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Posts posted by Keeyah

  1. I used to be an expert on Bon Jovi, Motley Crue and 90's wrestling. Now I can't remember much about any of it and I think thats a good thing! What was I thinking! Comic knowledge has pushed it all out of my brain.


    My knowledge consists of ferrets, dog breeds, Disney movies, Harry Potter, Hawkeye from the Avengers (who is now dead, the bastards), Friends, Colin Dann books and other random crap.


    I'm really interested in dinosaurs but I know very little.

  2. My name is Lisa Marie


    If I was a boy my parents were going to call me Michael James.


    I am 21 and I live in the South-West of England. I like various comics, music, books and films. I share my home under the rules of Lucky the dog, Jinks the cat, Gambit and Rogue the ferrets, Cabbage the catfish and Thor and Loki the giant-land snails.


    I am attracted to men who have tails, pointed ears and fangs. I do not have a boyfriend.


    Oh, I also like foxes. :)

  3. That was just Warren having a laugh.


    Be interested to hear what you make of Jack's progression as a charcter - if you compare his attitude to killing in the issue you mention to his actions in The Authority you'll notice something of a difference. 


    No-one spoil the possibly related bit from Change Or Die!


    I didn't mean for you guys to think about his dick that much! Yes Rogan that is useful.


    John, Ive noticed a hell of a change an Jack's reaction to killing someone then compared to now. Seeing him cry about knocking off that crazy president's son was weird. Does he change after he kills Rose Tattoo? Is that the bit in Change or Die you told people not to spoil? Does he start sleeping with Rose? Could I possibly ask more questions at the same time?

  4. I thought I would start this topic again. Since I found the old one pretty useful.


    I'm making my way through the Ellis Storwatch series and I was wondering about a couple of things. In Lightning Strikes, in the Jack Hawksmoor story. (I can't remember much about it and it's at home) But he meets a woman and she tells him to take of his clothes, he warns her before he does it and when she sees him naked she is repulsed. How weird could he possibly look down there? His chest is fine and I thought the only other outwardly odd thing was his feet. Anyone know anymore?

  5. Then I had to track down the link from the other side of the forums. Here hoping we dont lose people in the switch...hopefully they have good noses and we smell enough :)


    I have a good sense of smell.


    The new smilies are cute but less violent than the last lot. Not sure if that is good or bad?


    I got a bit confused about the quote thing. On the old board it automatically went to reply when you clicked quote. I waited for about 20 seconds then realised.

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