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Posts posted by azrapse

  1. I like the thought of having Grant Morrison return to the title - not only is Morrison a very capable writer in his own right, as we all know, who has written a short arc of Hellblazer that is still mentioned to this day, but with the success of Seven Soldiers and We3 he is also very accessable and sellable for DC, more-so than any other time in his career. I think Hellblazer would also be the vehicle for him to again return to his post-modernism and occult roots, and to do it for an audience thirsty for it. As much as we've loved Seven Soldiers and We3, we all have to admit it is a very watered down Morrison - and I believe purposely watered down by the powers-at-be for market appeal; I'd like to see the real Morrison return, and to a title and audience suitable to his abilities.


    Now couple that with some notable market ploys to garner attention, (..and yes, probably the ploys that we most despise, but that admittedly work...), a great cover artist as some have mentioned, and away we go !!!! The diehard audience's expectations are not compromised and a new audience's expectations are fulfilled upon reading the title.


    **We don't really think it was a mistake that Conan #24 has met it's release in the wake of controversy and a new cover-artist at the same time now do we ??? More people are going to seek out the "mistakenly printed" version of it than any other Conan issue in recent history - no mistake there. That "mistake" will probably also garner more new Conan readers and buyers than in recent history as well. There is no such thing as bad publicity.


    So in summary, I'd like for Morrison's first arc on Hellblazer to involve a meeting between Constantine and a broken Jesus, a heavy dialogue regarding genocide and the world's shameful historical instances of gulag and God's lack of intervention, a nasty suicide, some graphic demonic sex scenes, alot of potentially dangeruos drinking and hallucenogenic use, a cameo from the ghost of Alec Holland himself, plain black title-less covers for the arc, at least one RRP or "convention-only" variant, and some type of official "banning" of the run by some of those Tipper Gore worshiping organizations.....


    ...seriously though, bring in Morrison....and the demonic sex stuff...and don't forget to piss somebody off.

  2. Great cover - wouldn't change a thing.


    In fact, I recall several a' tankings in which I would need to use one cig, either mine or a pal's, to light another cig. Whether the last match was history or we were to lazy and drunk to find a light, when a friend offers you a cig to light your own, it says something...


    So...a freind just offered John thier cig to light his, then to dilute the 'moment' as us men tend to do, he calls him a name or makes a snide comment - John recognizes the gesture but still has to reply to the shot, so throws the V - all in good drunk fun - seems like a perfect moment to me and and especially relevent way for two good friends to call it a night after a bender. And I'd say John and Tim have had one good bender - glad to have been able to witness it.

  3. Ahhh....the trolls all reside over at the music forums - those babies cry about everything......speaking of music: you know, our media and pre-occupations are way too sugar-coated these days and the masses have become a society with a want for more sugar - it keeps us unfocused and oblivious to reality, or least they think it does. I on the other hand, happen to prefer meat over sugar - real music, real literature, real art damn it !!! A meal I can digest and that will keep me satisfied for more than just a second - a long high - I need to read, hear, and see things that disturb me and roll my socks up and down, and that force me to ponder, to examine my world, ...to self-destruct and then resurface - to expand my mind and my self. And this seems like that sort of group - unafraid to share a night full of dark pints, a few fags, and some heavy thought-provoking conversation in some dark and dingy corner of the psyche where even the cockroaches fear to tread....we are Colin Wislon's "The 5%'ers"......heaven's lost & hellblazers at heart.


    ....besides, in all honesty, I'm really learning to enjoy the company of ass-raping' Aussie man-sandwichin' livestock-molesting' gaylandic insomnic homeless bastard zombies...pooka's gorillas. Share the love:


    Now let's all lick eyeballs.





    **PS - Spain, thanks for catching the last name - you've done your homework; much respect...EE

  4. Ok, ok...something about a topic which includes references to ass-rape, a beloved lack of sleep, a place called gayland, and an Aussie man-sandwich gives me the heebie-jeebies.


    And not in a good way, mind you.


    Bloody hell is where I am for sure.


    Demons! The lot of you!!



    ...where's that home-made Mexican mescal I stashed?

  5. Heheh ;)

    Yeah, I'm thinking a sandwich, a nice pint of Boddingtons, some internet porn on the laptop, and a stack of Hellblazers. Does life really get any better?


    - TB



    I think I'll take a day off work tomorrow to do just that....seriously.


    I am.

  6. ...a little further.


    John probably should, instead of telling them to "Fuck off", help liberate his ghosts from their own condemnation. However that would bring on another dilema:


    The creative/ depressive types, as I or some of you may be, are really defined by our torment in a sense, as is Constantine. If given the choice to free his ghosts from haunting him, would he? They've become a bastard's only company. His inner demons are integral to his character at this point, as are mine and yours.


    In all truth, life would be utterly lonely without our personal traumas, or dramas; and even if we could liberate our own ghosts, in all likelyhood we would probably have them replaced soon enough with others - the silence would be deafening right?



  7. It's been a while since I was engulfed in the Season of Mists arc, so forgive me if my interpretation is somewhat flawed.


    The idea of Hell being a state of mind that one can condemn themselves to because of guilt; I believe the key word there is 'can'. For example I don't think Hitler for instance, or a being like Hitler, would have the choice in the matter. They've been condemned to Hell not from guilt, but rather from action - which brings up a whole 'nother matter...can one be condemned to Hell as a result of thought? Could Hitler say, having never have committed the atrocities, but having the core inner belief to want to do so, without having taken the action, have been condemned as well?


    Either way, he would not have the choice as to whether or not he was condemned; the boy's condemned!!... whereas someone as you or I who has condemned ourselves to Hell because of guilt would have the choice, but maybe just not be aware of it. In that instance it would take a guide or some inner revelation to realize that we could remove ourselves from Hell. ('ala Joseph Campbell and The Hero's Adventure).


    The little abused girl as you stated, needing that guide to assist her in freeing herself from the guilt, and thus freeing herself from Hell, is a novel idea that I don't know that's been expanded anywhere before. A cool concept for something with a lot of ideas that could be expanded further.

  8. It's 5:11 AM in Colorado ...and my only company happens to be this site and the sound of the unnerving lawn sprinklers pelting a dawn I am refusing to accept - well, ...it is the weekend - or at least the corpse of it; which means I can allow myself to stay awake all night if I choose... wandering the house, playing manic depressive guitar, drawing evil faces in frumpy notebooks, watching my cat breathe, or sifting through my beloved and esoteric literary collection - which amongst other things, includes a generous phsycholgy tint, a good helping of philosophy and the paranormal, a disturbingly guilty selection of serial-killer rags, and last-but-not-least, a graphic novel-slash-comic collection I've been fond of as of late - where a few hellblazer sightings are readily found.


    Hello, my name is Edward - pleased to finally meet you all. I got tired of lurking and thought I'd better post a thought or two.


    Ennis led to Ellis, Ellis begat Milligan and Miller, who then begat the mighty Moore; Gaiman and Straczynsky played a cameo or two, then Brubaker and Azzarello threw the fourth-quarter pass. In this frenzy of reading and obsessively atttempting to compile full-runs of my faves - Preacher, Transmet, Swamp Thing, Miracle Man, Watchmen, Animal Man, Shade, Sandman, From Hell, Sin City, some Batman...only the dark stuff mind you, The Invisibles, LOEG, Sleeper, etc., etc, etc... well, the Dangerous Habits arc fell in there somewhere, but it wasn't until after reading the Ellis's Haunted arc that Hellblazer became the new bane.


    Compiled a run of #1-#182 and working on the recent stuff and misc. minis. I thoroughly loved the Delano stuff I've read, really liked Ellis's short run which left me wanting more and to see where it could have gone if he'd stayed, Carey's two GN's were nice and I'm anxious to read his entire run up to current, I'll be working on the rest of the Ennis issues shortly (I should have done that this weekend instead of surfing the web so much), I have yet to read an Azzarello issue (...way too pre-occupied with 100 Bullets right now...now what about that Counterfifth Detective arc...loved it), and after reading the interview I'm looking forward to Denise taking the reigns soon. And no, I have not seen the movie for fear of disappointment - the Sin City movie left me yawning - Marv just can not be reproduced by anyone.


    Well, you all honestly seem like a great crowd which is why I decided to finally register and drop a line...excuse any misspellings. Now I have a lot of topics to sift through so I'm not posting too obviously as the FNG - but after some sleep. Later.

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