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Max Eisenberg

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Posts posted by Max Eisenberg

  1. Courtesy of my good friend Max, I have recently seen this:


    Awww, here and I thought you enjoyed that!


    re: the world's worst wax museum - my favorite quote is regarding Hammer Horror -- "...British remakes of Universal's monster movies, only bloodier, but I can't really say since haven't seen any..."


    or re: Elvira, Mistress of the Dark:

    "...I only know Elvira through the cartoons..."

  2. Oh dear: misogyny, homophobia AND violence.


    How very american of you.

    That's an interesting wrinkle, putting down a prejudiced remark with one that's just as prejudiced.



    Well, no, it is not.

    Since all of the three I cited are intrinsic to and overlooked in the "very american" use of the term bitchslap in that context. Do you see ? It is the term "bitchslap" that I was referring to as american - and misogynistic, and homophobic (in this context), and violent.


    Also, my three prejudices outweigh the american one.


    Personally, I love the term 'bitch slap'.


    'Pimp hand' is way up there for me as well.

  3. A slightly odd choice Resurection man no. 8, reason is Ive got number 9 and it part of a very funny crossover with Tommy Monaghan and Nat of Hitman. Genius second half and Ive always been annoyed i couldn't find the first part.


    Pretty sure I have that someplace... I'll see if I can't dig it up. Send me a PM so I don't forget.

  4. Damn it! I knew this day was coming! Been dreading it since issue #12. It's been Vertigo's lowest (of the low sellers) since issue #2, I do believe....

    Every month, I'd check the Vertigo Previews section and look for that FINAL ISSUE mark next to "Human Target", glad to not see it.

    It was one of Vertigo's Top Three Books, for my money.

    I just knew it was too good of a book to be true!


    Milligan's run on "X-Men" looks fun enough, but he won't be able to do what he was doing in "X-Statix" or what he was doing in "Human Target" on "X-Men".


    Not sure I'd give it quite tyhat praise... it was spotty... but yeah, it was better than most of the garbage printed. Sorry to see it go. One of the few books these days with one-off issues (as opposed to an eternal PART 3 OF SEVEN), kind of a novelty that made me realize how much I missed single-issue stories...

  5. I heard his Captain America was also pretty good, and so was his "Team #1" with Spider-man an Wolverine.


    I personally enjoy The Walking Dead, and Am infact thinking about getting a Poster of one of the issues.


    His Cap blew monkeys, but we forgive him because WALKING DEAD is irresistible.

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