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Posts posted by Alseid

  1. On the upside, maybe this'll bring a few new/old people back to the boards.


    You called?


    Jesus, this thing... I'm torn. It's really sad to see Hellblazer go, but it also seems like it's a good time to end it, it hasn't been properly good in a long time.


    As for the Constantine title... I've liked JLD's John so far, but as a side-dish. I've enjoyed it safe in the knowledge that the real John was the other one. But now? I don't know, man, I don't know.


    And yeah, it's totally gonna get cancelled by issue 10 or so.

  2. Thanks everyone. Yeah, we're all fine here, losses amounted to a few cracks on a wall, one broken glass, sleep deprivation and general paranoia.

    However, a lot of people weren't so lucky, I live in the capital city, and further south, there were cities pretty much leveled, and then flooded. The death count is hitting the 300's, most, again, in the south.


    If I recall correctly, Hildegard (if you remember her) was from the south, so it's a bit worrying, but I don't suppose any of us is still in contact with her, anyway, to try to find out how she's doing.



    Oh, my goodness. I wish I had been there, that is amazing, what a blast it would have been to take little family members to see!. One of my Nephews drops into a trance the moment he sees a crane or a digger, that would have been the greatest event in his life if he could have seen it.


    Oh, we just had that show last weekend in Santiago, Chile!


    The whole country went bananas with it. My and the missus tried to go see it, but the sea of people was impenetrable. Still, extensive tv coverage allowed us to enjoy nevertheless. Beautiful stuff.

  4. I'm not sure the chaps at Z-Cult appreciate their private trackers being divulged.


    At any rate, I recommend using this:


    if the issue you look for is in any pack, it'll find the torrent for it. If it's not, try again the next day or so.


    Or, check here (you need to register). They're not torrents, but hey.




    That's just the Hellblazer thread. They've got sections for all publishers and imprints, and threads for most series. Also a section with the latest scans divided in weekly threads.

    I posted this the other day, but nobody seemed to notice.


    Hope it helps.

  5. Yeah, but some smokers are dope-fiend, they cant stop.

    Theres a dirrence between smoking because you like to sometime and being dependent on it.


    I don't like to use particular (and personal) examples to illustrate a behaviours in general, because every person is different, but...

    See, my grandfather. He smoked non stop for 50 years, since he was 15 or so. Eventually, it caused him a brain stroke. Thankfully no he survived and recovered, and to this day, no traces of cancer have ever shown up. But the thing is, as soon as he was concious and coherent, the doctor told him that if he smoked one more cigarrete, he was dead.


    He hasn't touched another since then. Hell, he gets annoyed whenever he smells the slightest bit of smoke, and actively pissed when he sees someone smoking. He bloody swears at them.


    Anyway, the point is, here's someone who smoked for most of his life, from youth to adult age, who could go through a full box daily, but when faced with giving up his vice or dying, he chose to live.

    I'm most certain it wasn't easy, but he did. And I can't believe other people can't do the same.


    I also hate to get preachy, but this is a kind of critical issue in my family, so...Sorry about that.

    But my point still stands.

  6. Or, with all the Infinite Crisis stuff they are doing now, claiming every continuity mistake and stupid retcon is a temporal anomaly, they could just throw in a panel or two to say that somehow, at some point, certain aspects of the universe started to diverge and ended up splitting into two universes that were still close enough to bump into each other whenever necessary...


    Or something.

  7. IM on both sides here.

    Non-smokers are complaining that its unfair that smokers can smoke everywhere to damage the health of passive smokers, what is even more unhealthy than smoking normally because the smoke is unfiltered.

    Totally right.

    But isnt it unfair that now smokers cant smoke anywhere and have to smoke at home what let them die even more rapidly because the chance of cancer increases with 600% because every textile soaks this poison in?

    Or, they can stop smoking.

    If they know smoking at home exclusively will make them die sooner, and assuming they don't want to die, and they can't legaly smoke anywhere else, the solution is very bloody obvious.

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