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Posts posted by Bilirubin

  1. 'lo Pru. I used to work around the corner from the Silver Snail (where I've spend a few dollars *cough*). You at the facility on King Street I take it? Have a chili paneer at Trimurti for me!


    (All hail Eris.)


    And sock monkeys rock. As a child I had one called "Boppa". The legs and tail split, and I discovered they were stuffed with hosery. I wrapped Boppa's slowly unravelling body in an Ace bandage because he was the perfect cuddle toy when I went to bed.

  2. Hello. I'm Jason, 35, originally from Michigan, but spent the past number of years in Montreal and Toronto, picking up my Canadian Citizenship on the way. (Yes, they do make you swear loyalty to the Queen.) I'm now in Los Angeles, where I teach anatomy and dismember animals of all shapes and sizes. And I study fossils.


    I'm a bit of a jack of all trades. I've done some acting, and ballet. I've taught horsemanship and was a ranked fencer. Now I am working to learn how to play mandolin.


    Was raised a fundy xian, but the theology failed my "White Queen" filter. While easing my way out of a life's programming in high school, I discovered Swamp Thing and Crowley. Swamp Thing lead to Constantine, while Crowley made me laugh. I collected Hellblazer through my first stint in college (I took the 10 year plan for my BS), but dropped collecting when I dropped Uni and started up as an enviromental activist. (They don't pay very well.) During this time I persued things occult too, but it also failed my "White Queen" filter. Fairly quickly at that, but in retrospect it was a helpful stage.


    And now that I've provided too much info and have no doubt insulted everybody, I will head off and get back to work on the paper that I should be working on right now. Did I mention I am an expert at displacement? :)

  3. Flick only cost $90 million? It will make that back in DVD sales alone's my guess.


    I will be extending its legs myself, going to see it next week, 'cuz the wife's in town (she goes to Uni elsewhere).


    Still, if we *HAD* to have JC as an American, why not Dennis Leary? We could even have used "Asshole" as the theme song :D

  4. Hello to you both, new ones. I'm the Norwegian contingent here.


    Bilirubin, if you want to catch up, the first trade collecting Mike Carey's work on HB is coming out shortly. Should be an OK jumping-on point.


    Thanks for the welcome all. I'm a member of the Canadian caucus I suppose, currently sentenced to working in LA. But I at least understand why the scene from the trailer (have not yet seen the flick) in Hell shows so many cars--the first circle is the 10-405 interchange, and the director recognized that fact. 8-)


    Its been so long I honestly can't remember where I left off--which is good because rereading through all of my books will make it fresh. I *think* (and that's a danger sign) it was shortly after JC's stint with the hippie bus tour, but will have to check later. First, a reread of American Gothic. Glad I didn't manage to sell off the collection a couple of years back.


    Help yourselves to the whiskey, as long as you don't mind it being from Islay, and neat,

    save a splash of water.

  5. Imagine my surprise to see an advert for one of my favourite characters in a movie. But, its not really him...


    Anyway, yes, hello. I am a new reader about the forum, brought in by the movie. I'm a long time Hellblazer fan who has not read the title for about 10 years now, who it seems has some catching up to do. I'll be skulking about, catching up on what I've been missing, so don't be surprised to see this stranger's name in the active member's list.


    First a whiskey tho...

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