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Posts posted by goblin

  1. You might get frustrated in Honolulu for the exact opposite reasons as LA or other places in Cali…people here are so laid back and drive so slow and some people here can be SO nice that they sit at intersections and are like:


    Driver1: you go


    Driver2: no You go


    Driver3: no you were here first I insist it be you…


    Driver4: oh but I couldn’t possibly


    goblin: FUCK!!!

  2. “lava?”…I’m totally going to use that one from now on…what hand motion do you use to convey lava?


    Speaking of winter Olympic sports…what in the world are they doing in that one event with that enormous puck and those two sticks where they rub the ice in front of it and make it move…and WHY is it an event!!? I would have kept watching it but I was quickly overwhelmed by my own confusion and just a tad bit of boredom.

  3. I read the title ‘Ugly Americans?’ again and Linda Trip sprang to mind. Now If only the bitch would spring out of it.


    It's interesting that people should mention the lack of culture in America. I was just thinking that during my trips to the mainland I couldn’t help but feel an absence of culture there. It seems that if you’re from the US then you can pretty much tell what their culture is by watching television advertising. I also get the impression that so many try to emulate what they see on TV and popular culture that it’s become their actual way of being. Of course my experience is quite limited, as I’ve not stayed in any mainland state for more than a couple weeks at a time. It’s true of some people where I live too but not to that degree.

  4. No snow in Hawaii. During winter it rains a lot and everything gets really green. I consider the 60s to be freezing temperatures. I think if I saw snow I’d die.

  5. My question is: How do they find people to star in this show? Do they hold auditions? Should we be expecting to find long lines of crackheads going around blocks like they do for the Real World?


    I’ve seen documentaries on drug addicts but never a reality show. Reality shows seem more for mindless entertainment than education. I don’t find convulsing and hallucinating entertaining…unless of course I’M doing the hallucinating.

  6. Aha. I recognized everything you said except Lua. What is it?


    I suppose most people wouldn’t have heard of it. Lua is an ancient Hawaiian martial art. It’s mostly submission and killing moves derived from the take-no-prisoners attitude of ancient warfare. Lua is actually the Hawaiian word for pit or grave. Apparently, if one was to engage in these battles then a pit was prepared in advance to receive the deceased. All black belts in my school learn parts of it.

  7. goblin, what martial arts do you do? I'm into kendo but have also done kickboxing and judo.


    Well I specialize in Kodenkan Jujitsu. Quite a few of the basic throws in Judo are actually the same as Jujitsu. I’ve also tried Aikido, Muay Thai, Taekwando, and Lua. I stick with Jujitsu though and it’s my primary focus. It’s easy to weave other techniques into it.

  8. Nihon-jin desu ka, goblin?


    (Hope I spelled that right, I don't speak much myself outside of dojo Japanese.)


    I think you just asked if I speak Japanese? (at the very least I know you asked a question about Japan) If so...I don't speak much outside the dojo either. Most of my friends are Japanese though so I know a little bit...I could probably go to Japan and speak well enough to hold a conversation with a 3 year old.


    If you're asking if I am Japanese...I'm not. I'm a mix of Hawaiian, Filipino, and Chinese (from my mother), and African American and Native American (from my father). It's a wierd mix, I know, but it affords me an interesting perspective to say the least.

  9. Was a frequent poster on an X-Men site but got tired of the tamed down discussions and the intellectual glass ceiling that seems to stop at about the highschool level. Was introduced to this site by NightPunch and it seems much more my speed. But it is hard to jump in sometimes. Mostly I just read and laugh my ass off. Plus I’m still trying to catch up on my Hellblazer issues so I read you synopses.


    Middle name: Kawika


    Type of Pets: Rottwielers


    First video game you remember playing: Super Mario Bros for NES. I can command my brain to play the music in my head at will along with all the jumping sound effects. The trouble is getting it to stop.


    Crush you had in high school: aaah…Danielle…we were the best of “friends” =(


    Favorite car: Don't really have one.


    Favorite snack: Tomoe Ame rice candy…totally addicting. I swear there's crack in it.


    Favorite European City or Place: Zaragoza, Spain…not exactly my favorite city but it’s where I was born (air force brat).

  10. Picked up an Anne Rice novel called ‘Blackwood Farm’ and was introduced to a mischievous specter called goblin who tormented a vampire named Quinn but was simultaneously his best friend since childhood and identical twin. Turned out to be the spirit of the vampire’s stillborn twin brother. The thing that intrigued me was that Quinn called the spirit goblin before he had ever heard the word. I just thought the whole concept was cryptic and cool and thought I'd use the name.

  11. “A person is reasonable…people are idiots.”


    an inexact quote from a movie I saw a long time ago that I can barely remember. No matter how you judge a culture or group, if you take an individual away from the group consciousness and sit with them, you’ll find a universe unto itself.

  12. My dad is black and raised in the Deep South during the 50s. Old School. Disciplining method of choice: Whipping with an extension cord. I used to get that for things like not doing my homework. Hence, I am now an uber-nerd (but not enough of one to know if I’m spelling “uber” correctly). Sure I deserved to be disciplined for laziness but not in a reenactment of a scene from ‘Roots.’


    I definitely think that physical violence should be reserved for the most deserving of occasions. The only time I believe I’d strike my child is if they needed to be shocked out of doing something dangerous. If I had a 3 year old and my kid got away from me and ran into the street, you can be sure they’d be met with a swift hand to the behind. Better I hit them than a car. There are some things that children of a certain age cannot understand even with thorough explanation. And you don't always have the time to talk to them and make sure they understand. But they can understand not wanting to feel pain. That’ll keep them safe till their minds catch up.


    I personally hate to yell. I see it as a sign of lack of control. If you can get someone to listen to you when you speak softly, then you know you have the control. Yelling is a plea for attention from a position of weakness.


    For less severe circumstances I’m fortunate enough to be a black belt in Jujitsu. There are so many things you can do to a person to administer a judicious amount of pain without actually striking them or leaving a mark, whether it be with a shoulder, wrist, or a single finger. The amount of pain you deliver can be adjusted. You can even turn discipline into an impromptu martial arts lesson and teach a child to release aggression in a healthy way and also get to know them and teach them instead of just slapping them. And sometimes just the knowledge that daddy CAN hurt you but won’t unless it’s necessary, is enough to deter misbehavior with a respectful reverence...not fear.


    Despite my personal reservations, part of me definitely thinks that people nowadays are too soft, thin skinned, and whiney. Physical discipline (and I speak for myself) has a way of actually boosting confidence if done correctly. In general, being hurt as a child dispels fear of being hurt in adulthood. That can be applied to other areas of your life. Pain doesn’t hurt nearly as much as we think it does…of course there are more extreme circumstances but I’m speaking in general. People could benefit from a dose of pain now and again…Parents should prepare their children in every way posible. I know some disagree...that’s just my opinion.

  13. Nick Cage’s face always bothered me. I can’t tell you why…it just does. If he HAS to be in a movie…let it be one where he wears a skull on his head. The more CGI involved in Nick’s face the better. Never been much of a fan of Ghostrider. Just not my flaming skulled motorcycle riding vengeance dealing cup of tea.

  14. A lot of our views on food have to do with culture. Some people believe there’s life in everything like plants. And that even so, it’s not wrong to eat it. In order for one thing to thrive another must die. In Hawaii there’s no problem with it. As long as you don’t take too much and you give back you can eat what you will. I guess some people are just queasy about the concept of death. But the more growth that is desired, the more death must be dealt. To satisfy any hunger, something has to die. That’s true of the human body…or empires. New ideas often mean the death of old ones unless a balance is struck.


    But anyway…that’s my philosophical vomit for the day. I’ll eat pretty much anything that I’m not allergic too. Amid the many cultures here in the islands I’ve tried anything from raw fish and sea urchins to tree roots and bamboo shoots. Two things I will NOT eat however are Baloot (a Filipino dish where you suck out the chick fetus from the softened egg) and whale semen sushi from Japan. I wouldn’t begin to know how you harvest whale semen! That has nothing to do with the beings being sentient…it’s just nasty beyond all comprehension.

  15. I heard about that on the news this morning. This whole thing about Ken and Barbie getting back together.


    No matter how they try to man it up he still aint got no balls…not that I’d wanna see ‘em…I’m just sayin.


    Ken you pussy that’s why Barbie left you!!!

  16. Sure I’m proud of my country. But of course no country as great as America has clean hands. What can we expect? I’m Hawaiian and what a lot of people on the mainland don’t know is that Hawaii was a nation that was overthrown by the US government. We had a King and Queen and our people were nearly eradicated by disease and they were forbidden to speak their native language. The famous Hawaiian tune “Aloha ‘Oe” was written by our last Queen while she was imprisoned in Iolani Palace during the American occupation.


    But then I have to admit…It was bound to happen that Hawaii be taken over…My feeling is better America than anyone else…at least I have the freedom to bitch about the shitty things my country does and eat ice cream.


    It’s funny to me though…they’re called African Americans, Native Americans, Chinese Americans…But Hawaiians are just Hawaiians. I’ve never ONCE heard anyone call us Hawaiian American and that suits me just fine. I guess we’d be considered Native Americans since we’re the natives of a land that is now American. But whatever…I’m eating ice cream right now and it tastes good.

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