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Posts posted by TimC

  1. Young Liars 16. With just three issues to go before its premature end, what does this least predictable of comics do? Spends an entire issue on two minor characters who haven't been seen since issue 2. And it's great.


    I'll really miss this. Vertigo's best ongoing(ish) title for a hell of a long time.

  2. Do you mean issue 2 or issue 1? If you found jokes in issue 2, I'd be interested to know what they were. I'm not trying to be a dick: I really didn't spot any jokes, except maybe one badly-drawn scene that might have been a fart joke.


    Well, I'm not claiming any of this is exactly Chris Morris, but I was entertained by Vic the Veep, and the Vought guys' discussion of him; 'I wasn't aware you did whimsical'; the sheer rubbishness of Jack and 'Forbidden'; Swatto; whatever the hell was up with green-masked Payback bloke's genitalia; Hughie's reaction to his unexpected wanky-call. All good dirty fun.


    I like McCrea's art here - the scrappier style works with the story. Reminds me of early 'Marshall Law', which is a good thing in my stunted mind at least.


    I don't quite get why it has to be a separate spin-off title, though, especially as it's setting up things that are already happening in the concurrent main series. (OK, Garth sez: 'Herogasm is a story told largely from the supes' point of view, with minimal input from the Boys, and that change in perspective was what got me thinking a miniseries was the way to go.')

  3. This seems the right place to note that I was up in Glasgow at the weekend, and paid a visit to Park Circus. There's quite a lot of redevelopment and building work going on there.


    Should we be worried? (Especially as the Joan Eardleys at the Kelvingrove are out on loan.)

  4. Hello. My name's Tim and I'm an alcoholic Cyberman.


    I've been reading Hellblazer for very close to 20 years, which I find vaguely troubling. In fact, I'm about the same age now as John Constantine was when I started reading the book, and find it worrying that he now looks better than I do (beneath the steel shell, that is). I've been very close to dropping the book on several occasions, but a change of writer or artist has just about hooked me back in. With Peter Milligan in charge, I'm a lot more optimistic than I have been for a long time, which is why I finally signed up on this board after a spell of occasional lurking. I do, however, remain broadly positive about Denise Mina's run.


    Other literary obsessions include the late great JG Ballard, Iain Sinclair (whom I interviewed a few years ago), David Peace, Derek Raymond, Norman Mailer, Alasdair Gray and the usual comic big names (mostly bald or bearded). I mostly write for a living, take photos for fun, and run the web's most specific and pointlessly pedantic blog.

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