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Posts posted by Kris

  1. Frightfest 2004


    Oldboy was fun.

    Apparently arbitrary street kidnapping turns out to be about revenge, but why ? And when our man gets out (after fifteen years) of what appears to be a warehouse where gangsters hold kidnapped people until ransoms are paid or the joke is over.


    He then has to find out why he was victimised (in fact first he has to find where he was). When he does, there is a great fight scene in a corridor - consider the two man fight scene in They Live, but make it thirty to one ! The motive of his tormentor is revealed shortly before the FULL REVENGE PLOT is revealed, and he's not happy (cue the one scene I could have done without, where he begs and grovels and barks like a dog).


    Had this film on DVD for about a year and a bit now, excellent movie, my favourite scene was the tracking shot you speak of above of the fella laying waste to basically anyone who moves with a clawhammer.


    My favourite film was CODE 46.

    Tim Robbins and Sam Morton in a future where incestuous relationships are made more likely by cloning, but are still illegal (yes, that bit was easy to guess thanks to the introductory text on the screen !)

    Reminded me of Until The End of the World or possibly Blade Runner (same author of course)


    The thing i couldn't understand about Code 46 was everyone answering or greeting one another with Spanish phrases in a place like Shanghai. Its a decent film though, did Phillip K. Dick write a book that Code 46 was based on?, i don't remember seeing that in the opening or closing credits.


    And an extra film that turned out to be my favourite and the scariest film we saw.


    A british film starring Franka Potente as a socialite who gets terrorised for wanting to sleep with George Clooney. Well, not as such, but indirectly.


    She ends up locked in the London Underground at night.

    And SOMETHING from the old Charing Cross hospital is down there with her (and a few other characters).


    Genuinely scary and well told.

    Some gruesome scenes once things become clearer (ie after the first time you see the assailant). And perhaps you'll avoid the tube for a while !


    This film reminds me of an old Donald Pleasance horror called Death Line.

  2. Wow Kris, that's a scary resemblance you got to our Senor Constantino there.


    But rather handsome you are, s'well. Cheers!  :biggrin:


    Unlike him, i don't smoke Silk Cut, i don't think its physically or lymphatically possible to actually smoke Silk Cut, you feel like you have to suck on the filter for about a minute to actually get any smoke out of those fucking cigarettes.

  3. Im getting pretty pissed off with this !  Why is it that gay men think Im gay when Im not ?!  Pooka can vouch for me on this point.  Im totally straight, always have been, but for some reason I seem to attract gay men.


    I have totally nothing against homosexuals, but Im just getting a bit pissed off with the advances Im getting at the moment.


    Is it the way I walk, is it the way I talk ??!!


    Just been in a pretty difficult situation, was talking to a couple of guys in a pub, everything was fine then after a while one of them started getting a bit, you know,... kinda pushy... wanting me to go with him etc... in the end had to threaten him with phoning the police !!  Is this a normal experience for females with male advances ?  If so I feel really sorry for you on behalf of the male sex...


    I could never be gay, its not the Barbra Streisand or Judy Garland records, the over-use of moisturising cream, the wonder of shoes or the need to give myself a pseudo-trendy mullet hairstyle but the whole thing just seems to be too much of a pain in the arse.

  4. I had the Constantine Collection with the Gaiman story, the movie adaptation and Issue #1; and Rare Cuts both in my hands ready to purchase. I left with only Rare Cuts. I thought I could buy the adaptation if it were thrown into a larger volume, but in the end, I couldn't stomach it. I made the correct choice, time will tell.


    I just bought them both for the sake of having them in my collection, i think its funny though that they're slapping stickers on the front of the Hellblazer TPBs saying "the comic that inspired the forthcoming motion picture Constantine" or something when there is little or no resemblance at all to the comics


    You should read the Constantine discussions on the IMDB, we fanboys are getting accused of all sorts on there, the amount of abuse and hatred i have had so far for saying Keanu Reeves is so wooden he could make an Ikea flatpak look animated has been nothing short of entertaining, i think most of the folks on there don't even know what Hellblazer is to be honest.


    At least they won't fuck up the Sin City film though 8-)

  5. you would make a convincing John Constantine :D :D Lookin good! :D


    Hehe well the cigarette wasn't intentional, i do smoke like a bastard at times especially when i am on the computer and the shirt was what i was wearing at work today


    I have been likened to people before, when i dyed my hair black my uni mates thought i looked like Christian Slater and another mate of mine thinks i look like Tim Roth(i don't think my nose is that big though) so i guess Constantine is something i would take as a compliment

  6. Well then, as a long time Hellblazer reader (& after reading that piece of garbage) I'm not quite sure if I should be laughing my ass off at the incompetence of the whole plotline or if I should be gunning for those responsible.


    I don't know about you mate but the some of the plotline seemed to have been ripped off from that Schwarzenegger movie End Of Days, as soon as Rachel Weisz's character got nabbed by the demon fella it seemed to be retreading that same ground as End Of Days, and didn't the Devil seem like a much nicer geezer than the First Of The Fallen?

  7. YOU CAN'T CON GOD!! Its like trying to con Batman. Its literally impossible to con God sense he is all knowing. Another thing is John Constanint in Hellblazer Doesnt give a toss weather he goes to Heaven or Hell, and He wants out of both their plans, and wants them to leave him alone.  Nor does he want Redeemption. All he wants is to smoke a fag, and be left alone.


    I dont like how he got got the Holy enchanted weapons just to Thwart the minoins of hell. When infact he could simply just outsmart then and con them into going back into to hell and leaving him an everybody alone.


    From what i saw. Keanu-stine. Isnt very intellegent. He didnt Con god, Didnt con the devil, and had to resort to getting holy enchanted weapons to defeat everybody..


    I thought the pay-off lines like "thats holy water and THIS IS A HOLY SHOTGUN!" was just really dumb, if the film was anything like the comics, John Constantine would've taken one look at that holy shotgun and sold it down the pawnbrokers to buy himself a couple hundred Silk Cut and about fifty pints of Guinness down the pub

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