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King Mob

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Posts posted by King Mob

  1. I remember there being much talk of the giant super-hero cock in the letters pages of Powers. It's not fully exposed, but when you see Olympia lying dead in his bed...well, Bendis says look down, and you'll see the beast beneath the sheets in all its glory.



  2. Right then, let's see.


    At the minute the list looks like:


    Superman (sticking around after Azz and Lee jump ship as I'm sure Mark Verheiden is coming on board. One of the best writers on Smallville that guy).


    The Walking Dead.




    100 Bullets.


    Lore (by Mr. and Mrs. Ash Wood)




    And anything Grant Morrison does automatically goes onto the list.


    My nearest comic store is a £7 train ride away, so of late I've been sticking with trades where I can. Seriously thinking about picking up the first three Fables trades at the minute.

  3. I'll agree with that. Oeming's work on Powers is great, but somehow it doesn't work for me when he's drawing overly adult stuff. The sex scenes and the giant super hero cock from one of the earlier arcs threw me a bit. And then there were all the exploding bodies later on :huh:

  4. The 'All Dead' cliffhanger was fantastic. Beautifully done. And I really did not see Carl's shooting coming at all. I was quite honestly open mouthed when I was reading it on the train home.


    Finished the trade now though, and they've just discovered the clink :biggrin: yum!

  5. EEEP!


    Sorry if I gave anyone spoiler willies!


    Been looking at Tony Moore's covers over on his website and fell in love with that one immediately (they all seem pretty vague. Bit of zombie here. Some fella's hand there). Don't think it gives too much away, other than there being a new character to look forward to in the next few months.


    Incidentally, I'm only up to issue six myself, so another hand up here for keeping major spoilers on the hush hush.

  6. I've only read from issue 4 to 9, but what I did read I loved.


    Ashley Wood's art was great , and Joe Casey's writing was better on this than anything of his I'd read before. The last issue alone was priceless, with Casey and Wood popping up themselves and giving Kaf the bad news.


    The Constitution of the United States of America was one of the best characters in recent comics :D 'You wouldn't last five minutes in the jungle baby'.


    Or summat like that.


    Shame it had to die though.


    (and was that Peppermint Patty and Marcy from Charlie Brown at the party in issue 4?????)

  7. We stuck to classics such as 'Spacka' and 'Joey' at my school.


    I do remember a lad with the sniffles who used to get called 'Bogey Benson' all the time. And then there was 'Poo Poo Riley' and 'Cripple-handed Carl' who were collectively known as the 'Pet Shop Boys'.


    I'm sure anyone who knows about that Richard Gere rumour won't need to ask about that one.



  8. Yup...another one who's just bought the first trade over 'ere!!!


    Fucking great stuff!


    Anyone know how many issues it's likely to run for? (assuming there's an answer out there of course).


    Roll on Vol. 2 :cool:

  9. The poster does look pretty good, but the last I heard the brothers were only thinking of approaching this as the next movie they had any involvement in. Can't believe they've come this far already!.


    The worse news of all though? Joel 'Big Bang' Silver is apparently producing.




    Why? Why Lord, why??????

  10. 'Lo folks,


    Looking for the first three issues of Joe Casey and Ashley Wood's short lived Automatic Kafka series from Wildstorm.


    Will be more than happy to pay/trade for them.


    If anyone can help me out here please PM me or something.


    :happy: Cheers all.





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