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Posts posted by Maddi

  1. Beach resort Scheveningen has a shopping mall with a shop that sells X-mas stuff all year round. I avoid it like the plague.


    Over here we don't really celebrate halloween. Not yet, anyway.


    In the Netherlands, we celebrate the Sinterklaas feast on December 6. Everybody is complaining about the sweets and speculaas (savoury cookies) and pepernoten and chocolate letters that are already piled up in the supermarkets at the beginning of October. It's revolting, really.




    Those little kruidnootjes are totally scrumptious though. I think I'll bring a bag of those to the office...




    <edit> Oops. Actually, the feast is on December 5, and Sinterklaas has his birthday on December 6. Don't ask me to explain that... :rolleyes:

  2. Sethos, you stinker. Now I crave poffertjes, and it's past midnight and I don't even own a poffertjes pan/mold... :angry:


    *note to self: add poffertjes pan and poffertjes batter mixture to this weeks' shopping list!*


    Ah, poffertjes. Recommended by Bill and Hilary Clinton. Excellent with just about any kind of fruit (hot cherries... oooh-oooh) but also very very nice with sugar.



  3. Sweet ladies, I'm going away for the weekend, to celebrate my sister's birthday.


    I wish everyone an excellent weekend - and don't behave, all of you! ;)


    I'll 'be back on Monday, when hopefully I've got my faster connection up (and if not,I'll be asking questions to more knowledgeable forum members to get it going... :unsure: )


    Bye all!!!




  4. Well, at least this thread is not dying yet... and that's what I aimed at, Christian.


    I don't care what you guys think about astrology, either. It's too much fun to do an analysis and see what comes out. :p


    Besides, I think that most people would actually be surprised what a good astrologer might tell them about themselves. I'll give you an example. A good friend of mine once had her chart done by a pro, as part of a company team-building session.


    Well, this astrologer could tell my friend what her strong points and weak points are in a work environment, just by reading her chart. My friend was dumbfounded. Amongst other things, the astrologer told her to be more communicative and give her team better feedback and instructions when things are not going well, instead of waiting too long and bottling it up and finally exploding. She also said that my friend has to be careful about her attitude, because she might be viewed as a person who is too chummy with her superiors and doesn't care much about interacting with colleagues of lower rank. All of which was dead-on.


    I should add, the astrology session was organised by a Communications officer. The team had to submit their birth date and birthplace before the session. The astrologer didn't get inside information, nor did she meet any team member before the session.


    Interesting, no? ;)

  5. i didn't say i don't WANT one, i said i don't want to trouble you, since you already started with the whole "oh, everyone keeps asking me to do their charts, it's so annoying" routine... :p

    Well, that did happen a lot... but it's not annoying that people ask, it's annoying that I would like to do them, but simply don't have the time.


    Carmody: Rogan is right. It means he has Sun in Scorpio, and also his Rising Sign is Scorpio. The Sun Sign is the core of someone's personality, and the Rising Sign is about how people appear to others. In Rogan's case what you see is what you get, he would rarely compromise or play Mr. Nice Guy to please others.


    In my case it's conflicting, which can cause people to say I'm different than they thought at first impression. My Sun sign is Cancer, so I'm a big softie at heart, but I come across much more bold and flamboyant, because my Rising Sign is Leo.

  6. how about a nicknamew? or at least you can scare the baby telling him that if he;s bad, that the Rogan will come and get him...

    if he's a little scorpio, i will be ever-so-thirlled... i'm a double scorpio myself, and proud of it... best sign, best people...


    Best sign, best people... Tsss. *slides underneath desk to hide her laughter from the boss*


    Hold it right there buddy, before I get the dirt out on double Scorpios...


    :p ;)

  7. Congratulations on your new 'humble abode', Jude! I'm glad you've got the warm water running now. Do you also have a bath, to make the most of all that hot water?


    I love taking hot baths and soaking in a tub till I get all wrinkly... but unfortunately that's a luxury I have to do without now. :(

  8. Ok, I was born at 12:02am


    Hahaha! I should have known this would happen... :D


    To do a full birthchart analysis, including the Rising Sign, I would need the following


    - place of birth: city and country

    - time of birth: hour and minutes, day, month, year.


    A full analysis takes a lot of time, so I'm not going into that, but I might try to answer specific questions if anyone is interested in how birth chart analysis works.


    One of the things that might be fun to try is Synastry - relationship analysis based on combined chart analysis. Ahem... to spice up the creepy flirting thread?



  9. Oh and Maddi, I'm Aquarius.  :D


    I like Aquarians, they're nice 'n quirky.


    But that's just your Sun sign, and there's much more to astrology than that. Actually, you can find out a lot of intrigueing stuff about people, if you know their birthplace and time of birth. I like to see where Pluto is in a person's chart. Pluto is all about the kinky stuff... ;)

  10. This thread is sinking too fast for my liking.




    My expertise is quite, um... girlie.


    Cooking. Especially Italian food (fresh pasta, yum!), quiches, (pasta) salads, fruit pies, Asian food (Indonesian, Japanese), meat dishes, and lately also desserts.


    Knitting, sewing, crochet... well, basically anything except making bobbin lace and patchwork.


    Horoscopes and birth chart analysis. Erm, no need to start screaming and looking for the exit, folks. I'm quite levelheaded, although this definitely qualifies as ooga-booga...

  11. today i had some classes, fiddled around with my new camera, and met a few interesting people.


    i miss you guys so much, this new life sucks!


    Oh, I almost forgot... (maybe head not in good condition after all)


    Rogan, you big tease! Tell us more about your classes, and what other creepy snapshots you made with that camera (that psycho-Rogan pic truly made me gasp... how come your cute face can change into THAT?!?) and the interesting people you met.



  12. Today was fuck-with-the head-of-the-Personal-Assistant-day.


    Dozens of people came to my desk asking for managers and colleagues who were either unreachable, or in Audits or meetings... or ran out of the room without telling me where they went. It doesn't happen often, but I actually told someone "Go away, they're all out and I have no idea where they went to and I'm not allowed in the men's room!"

    Turns out the guy came to ask me if I was going to have lunch at twelve... Oops.


    I blew up the Inbox of at least seven Safety Managers by sending them three e-mails with 42 MB of attached PDF-files (our Inbox capacity is limited to about 15 MB)... which was fun, and a very effective way to get them on the phone in an instant. :D


    And in between I'm figuring out ways to fix wrong document codes, distributing minutes of meetings, writing letters, requesting new document codes, chasing Safety Managers to write and submit the Occupational Safety and Health Plans in time to meet the Construction Schedule, updating an Excel file with safety information on crossings over the highspeed line, routing documents within our EDMS, booking rental cars, copying data CD-ROMs... and some other stuff I can't remember anymore...


    Gee, it's a miracle I'm still sane.

  13. I've heard that in Sweden/Norway and such colder lightless countriews, people don't put curtains on their windows, sinc eit would seem stupid to stop what little light there is in the winter months from entering the house, and because it is unsanitary : "why would anyone want to hang a rag that only serve to collect dust over their windows?"...

    this then results in people living on the ground floor being exposed to the view of the people on the street passing by their houses.


    In the Netherlands we're quite notorious for having curtains but not closing them at night. So when you walk around a Dutch town at night, you can peep into many people's houses and actually watch them sitting on their couch watching television and everything. And before you ask, Rogan... yes, we do close the bedroom curtains when we go to bed. :p

  14. :(

    Maddi, Where are you ?!


    Hee, I'm right here, Donny... :p


    My week on Crete was just lovely... except it was way too short. I was staying in Rethymnon, a nice town in the western part of the island. That part is - I think - the most beautiful, and less crowded with tourists.


    But Crete has it all... sandy beaches, mountains, lovely old towns and interesting historical sites, museums, tavernas where you can eat the most yummy (sea-)food... and sun, sun, sun! Last week it was just perfect... 26-27 degrees and not a cloud to be seen. Warm enough to enjoy a day at the beach, and also cool enough to go sightseeing without collapsing from the heat (I almost did that 5 years ago while visiting the palace of Knossos on Crete).


    I'm too restless to spend more than a day on a sunbed at the beach, so I reserved that for the last day. I always buy a 'local' book when I go on holiday, so this time I've been reading "Zorba the Greek". (I love the book so far, and indeed it's very Greek)


    I've been wandering around Rethymnon (the fortezza, the harbour area and the old town) and the surrounding area, which was quite enough for a week. After all, I went on holiday to get some rest... so no nightclubs and discos for me this time. ;)


    I didn't even visit Santorini, because the locals told me that one day is really too short to see it properly, and you spend more time on the cruise ship than on the island... so I'll go to Santorini another time. And instead I bought a lovely silver pendant. After all, what better souvenir than a pretty thing you can wear, eh?


    And the best thing to happen during this holiday is, that I am not so afraid to fly anymore. On the way back to Amsterdam, the plane had to stop on Corfu to pick up some stranded passengers. Not nice, because we had to sit in a hot airplane for more than an hour... but after two times taking off and landing again, I felt like it was really a kind of flying bus...


    And I had the heartiest welcome from my two bosses and my colleagues this morning, that was a nice surprise too.

  15. she's a smart girl. not even all the sun in crete could melt her brain away... and if all fails, we can lure her into our new home.


    Of course she can find uncle John's nice new place... but thanks for the vote of confidence anyway, Hildegard!


    Wow, it's great to be back... *sniff*




    Actually, I already had a peep here on Saturday. I needed to check someone's address on the old forum (lost the little slip of paper with the address info, stupid me) and EEK! found out that everybody had left...


    Anyways, more about my week on Crete in the holiday thread... (um, after I've had dinner, that is) :)

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