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Posts posted by alwayscrashing

  1. Aye, I spotted Ted there, too. I say "spotted" - I mean "assumed it was meant to be", of course.

    Seems like funerals are a good place for comic cameos - Jesse Custer's "appearance" in Top 10 springs to mind (though that's in many ways just twelve issues of cameos with a story in the background :p), but I'm sure there've been many, many more.


    You are spot on about Top Ten. Even the cast of Star Trek was in that....

  2. I wish for Neil Gaiman to be suddenly struck with an uncontrollable desire to do a monthy title for Vertigo again... and maybe a few mini-series too.


    Oh, and no pants or socks as presents. People who give underwear for christmas should be shot.

  3. Sounds like a similar experience to reading The Dreaming... Some of that was just crappy and none of it was as good as The Sandman but definately enjoyable if you don't compare them and don't expect too much from it.

  4. Issue 114. Page 20.


    I swear that is Father Ted... Looks exactly like him, and he is even a Priest. See the attachment.


    Has anyone else spotted any cameos like this in other Hellblazer issues? Apart from one character who looks remarkably like Sting of course.....

  5. LA? Oh dear... this just sounds worse and worse.


    I dunno though, if I had a higher opinion of Keanu Reeves I might think it is okay if I took it on it's own merits.


    and yes, I am really enjoying the Paul Jenkins issues, and the art by Sean Phillips too. One issue I thought was pure genius though is the one off 'comeback' by Jamie Delano after Ennis' era ended. Chas' mother and that ape in the wig....

  6. Hi...


    I've read Hellblazer issues 1-110 so far. I think. It has been excellent so far, apart from Garth Ennis' run which I was not impressed with considering what Jamie Delano has done before him. I am a Preacher fan but I just think Ennis wrecked Hellblazer with all his stereotypical irish bollocks and guiness.


    Currently looking forward to getting to Mike Carey's run. It was the experience of reading his work (Lucifer and Neverwhere) that got me into Hellblazer in the first place, even though I've yet to actually read any of his hellblazer. I just like to start at the beginning and work my way through things in order.


    Well... thats my rather late into done. I have a tendency to lurk in new places at first.


    p.s. The idea of Keanu Reeves as Constantine disturbs me greatly and I hope to go my entire life in ignorance of how bad it is.. because it has to be bad. Keanu always is. Imagining him trying to do a Liverpool accent has scarred my mind permanently.

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