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Posts posted by Mercury727

  1. As soon as I make a little headway with my strangely-not-decreasing backlog I'll be right on that No Man's Sky let me tell you.


    So yeah, Fallout 4 took over my summer game-wise.


    Oh look a new Deus Ex is out too, fabulous.

  2. Injustice is good, suitably over the top fun. Basically an elseworlds tale with lots of neat little character touches and some pretty decent beat em up mechanics. Well worth the price of admission.

  3. Still catching up on my to-play list. Just played Borderlands 2 and now Dead Space 2. Sequels that both do what good sequels do, namely expanding upon the good aspects of the orginals whilst doing away with some of their more bothersome quirks


    Hotline Miami gets a hell yeah from me, one of the best games I've played this year. Very playable and violent but with a strange, surreal tone that adds so much to the experience.

  4. Soundtrack does linger, love the way it all goes sinister when you kill the last bad guy, as if you're waking up and realising what's gone down for the first time.


    Now playing the episodic Walking Dead game, this is great, point and click adventure as much about surviving amongst the survivors as it is about zombies.

  5. Hotline Miami, one of those rare games that exceeded my expectations, imagine a top-down 8-bit trippy, violent and weird NES game and that about sums it up. Immensely playable too and what a soundtrack.

  6. Enjoyed that myself for all its flaws and yeah there were many including the oft-mentioned scale of gratuitous destruction towards the end.


    But after those trailers I was kinda expecting some almighty destruction to occur. Although it is still an awkward jarring fit for the character seeing him standing in the middle of ground zero, in the context of a character still coming to terms with his responsibilities facing bad guys who can more than meet him on his own terms, I wasn't entirely surprised where the film went with that.


    So I found the super-powered punch-up fun but yeah the complete disregard for the fallout from said punch-up is much harder to overlook.


    Optimist in me hopes that it forms a thread towards some anti-superhero shenanigans in any potential Justice League movie, the cynic is laughing at the mere thought that DC/Snyder et al is being that thoughtful in their approach.


    But anyway the casting was great and the greatest hits approach to the origin story through flashbacks worked for me. So yeah there are misfires in terms of tone but just enough of it works to make it worthwhile for me.

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  7. Playing through the Syndicate reboot from last year and I'm finding it hard to actively dislike. Sure they turned it into a me-too first person shooter aimed at the Call of Duty crowd but they didn't do a half bad job of it.


    Sure the characters and plot are a touch flat but the general gunplay, presentation and tone is pitched just right. Shame they had to call it Syndicate really. A less hostile reaction and this game could have been the base for an improved follow-up.

  8. Read through the first trade of New 52 Justice League, they throw a bunch of characters together to fight Darkseid and... that's about it. Not bad per se but it underwhelmed me.


    Also gave Coward, the first trade of Brubaker's Criminal a whirl and that was altogether a more satisfying read. Nothing surprising for those accustomed to noir-ish yarns but executed well.

  9. Goodbye or not, thought that was a nicely (or relatively) understated use of River there, so liked that. Liked most of everything on offer there, about as barmy as new Who gets.


    Rewound and watched that final scene many times with a huge stupid grin on my face not quite believing that one of my dream casting choices is right there on screen.


    Those shout outs to classic Who too, nicely done and in a way that felt organic to the story so no complaints about gratuitous continuity wank from me.


    So this Alien Bodies worth checking out?

  10. Well that certainly was... different. Liked the slightly trippy dream sequences as I do in classic Who. Liked the rebooted original Cybermen and the more unsettling take on Cyber conversion. But on the whole its a less polished effort than Gaiman's last. Shame.


    Incidentally I did like seeing wotsisface who played Herrick in Being Human in this one, back when I watched him in that I thought he'd make a good Master.

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