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Posts posted by Keeyah

  1. If I had had questions like this at school I may have tried a lot harder!


    And not to take away your profound analysis of the Dark Knight, Christian but maybe they are climbing up the rope to avoid being seen in a really tall building.

    Or they may be getting ready to swing to something that we cannot see.


    Plus I feel the need to point out that Robin's mask is wrong.

  2. I'm not getting one of my cousin's baby bunnies because it would work out waaayyy to expensive. £42 to have Bo done, £65 for a female rabbit to be neutered and she would need vaccinations on top of that, another £30!!!


    I'm going to the RSPCA to get a rescue bunny which will already have been neutered and vaccinated.

  3. You think that sucks. Go read Nightwing right now. Seriously Bruce Jones is a fucking moron. Jason Todd sounds like he cae back from Alabama and the art is just a pile of monkey shit.


    He's turned Jason Todd into a moron. He's suposed to be a psychotic killer, not a former residence from Dilverence Alabama!!!


    Nightwing is really, really bad at the moment. Actually, I can barely remember when Nightwing was good. Why is Dick a model? Why is Jason wearing a suit? Why is the art so bad?

  4. I was kidding when I said Winick sucked, don't worry.

    But, I've never been impressed with anything of his that I've read, either.

    And, from what I've seen of his work on Batman, it is indeed shite.


    That man brought back Jason Todd, thats good enough for me.


    Man-bat Ninjas? Why are they Ninjas? Why is there 30 of them? Where did Man-bat come from in the first place?

  5. My cousins have gone on holiday for two weeks and my Aunt is looking after their rabbits. Minstrel, Blackjack and Reggie.


    Minstrel has just had 5 babies. They have a nice surprise when they return!


    I want one but the only way to do this is to have Bo castrated. Should I? I think he would like a rabbit friend (he follows the dog around at the moment!) but it is scary to put him through another operation.

  6. I overheard a group of woman today disscussing baby names and it suddenly occured to me that every name they were suggesting I was thinking about it as a name for a dog.


    Not that is matters because I know what I want to call my future german shepherd dogs...


    I'm odd.

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