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Posts posted by sethos

  1. actually, either I fell asleep for part of the movie or I really didn't see any part of the flick that was shot in China. Also, aside from some generic baddies in the end fight, I don't think I spotted any asian actors.

  2. looks damn fine. Yeah, Alan Taylor looks like he's bringing his Game of Thrones medieval director kung-fu to this flick. Really like the design of Malekith too!


    weird that the trailer wasn't in front of Iron Man 3 when I saw it tonight (instead we got an old Man of Steel trailer, Star Trek Into Darkness and a terrific 3D trailer for The Great Gatsby, which I'm very curious about).

  3. It's pretty good! my favourite Marvel film after The Avengers. Shane Black knows how to use Robert Downey Jr. very well indeed. Actually the whole film is very Shane Black, with it set around Christmas, very funny dialogue, great action and a great twist which I didn't see coming until ten seconds before it happened (don't click unless you've actually seen the flick!):



    totally didn't see the Mandarin being actor coming. Also, just as I was getting a bad taste in my mouth from Pepper being the damsel in distress once again, they switched it around (first by semi killing her off, which I did buy for a second or two, then for her to totally save Tony from Killian with her new Extremis powers AND the Iron Man armour).


    Also, totally dug the cameo in the after the credits scene. was kind of expecting it to lead into Thor 2 or Avengers 2 but it was a very nice character beat which continued one of the best bits of chemistry from the Avengers.


    • Upvote 1
  4. What about Vikings? The opening titles sequence is that Fever Ray song, their big song that's on Breaking Bad, too. I accidentally caught ep 7 and liked it so I'm "on demanding" the previous 6 and watching them currently.


    Love Vikings. the titles are fantastic (love that Fever Ray song and that shot of the longships above the floating bodies), and I think the guy who plays Ragnar is great, as are Lagertha and Floki. wasn't a big fan of Gabriel Byrne's stock baddie though. it's not totally accurate (especially not in the timeline), but I really like it.

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  5. Faith Erin Hicks proposed a very cool theory which unfortunately can't be real: what if Cumberbatch isn't Khan/remix of Khan but instead the alt-universe version of Jean-Luc Picard? Have to say Cumberbatch is very close when it comes to voice, but Picard isn't born until Kirk is about 90, I think. would definitely be a nice idea.

  6. Goodbye Homeland, hello 24.



    I can only wish that it was as much fun as 24 was, even at its worst. What is it with Showtime starting off strongly with interesting new shows and then having them jump the shark in the most spectacular way possible over the course of less than one season. This trend has been followed through with every single Showtime series I ever liked at first. With the sole exception of the tragically cut short Brotherhood.


    I didnt hate Homeland's season finale quite as much as you guys, but yeah, way weaker than the first season. I understand they had a huge logistical problem with Claire Danes being pregnant, apparently, which meant they had to write her out of a whole bunch of stuff.


    Dexter was pretty crappy. the season started off great, but why the fuck did they kill off Ray Stevenson so early? it was all very sloppy, no big arc (with yet another one-season woman in Dexter's life), and a pretty lame climax which looked to me like the writers/showrunners desperately spinning their wheels in order to maybe extend the show with another season (Showtime wants two more seasons, the cast and crew are only signed for one more).


    Boardwalk Empire did stick the landing though, terrific finale. quite a massacre.


    Treme was excellent too, sad they're only getting a few more episodes to finish up the storyline (I'm guessing they will now only hint at the Deepwater Horizon disaster now, instead of it being the focus of a full length fourth season).


    Girls and Justified start new seasons in the coming week, hurrah!

  7. really want to get Far Cry 3, as soon as I know the PS3 version hasn't been totally borked. getting great reviews, and I loved Far Cry 2 (except for some big problems, all of which seem to have been solved in this one).


    If its any help man i have the ps3 version and have had literally no issues (im a few hours in) Very enjoyable game.


    Thanks for that. currently debating on what to buy as a new home computer, iMac or PC, so I'll wait a while, might end up getting it on pc if I go down that road.

  8. really enjoyed The Hobbit. too long, yes, and I hated all the Radagast scenes, but I was pleasantly surprised. Also a surprise: I actually enjoyed the 48fps 3D version! I normally hate 3D, and while this was more a case of not minding it (the same as with Prometheus, the one part of the flick I didn't actively hate, it seems), but the 48fps really worked for me. the start of the film was pretty jarring with some weird sped-up movement, but after that it was really great how much extra detail you got, especially in the final 40-50 minutes, with the goblins, Gollum et al. I saw the 2D version a week or so later, and was surprised by how soft and blurry it looked (they digitally fiddled with it to bring it down to the normal 24fps, with added motion blur and so on). Maybe it was down to the cinema, but it looked really weird.


    Also saw Beasts of the Southern Wild, which was ok. was expecting a whole lot more, based on the highly positive reviews. the girl who played the lead was excellent, but the story was meandering and the whole romanticising of poverty annoyed me quite a bit. I didn't hate it (like I said, the acting, especially by the girl, was terrific as was the soundtrack), but it was nothing special in my opinion.

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  9. really want to get Far Cry 3, as soon as I know the PS3 version hasn't been totally borked. getting great reviews, and I loved Far Cry 2 (except for some big problems, all of which seem to have been solved in this one).

  10. Thought the latest Dexter was rubbish and the introduction of a new antagonist at this late stage in the season does nothing for me uuunnnnnllllleeeeesssss it turns out to be Doakes in a special suit - but we all know it's going to be the 'quirky' arson investigator guy.


    On the subject of unlikely returns, only just got around to watching last week's Sons Of Anarchy and couldn't help but get the feeling that the new beardy guy (one of the chaps from Terriers) might just be John Teller - if that proves to be the case, well there aren't enough sharks in the world now - are there ?


    nope, but I do find it hilarious that beardy guy is actually (spoiler for this week's episode) [ Spoiler : the brother of the actress playing the nurse Otto killed! and a retired US Marshall. if only we'd get a crossover with a certain Kentucky based US Marshall, but then the Sons would all be dead. ]


    I'm really loving Boardwalk this season (well, I loved season 2 as well). CAPONE! They'd better not kill of Richard Harrow next week though. afraid he's going out in a hail of bullets :(


    Dexter was weak, yeah. don't understand why they killed off Sirko like that, after building him up so much (and so well). I have no idea what they are going to do these last three episodes, but I really do hope it'll end with Dexter exposed and on the run, with a manhunt final season. but the way the story is going, we'll probaly end up with hot killer lady dead and Deb and Dexter having sex or something :(

  11. He's a goner on Dexter, I predict. With this being the last season, heads are going to roll, and I think Quinn's is one of them, especially after last night. But how the hell did Isac get a fucking cell phone in the prison? And he's using it outside in front of everybody like it ain't no thang. And also, I'm pretty sure when someone is about to shank you, they don't sit down and engage you in conversation and tell you they are about to shank you so you'll be able to defend yourself and make your assailant look like a bitch. That was SO lame.


    He didn't have a shank, he grabbed the cell phone from the guy, I think. Also, it's not the last season, that's the next one. but you can clearly see them working towards Dexter doing something horrible to one of the cops (Quinn most likely, but maybe LaGuerta if she gets too close to the Bay Harbor Butcher), which I guess will lead to Deb deciding to put down her brother. I'm really, really hoping for a balls to the wall manhunt next season.


    Also, nice mention of Lumen this week. I wonder if they'll get her back this season or the next for a cameo. I'd like that, as I thought Julia Stiles was kind of awesome in the role.

  12. huh... ok. consider me interested


    Rumour has Guillermo Del Toro direct a Vertigo team up flick


    According to Latino Review, Guillermo del Toro is in talks with Warner Bros to create his own version of that team up, called Heaven Sent. The movie would include the characters Swamp Thing, Constantine, Deadman, The Spectre, Zatanna and Zatarra, The Phantom Stranger, Sargon and Etrigan The Demon - essentially the line-up of [swamp Thing] #50.


    Yeah, I've a lot of time for him, felt like he should've gone on to much bigger things after his performances as Titus Pullo but it never seemed to happen for him. First two names on my Dream Squaddy Movie cast list would be Stevenson and Sean Pertwee!


    I fear for Angel after Stevenson's story about the fat little man.


    Sons Of Anarchy is getting darker by the scene, found it funny how no-one seemed to [ Spoiler : give a shit about Chibs after he was dragged off ]!


    I'm guessing Juice is dead meat by the end of the season. I'm also expecting Clay to totally fuck over Jax with something in those birth/marriage records. wouldn't be surprised if Clay is back in charge by the end of the season and Jax is thrown out. That, or that the club splits. Bobby, Tig, Chibs with Jax; Juice, Happy and whoever else is left with Clay. My main problem is that Clay should have been dead by the end of last season, and that with Bobby and Chibs knowing Clay is behind the Nomad attacks, he definitely should be dead by the end of this one. I still watch the show, but after Opie's death (and last season's copout ending) I'm more watching for the trainwreck it has become. all those shit scenes with Gemma have to stop though, jesus christ, those are awful.


    but hey, Dexter is plenty good! I think Quinn is going to die this season. I have no doubt he's going to something stupid for money/the stripper.. like get Isaac out of jail. Quinn might find out Dexter killed Viktor from Isaac or his flunky, which means he's definitely dead meat. I'm really curious how far they are going to go this season with who finds out about Dexter's serial killing. Next season is the final one, I'm hoping that'll be one gigantic manhunt for Dexter.

  14. The axing of Louis(Lewis) was a bit too neat, as much as I found him annoying it seems odd that Dexter never had to deal with that

    A friend of mine was speculating that Dexter might get done for Louis' murder, I didn't notice but he was saying that there was some blood from the gunshot left on the boat.


    I thought so too, but I guess we were wrong. Ray Stevenson is pretty fantastic as Isaac, isn't he? shades of his Punisher performance in that bar scene, damn.

  15. and , I have to say that while I enjoyed the film quite a bit (though I thought it could have done with a lot more black humour), it probably didn't help that it had the same basic plot as The Raid, a much, much better film.

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