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St. Finn Parish

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Posts posted by St. Finn Parish

  1. I'm probably going to cathc a lot of shit for this, given the gay cowboys eatin puddin movie he just did, but I think that Heath Ledger would make a good John. Did anyone else see The Order and think to themselves, That's fucking John Constantine?

  2. I think everyone is just giving Winick shit because he was Judd from a certain reality show on a certain Music is no longer what we care about T.V. network. I think his writing on Batman has been solid. Somehow I have a feeling that this will play heavily in the end of I.C.. There is a lot of crazy crap going on and just as the most recent post said where the hell is Wally? Where the hell is Bart for that matter? And when the hell did Barry get back, and where has he been? And is it just me or are they bringing the multiverse back in full force or not? WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY IS GOING ON HERE?!!!!!

  3. What the shite is that wanker talking about? Tim Bradstreet is the best cover artist on Hellblazer since Glen. This run is too early to call anything? I hope for the best and expect the worst. This was a good start however. She brought us into this story with some archtypical Johnny moments. Where she's going to go from there and what may yet come afterward that's going to determine where this run sits in the history. I mean not to down the man I've spent two posts praising but he and M.C. Mike, and Madman Manco didn't have a lot of competition from the creative team they followed. That being said they could have still held their own against even the greats of the Bastards previous scribes and artistes.

  4. Tim I already miss your covers. I also read Punisher so I'm at least still getting them there, but not having you doing John's surly mug every month is going to take some getting used to. It reminds me of when Fabry stopped doing covers. That was the end of a classic era for the old Bastard and so ends another classic period. In twenty years these last few years will be known as another earth shattering era in Hellblazer, if for the covers alone. Thanks for the shots bro, they were kick ass.

  5. There are those who are called to do great things be they magic or mundane. The fact of the matter is you're either a balls crazy bastard shitting all over yourself and everyone around you to get what you want, or you're kicking ass for the common good. We're not always going to get our rewards or our punishment in this life, but maybe there is something beyond the vail. As far as whether John was coming off as a hypocrite, I say bollocks to that. He was coming off as exactly what he was, the voice of reason in a room full of self centered, self endulgent wankers.

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