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dr slapdash

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Posts posted by dr slapdash

  1. Don't dis Morten Harket, he's still a stone cold fox. :wub: But as for Matt Goss :biggrin: Why didn't you fancy Luke as well, they're identical twins?


    I don't know...Luke always looked a bit weasley!


    I'd like to see what the Harket lookslike these days - perhaps I'll google him shortly, although, I AM at work, hehe! I'm pretending noone can see my computer screen which is a lie and I know it :tongue:

  2. see? I'm right to want to shoot them  8-)


    I hate those pointy shoes on women. just not attractive at all. but I don't tell people not to wear them. I just think they look crap instead  :biggrin:


    and I hate people who blame the "different" person for problems. argh!


    The way I see it, each to their own. If you want to wear frippery pointy lady shoes, by all means do so. On some people they look right. JUST DO NOT COMPLAIN all day/night because your feet hurt/you can't walk and make the rest of us walk at a snails pace because you're having trouble tottering along!! Nobody MADE you wear the stupid shoes!! I may sound like an old bugger here but I just don't see the point in wearing something that causes so much painh and aggravation.

    Unless you're into that sort of thing of course!! :D


    Hmm, stupid shoes (or more, people buying them, wearing them, then complaining about them) are a personal bugbear of mine. Can you tell?!

  3. Despite the fact that I loathe and despise everything she stands for, I've long held to my conviction that daytime TV Queen Trisha is secretly a right dirty bird who'd go like the clappers. I'd be curious to test this theory. I realise that this makes me Wrong, but it's true.




    My mate Jim used to have a thing about Trisha - if any of us females were late into work, he used to enquire politely if we'd been at home "flicking off to Trisha".

    What a horrible thought!

  4. I like what not to wear, although I wouldn't go on it as I wouldn't be too chuffed at those two grabbing my chesty dumplings and pinging my knickers. But I do like what Trinny wears, she has some ace trousers....


    "How do I Look" Is absoloutrley fucking awful, on the other hand. I saw an episode the other day that got me so angry, there was a gothy sort of girl on it, and OK, she looked a bit of a state, not necessarily having the legs to pull off some of the weeeeee wee skirts she was wearing, but she looked OK! And like herself! And she clearly liked the way dressed, but they made a big deal out of how she had "all these rules" about clothes, like she wouldn't wear pointy shoes. Good on her!! I don't own any pointy shoes, I don't see why I should force my feet into tortuous devices because as a girl I'm supposed to "like shoes"!! Anyway, her uncle was one of the guys who set her up, and he basically had a huge problem with her clothes and essentially blamed her clothes for every family argument they'd ever had, because she "created tension". Unllike him in his horrible jeans, supermarket trainers and regulation fleece.


    Good god almighty.

  5. How about cartoon characters?


    As a wee one I had a humungous crush on....Telemacus from Ulysses31!




    And I fancied Matt Goss, but not for long - just while I was a raging Brosettte. OOh, and Morten Harket of A-ha - bloody hell, he was the sauciest thing on Earth (when I was 12!)

  6. Did this friend of yours move to Stockholm with a Brummie bloke ? Cos I met one the other week in the pub, though he's got a strange accent Brummie / Austrailian.




    No, she's a brummie, he's from one of the home counties.


    And Red, most of the people who claim to live in London in fact live in one of the suburban nightmare towns that surround it and it woul;d take them a good couple of hours to actually get to London from their house! It's like me living in Sheffield but saying I live in Liverpool! Stupid London, grumble grumble...... :wink:

  7. Anyhoo I'm adjusting to life in America having left glorious Sheffield to work over here, dragging spouse and cat with (who are both in fact dealing better than I am!).


    A Yorkshire person !!!


    Hi there, Pooka and I are from sunny Doncaster. Ive actually worked a couple of years in Sheffield.



    Hey there, Pooka & Donnyrover. You are from the land of Jeremy Clarkson!!

    Let me tell you, Boston is no Sheffield......and I'm findly it vaguely insulting, though predictable, that no bugger here has heard of Sheffield, even though it's about the size of Boston! Here's a funny quote from one of my new workmates - "ah, british girl. So you're from London, then" (I get that aaall the time and it really fucks me off!) me - "no, I'm from Sheffield". Workmate - "ah, a country girl".


    Because there are no cities other than London in england it seems!!!


    Oh, BTW Donnyrover, one of my mates from Sheffield (well, she's originally a Brummie) moved to Stockholm about a year ago. She loves it there!

  8. Wow! From England to Boston - and there's no proper pub in Boston? Hmm, what's the problem? Is it the lack of community in your average American bar?


    well, mainly it's that I like to SIT AT A TABLE with my mates for hours on end (not perch in a line on an uncomfy bar stool staring gormlessly at the barman) WITHOUT EATING and without bloody waitress service and without having to tip waitresses and barmen and being with a load of other people getting big rounds in and not feeling faintly like the barperson thinks you're an alcoholic if you get more than three pints in a night. And I miss the rush to the bar for last orders! People here are too civilised!

    Of course, there may be something in that alcoholic thing.... :huh:

  9. Well, I'm pretending to work whilst re-joining the site! I bummed around on the forum for a while a couple of years ago but laziness and a faddy personality got the better of me and I drifted off. Now I am back, for how long though is anybodys guess. Anyhoo I'm adjusting to life in America having left glorious Sheffield to work over here, dragging spouse and cat with (who are both in fact dealing better than I am!). I've been here two months and the lack of a proper pub is driving me up the wall. And I was watching the mighty Blades on the Fox Soccer Channel the other day and when our fans started to sing the Greasy Chip Buttie song it made me cry! A bizarre and unexpected reaction. But it's OK, met some cool people who I am luring into the ways of proper drinking, and I'm currently attempting to try every single deliciously synthetic yank sweetie I can lay my hands on. Currently tooping the pile is Cherry flavour Twizzler nibs. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............

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