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Posts posted by simon

  1. Hammer horror made a down load only film recently, called , believe ti or no 'beyond the rave'. It was quite frankly shocking!! The only connection to its past is that Ingrid Pitt is in it.


    Ill stick to the classics. Even though i would probably check out new stuff. I do have a soft spot for Hammer. There owned by Endemol now aswell.

  2. And what is the story with the TPBs missing the Jenkins run?Is it just a case of Vertigo thinking no one would be interested and they are just cutting there losses?




    Just reprint them all together in one cheap arse black and white Essentials style yokie Vertigo!


    That would do me fine!Just as long as i could get my grubby little mits on em

  3. So what with the umpteenth bloody reprint of Dangerous Habits part 1 and an Azzerelo story i think i spare my wallet.


    Back on topic do we know how well All His Engines sold will there be a chance of another original graphic novel story soon?


    And what is the story with the TPBs missing the Jenkins run?Is it just a case of Vertigo thinking no one would be interested and they are just cutting there losses?

  4. Its a shame isnt it.


    I would love to see 20/20 traded and wasabig fanofoutlaw nation.


    It does seem that Vertigo have changed there policy of late doesnt it brings us back to the whole Ellis/shoot thing doesnt it.


    In England the constantine DVD comes with a free comic which has a story by Delano called the Gangster the Magician and the Whore is it a new story or a reprint is it worth trying to get (without buying the DVD of course!)

  5. Hi Christian and Rogan thanks for the greetings :biggrin:


    Its nice to have some fellow Delano worshippers out there, he is, in my humble opinion the best writer (alongside Sir Alan Moore) for getting JC's character spot on. Ellis came close but Ellis is very good at writing bastards! :icon_2gun:


    Garth Ennis started well and Dangerous Habits is a classic but as some of u have said it did come very @cape crusader' like and a bit OTT (a bit like his punisher run IMO).


    Jenkins took the character in a different direction and one which i enjoyed, he seemed determined to do his own thing and not regurgitate ideas used before, even though the First of the fallen should of stayed well and truly DEAD.


    Careys run has improved on Azzarellos run big time, even though you can tell his time on lucifer has been a big influence (which as a Lucifer reader is no bad thing)


    Soz if my statements about Azzarello were a bit sweeping but i just didnt ge his run on HB and i dont think he ever nailed the charecter in my opinion, maybe being English i just didnt get the whole American trip story.


    Also enjoyed Grant Morrisons story would of been interesting to see him do it a bit longer.


    And as for Gaimans Hold Me... its just Fucking great.


    So yep im an unashamed Delano fan and would like to see all his issues in TPB but ive read somewhere he has had a falling out with DC/VERTIGO anyone know what this is about?

  6. Hi all me am new to this board so i thought i would add my tuppence abut the trade paperbacks.


    Loved All His Engines one of the best HB stories in my humble opinion, Ennis run i feel was very patcy but i would still like to see the gap filled between Dangerous Habits and Fear and Loathing.


    I demand that vertigo put out every single Delano story out on TPB

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