The Crown isn't it? Or is it the Crown and...something? I have been looking through the huge heap of comix I have to confirm the name...and failing to. Also, what part of London is it in?


    RIch--is he alive or dead? Last I knew alive. But the comics they sent me weren't quite complete. I've read scores of HB's but I'm not sure. What condition's he in now?


    Does John currently have Demon's blood? I thought he had it then lost it--but do I understand he got it back again?


    I was thinking of asking for help with contemporary Brit slang but I have a fear you guys'll think it's funny to make up things so they'd get in the novel and then you could say, "See--I got Shirley to believe there was a popular expression here that goes 'By the Purple Balls of Charles!'"


    The crown is a pub in belfast it's not John's local it's to do with Kit

    I think the northampton arms would be his local if any

    by the way just read the film book very bloody good shame the film won't be half as good I like all the little extras you put in

  2. What about Charles J. Sperling? I'm pretty sure he was American.


    You must remember him, he seemed to read all the same comics as I did and there always seemed to be at least one letter from him in the letter columns each month.



    I did say most yeah there were some americans writting in but there were mostly brits if you want to look around the Ennis issues it was more brits than americans

  3. I think with Ennis work you got passed the John which was so far up it's self ie the last two issues before Ennis took over and made John more human and easy to read to bring more people in which it needed. And any issue with is a pub craw around Dublin is not so bad and bringing people like Chas to the front not just nameless bodys made for a far more inriched tale

  4. I hope that it does bring new reader to the books so when the next one comes along it wont be a small voice in the shadows what screams no. It will be a thunderstorm .

    Anyway If warners were so worried about the fans they would have done previews over here in the UK what to do we get shafted

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