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Posts posted by jazzymegster

  1. I have been sleepwalking for the last four weeks or so (at least it feels like that), and finally woke up on Friday when I started a new painting (which is kind of doing my head in). Also I bought Final Fantasy XII for my PS2 and it turns out I now have to brave the wilds of Burnley in order to get me a new controller (secondhand PS2, didn't come with a DualShock2, which I didn't know at the time*).



    *You'd think it'd teach me not to buy my consoles secondhand, but it really won't.

  2. Jazzy: that may be deliberate with Shadow, as you say. I don't think Gaiman's implying that he wears a fedora and a fire opal and totes a couple of .45s, put it that way...

    (I saw him as a younger Lance Henriksen.)


    *nodnod* You're probably right.


    Lance Henriksen, eh? Interesting - I always assumed Shadow was black, but again, that may be down to the name (and evidently I have no imagination, lol)

  3. People here were talking about giving up on watching the series in the first half of the season, but by the end season 3 really kicks some ass the finale is mind-blowing.


    I thought the end of season three was a bit meh, to be honest. But I may have to watch it again now I'm in a slightly better frame of mind.

  4. I'm off to London town in a couple of weeks to celebrate a mate's birthday and then the weekend after, I'm off to convention to scare celebrities. Hurrah!


    (Also, not that I'm ignoring everyone else, congrats to Akhira (did I spell that right?) and good luck to Wolvy with his driving test...and...yeah...I'm still tired...so apologies to anyone I forgot about).

  5. I always thought Wednesday was a weedy looking guy with red hair and glasses, meself (just to add my 2 penneth), but that may be because I subconsciously twigged the reference that's being made. So I suppose Giles isn't too far off from that...


    Shadow didn't look like any particular person to me though, and oddly enough I try to imagine his facial features but I can't see them in my mind's eye (first time that's happened, and again it's probably down to the name...)


    Have you read any others by Jostein Gaarder? (I've got quite a few of them, but I haven't made my way through them all yet).

    No this is the first book of Gaarder that I'm reading, and its in german. Any other books of his, you would recommend?


    Hmm, guess it depends what you can get in German translation then, although I know his books are translated into a lot of other languages, so...I would definitely say the other two that form a kind of "trilogy" with Sophie's World - they're The Solitaire Mystery, and Maya. The Christmas Mystery is good, as well, especially read at Christmas time - although it did make me wish I had a six year old child to read it to (not necessarily my own, but you know what I mean).


    I should get and read some more of them, a couple I bought a few years back are glaring at me from my bookshelf, lol.

  7. What about stubble? I can barely grow that either mind... I need something to stop shopkeeps asking me for ID every time I buy alcohol.


    Stubble's passable. As long as you know the right end of a razor from the wrong one, lol.


    Also, hey, I still keep thinking I'm gonna get carded when I want to buy alcohol (rare occurrence, but still...). Thankfully I've only been refused both cigarettes and alcohol once (and on two concurrent days...that was an odd week. And thankfully it was a looooooooong time ago).

  8. Anyone seen the Hellblazer review in this month's SFX magazine? It's sold out in my town. If someone could scan it I'd be grateful. Ta!


    I can do it for you, if you don't mind waiting while Thursday (or unless someone can get it up quicker).

  9. I bought the first two, but never got further than the first 100 pages into the first book because it struck me as being a LotR-knock off (I understand full well that the WoT books aren't, and there were ideas in there I liked but...I dunno...in a way it made me wish I hadn't read Tolkien first, so I could enjoy (at least) the first one properly).

  10. In John's 40th birthday issue Chas mentions that he has already had his 40th birthday, so logically he's at least a day older that John, but obviously probably more.


    Aha, thank you! (Not that Jason and Christian weren't helpful). Obviously I should've paid more attention to Ennis than I did...heh.

  11. Yeah, it was the monkey in the wig one got me thinking about it, actually (god, I hate that bloody monkey. And I'm glad I don't know where Jamie Delano got the idea from...)


    OK, thanks anyway guys - it means my statement about Chas' age never being specifically mentioned still holds true. Hee. I always thought they were about the same age, anyway.

  12. Gots me another question!


    Do we know how old Chas is? I'd always assumed he was about John's age but, thinking about it, he's maybe a couple of years older - am I right or waaaaaaaaay off base?

  13. Me at the grave of Alexander Keith's wife and young son in the Old Cemetery in Halifax two summers ago.


    OK, I promise I'm not stalking (honest!), but is that Halifax, Yorkshire, or Halifax, Nova Scotia? (I've never heard of Alexander Keith, sorry, otherwise I wouldn't be asking).


    Ignore that. Next time I will read the rest of the thread before I post. Promise. (I do this all the time, sorry to be a pain in the arse...)

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