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Posts posted by sudnam

  1. I guess it just doesn't make sense to me that DC wouldn't take advantage of releasing something that there's at least some demand for, rather than making no money whatsoever off of out of print comics. But I guess DC/Vertigo hasn't always made a lot of sense in that regard, and they seem to have no qualms about starting things that they have no intention of finishing (see: one Shade trade, a seeming halt to collections of Veitch's Swamp Thing, no post-Rieber Books of Magic collections etc.). Although I never would've guessed that they'd start issuing new Sandman Mystery Theater trades at such a late date, so I guess anything's possible.

  2. we'll never ever see any kind of similar Jenkins collection.


    That's kind of a silly thing to say. I'd argue that, from a marketing standpoint, DC has more reason to collect issues written by someone who's currently working (Jenkins) than they do someone who's essentially retired at this point and never really had that expansive a comics career to begin with (Delano).


    (For the record, Delano's run is probably in my top five comics runs ever, so I definitely ain't no hater.)

  3. Family Man collects issues 23-24 and 28-33


    Wow, that's kind of sweet. For some reason, I thought they'd skip the Dick Foreman issue (32, about the possessed doggie). If they do skip it, I'd still love to see a collection of the random one-offs and fill-ins throughout the series.


    Of course, heaven forbid they just collect everything sequentially without all kinds of goofy gaps (which isn't just something affecting the old trades, since Joyride omitted the Carey fill-in).


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