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Posts posted by new_age_bastard

  1. I think this is fake .  Kyle is becoming ION agin for sure . Also several other charaters are present who are reportedly getting taken out . ( Flash , Guy Hawkman )


    Yeah i heard that too, which wouldn't impress me at all. Considering (Wally West) Flash is my favourite. Sorry if i upset anyone but i find Barry really boring too. Why are they going after my favourite characters. First Blue Beetle then Martian Manhunter and now The Flash.

    I like The infinite crisis run and all but i feel after this i won't have that much left to collect anymore.

  2. Unfortunatly he has to go, he now has no choice. This has been coming for a few months now as his party as slowly been restructuring itself to replace him. I'm not surprised he's gone anyway even without the alcoholism i didn't find him a truely effective leader for a party. Good politician and intelligent man but not neccesarily a great party leader. I feel that the party was starting to see this and in the end were trying to gently make him resign. Unfortunatly he was refusing and so in the end the forced to use the ultimate political weapon. The dark secret gun. So he made a public announcement and thats where we are now.


    Does he deserve it, yes he does. A better leader would have been prepared for it.

    Resigning now would be the best thing for his political career.

  3. I think everyone can get a little jealous.


    With me its not material things that make me jealous. I couldn't give a shit about that sort of thing.

    Its more about well my girlfriend, i don't get jealous of say her ex's or any guys chatting to her or stuff. But i'm jealous of of how logical she is and how good her memory is, where as mine is shit. So i'm a little jealous of that. Then again she can't draw for shit and i can, so it evens things up a little. Shes still ahead though. All i can do is admire.


    I used to be really jealous of lots of things when i was younger but after a while i got bored of it. It just isn't that worthwhile an activity.

  4. Yeah, vacant 'celebrities' - the point being?


    And any religious extremists - BAH! What make them so goddamn superior?


    And celebrity religious extremists - well - I have no words.


    I have lots; shits, morons, inbreds, synchophants, zenophobes, closet cases, self-rightous, arrogant, wankers, corrupt, whores. That i'll do.


    Anyone involved with the BNP.


    Hell yes these fucks are annoying and dangerous too, cause i've heard people who i thought were remotely smart. Talk about them as if their views where credible. Did you know one of their political campaigners was a Jewish woman who agreed with all there ideas. I forget her name. Anyone?

  5. Only person on my despised list that isn't a ditto- Graham Capill


    He's also the only person I hate and despise in a real, viseral way rather than in abstract.


    (Edited because Capill's NZ specific.)


    In the 90's Capill was the leader (maybe founder as well I'm not sure) of the Christian Heritage Party. You can probably guess their agenda "pro family" policies of the no sex outside marriage, no sex ed, gays and lesbians are perverts, naked statues cause the breakdown of society kind.


    Anyways he was eventually ousted from the party and looked like he was going to fade into obscurity.


    Then at the beginning of 2005 he was put on trail for unlawful sexual connection with an 8 year old. Turns out the whole time he was "New Zealand's moral watchdog" he was also sexually abusing three 5 to 11 year old girls. Truly awful detail- for one of his victims being molested is her earliest memory.


    And as despictable as all that is, what makes it worse is that, aside from in court, he has never shown any remorse. He has said he's sorry for disapointing his politcal followers but never, publically or privately, appolgised to his victims.


    He's even tried to defend his actions. While on trail he sent a email to his former friends and supporters defending his rape of a 9 year old because

    a) it wasn't rape in the "biblical sense"

    b) the girl instigated it by being affectionate

    c) she didn't fight him off so therefore it was consentual.


    That's right- if a 9 year old wants a cuddle and doesn't fight off the  large grown man trying to have sex with her, it's legit!


    Luckily one of the recipiants fowarded it to the police and they were able to submit it as evidence. Kind of demolished his in court crying repentant act and quashed his chances of early parole.

    Sounds like complete scum.


    My list (not in order of hate just in order i'm remebering this)

    1. Ian Paisley (for founding Free Presbyterianism nowhere near as free as it sounds)

    2. Mickey Rourke (what a prat, yeah sin city was good but he's still a prat)

    3. George Bush (so much so little time)

    4. Tony Blair (I'll make the time for this twisted lying two faced piece of shit)

    5. Micheal Howard (for trying to fight an election on abortion and immigration then not even having the guts to stand by his point of view when it backlashed on him)

    6. Julie Burchill (she wants to be a liberal but shes a right winger, ignorant cow)

    7. Roy "chubby" Brown (absolute stain on comedy)

    8. Freddie Starr (the same reason)

    9. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ( for proving their is nothing white only in extremist bigotry, mental note thank him then shot him)

    10. Osama Bin Laden (for giving the George Bush an excuse, i reckon he is still in the employ of the CIA(paranoid dale attack))



    Jeannie Garafola- confused yeah she can be whiny and a tad hypocritical but so can everyone. I still think she is one of the greatest women on the planet. From a horny male perspective.

  6. I've been known to sit down on really long ones like Angel station in London. Usually I just stand.


    Man that one goes on for ever, there is one in Rome that is almost as long, so after half a minute i sat my ass down. All these Italians and my girlfriend looked over at my with a combined expression of bemusement (girlfriend) and annoyance (Italians). I didn't care. I relaxed and enjoyed my four minute sitting journey. Did the same in London too though there i saw others sitting too. I still feel we should build a really tall building in Belfast and put a huge escalator from the top to the bottom in it. With like jumping off points to the sides of the escalator for the different floors. So we can all sit on it and enjoy the ride. It would be cool. With a large enough building one could have picnics on the escalator when leaving to go home.


    On thin elavators i like to brace my arms on the bannisters and lift my body up off the ground so my legs are swinging over the steps. I get weird looks from people but fuck them if they don't know how to have fun with escalators. I still have to stop myself from trying to run up the down escalator. :biggrin:

  7. Today i am celebrating "Kittenmas 2005" with my girlfriend. She is only getting back from her parents now so we decided to delay our present swapping and everything till now.


    I can't wait she will be here in an hour.


    Bow before the power of our true lord "Kitten" her will is all. :biggrin:

  8. Merry christmas my friends, just thought i would add it in.


    Really tired today still have to make christmas dinner tonight. For me and my girlfriend hope i picked up enough points from my sisters chef boyfriend on christmas day. Me and him made dinner for the family. OUronly request for this act of generosity was we get lots of beer bought for us so we can get toasted afterwards. Man it was great fun we ended up playing poker to 3 in the morning with his new poker set. My sister was hilarious she kept trying to lose by betting huge amounts of money on bad hands( well what she thought where bad hands. Turns out she palys like homer and nearly wiped us all out. Until we gave her a sheet listing the hands in winning orders. I still think she was playing us but she denies it all. In the end she decided the quickest way to end the game was to beat us all. It worked. :angry:


    Hope you all had lots of fun too. :biggrin:

  9. I don't know how any right thinking Christian could be down with the branding of Christmas these days - I mean if you believe your lord and savior was put to death on this day way back when, surely the notion of us heathens running around eating turkey and buying shit in 'his name' must irk you ?


    Put to death?


    The whole cross thing ?


    Thats easter dude.


    Dear Jesus, put it down to medication!




  10. Lou. I never would have suspected it would be Lou so perhaps he's really got me fooled this time around.


    I don't think it's Christian or the Battlin' K Brothers.


    I don't think it's either K bro.


    Nope, not me. I have a hard enough time trying to post here with my own account let alone as something else.


    I feel you're pain brother.



    Mojo: I'm pretty sure Dale is New Age Bastard's real name.


    Yes indeedy it is, now shush we know to much. :blink:

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