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Posts posted by LostSophia

  1. First off, I must say that I am also very glad that this has not turned into any kind of massive flame-war. However, although I am afraid of reviving the embers of the dispute, which would not be my intention at all, I was a bit hurt by one thing and would like to take a moment to explain myself.


    I fear you've misunderstood the nature of our complaint. It's not "gosh, our tiny minds are blown by the transgressive nature of your bold alternative sexuality", because...well, because most of us have been to university, and are well past that. It's a context thing - is that a conversation you'd really be comfortable having in front of a room full of total strangers? Because if the answer's "no, not really" - which, presuming a reasonable level of social intelligence, it should be - then it's probably not a conversation which you should be having in this thread.


    The first sentence in the above quote is indeed correct. Thing is, you have misunderstood the nature of my misunderstanding. Because your TMI post came directly after my response to Chief's post, I did not realize that you were responding to what he had written, and thought you were telling me to take it to another room and keep my consolation off the board. I realize after the fact that this is likely mostly due to my own insecurities and that it makes much more sense for your post to have been in response to his not mine. However, I was offended by your comments about 'tiny minds', 'bold alternative sexuality' and everyone having been to university. I am horrified to think that I may be perceived as such a self-impressed, more liberal than thou, stuck up nitwit. I am very sad to think that you find me so distasteful, and apologize for anything I may have done to give you that impression.


    I will admit that I too am quite free with my talk on many subjects that others may find inappropriate. I believe when I first introduced myself on this board, I warned everyone that I can be a little too blunt and open for comfort. I do agree with Spain that the censoring of particular subjects in public does seem to have culturally dependent rules, and I am insulted that you seem to find what is simply a difference to be socially unintelligent, but I am in no way trying to say that any culture's rules on this are 'better' or 'worse' than any other, and I apologize if I have also made you uncomfortable at any point. With specific relevance to your comments, I would like to say that I do not feel that I go on at any length about polyamoury, or imply that it is especially mind-blowing. I do mention it from time to time as it is a part of my life, but I really don't feel that I belabor the point, and I certainly don't mean to imply that I have somehow invented it and so it could not be old hat to other people. I don't think the people on this board are idiots. I would not stick around if I did. I do stick around because I generally tend to find most people on this board to be intelligent, interesting, hilarious, witty, knowledgeable, and kind, and that is why your opinions matter to me, and why it pains me to think any of you might think ill of me. I think of you as my friends, and I am very sorry if I have in any way shamed myself in your eyes.


  2. Yeah, I'm sorry it didn't work out, babe. That sucks. But you really were a fairly good gentleman about it all, for a rogue that is. :wink: It's not your fault that the naughty rabbit implied to Coyote that she was available for chase. Naughty, naughty rabbit! But I know you learned some things, and I think she learned a lot. You know I've always felt that if there is a point to life then it is meant to be a learning experience. Well, sometimes you have to be a supporting character in someone else's lesson. Think of it as community service. I know that doesn't help much right now, but at least it's something. Love you, Babe!

  3. Odd moment in my day:


    Right, so last time I did laundry I tried throwing in one of those fabric softener sheets. Started breaking out in hives a couple days later. Very annoying. Probably the clothes. That being said, I have been trying to wear things not included in the latest wash, that is to say things I don't usually wear as often, until I can rewash the last batch. Unfortunately the laundry room here is locked by the time I get home from work, but happily my work does not have a dress code, which is a rather long and likely boring excuse for why I was dressed as a pirate today, something I in all rights don't even need an excuse for, but dear god this sentence is getting out of hand so I'd better hurry up and find the period for the damned thing. Right. There it is. Anyway...


    I got a ride home from the Portland Police today. Lol. Silly cop pulled over and rolled down his window as I was walking home from the bus stop. He wanted to know if I was a pirate, and proceeded to tell me pirate jokes. I just find something very amusing about a 'pirate' getting a ride from a cop. Wonder if any of my neighbours noticed.


    Damn, but I told that story badly. I should go to bed.

  4. I was uncomfortably aware that I was one of the only people present without hefty kneepads on the Tuesday night meet-up this week, but I can't afford to do anything about that until I've got a new job.


    You know you could probably rig together something temporary using a couple layers of mouse pad or part of a foam mattress topper. Cut out a rectangle long enough and wide enough to cover your knee with a little room to spare. Then cut small Vs out of the middle of each long side, leaving enough between the two Vs to cover your kneecap. Then Stitch the sides of the V together on each side to make a pair of seams on each side. This will give the piece a bit of a curve. Then use an old T-shirt or any kind of somewhat stretchy fabric, cut and seam them in the same way for a top piece and again for the bottom. Stitch them together to encase the foam piece. Then cut some sturdy strips of fabric and attach them as straps. You can use buckles or D-rings or if you can't find any of that, you can just tie them on. It may look a bit silly, but it's better than running the risk of hurting your knees until you can buy proper pads.


  5. A few years back I received a pair of of cut offs done up in a Sex Pistols theme. While sitting cross legged in them a few minutes ago, the embroidery of the band name was impressed on the skin of my knee. It created a partial indentation transfer which reads "EX PIS". That has amused me.

  6. Don't remember "Bastards rule" off the top of my head, but then I haven't had the pleasure of reading all of Hellblazer as I am still chasing down untraded back issues. A quick google search unearthed some message board that lists





    as somebody's sig. Does that help at all?

  7. Currently reading Mike Carey's book Vicious Circle. So far it's not as good as the first one (The Devil You Know), but it's still a good lark. It starts out mostly re-caping what's going on for readers who may have joined the series in progress or just forgotten, but after about 60 pages or so it finds its feet and gets going.

  8. ha! yeah i heavily rely on spellcheck too, so expect mistakes.


    Yeah, I lean on spellcheck so heavily myself, it might as well be one of my legs.


    i say "writer" because anyone can say they're are writer and since i'm unpublished i figured quotations were needed. i usually write comic book scripts.


    What sort of comics? Any of them drawn? If you'd like some feedback, feel free to post them under Voices of the Forum, or not, as you like.

  9. Thanks a bunch for everybody's good wishes. My step-brother's wife is still in the hospital. They have made her comfortable, but the babies are not going to make it. It is too great a risk to her health, and now the placenta is failing. They will be inducing labor. It's very sad, but at least it looks like she will make it. What a horrible thing to go through on a day that is supposed to be about fertility.

  10. I just found out that my step-brother's wife is in the hospital. She is 6 months pregnant with fraternal twins. She has a condition that makes it difficult for her to carry to term. She miscarried their last pregnancy early on, but this one was looking good until last night. Basically, her metabolism is tanking. She's dumping proteins into her urine, uric acid is way up, blood pressure is way up, her liver isn't doing well and neither are the babies. On top of all of that, they are only a few weeks away from the babies being viable as preemies, but it's not looking like they will be able to get there. It doesn't look good. My step-brother is going nuts. I hope that at least his wife will be OK.

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