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Posts posted by simplefan

  1. I voted for colors, because it'll be too much if our dear Hellblazer is to go permanently black and white.


    Manga has been able to do very well without colors, for the reason that it's kind of Manga comics culture and tradition to keep their art in black and white. Manga's art is very different from english comics like Hellblazer too, especially in terms of how characters are being illustrated, and I believe it's in their comics tradition to have those characters drawn with big eyes, a mini nose and all. The size of their comics is different too, and their comics always come in a smaller size. Well, that's their tradition.


    I think black and white will have different effects on different artists' style of art, as I have said in my previous post here. How they work with shadows in their art for example. It may not be that good on other artists' work, though i have to agree that it'll be something fresh to see hellblazer in black and white occasionally.

  2. Hoho chill it.


    Although the movie was not a faithfaul adaptation of the comic at all, I feel that the movie deserved praise because it was well done with a great plot. To be honest, I really enjoyed it, though I didn't like the fact that it didn't follow closely to the comics.

  3. I agree on the idea of occasional black and white issues too. But I also feel that black and white suits the work of some artists only, as the black and white colours have different effects on different artists' style of art. The black and white style has a terrific effect on Leo Manco's style of art, as seen in his impressive work on his website, but it may not have the same level of effect on other artists' work.


    Well, that's just my opinion. I'm just an amateur enthusiast in art.

  4. oh. thanks a million! (=. i needed an explanation so badly. the tradepaper back "Original Sins" kind of left the story hanging halfway. Do you have any idea what went on in issues #10-11? From the perspective of an experienced hellblazer reader, which issue or tradepaper back do you suggest that i continue chasing from Original Sins?

  5. I bought the "Original Sins" tradepaper back, and just finished reading it. However, i didn't quite understand the plan of the resurrection crusade. Can someone please explain their plan to me? What is Zed/Mary's role in giving the resurrection crusade its victory in the war? And what was john constantine's supposed to do in helping the damnation army? And what exactly did he do in the end to help Nergal?

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