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Posts posted by rakshadefrommeta

  1. I just read 'Disinformation:the Interviews' which,as you might guess,is a series of interviews that Richard Metzger conducted for a televison show,that I am not at all familiar with.The book is alittle under two hundred pages worth of absolutely fascinating conversations he has with(among others)Robert Anton Wilson,Paul Laffoley,Douglas Rushkoff,Howard Bloom,Genesis P-Orridge and Grant Morrison.


    Really,really cool stuff.

  2. Wow,for a show that,as much as I enjoy it,can tend to occasionally be predictable,tonights ending surprised and delighted the hell out of me.


    The Otis/Shane thing a few episodes back is exactly what I want out of a show set in this world,but tonight raised the bar.

  3. The Boy In The Striped Pajamas.


    What an extremely well written and directed,kick in the balls this was.


    The scene were David Thewlis,interrogates his underling at the dinner table,about Switzerland,is a brilliantly tense piece of screenwriting.My hat is off to Writer/director Mark Herman.

  4. Agreed on all counts.


    I mentioned the Gabrych/Woods 'Tec run in an earlier post, by the way - this should come with the EXTREMELY IMPORTANT addendum that the recommendation does NOT, repeat NOT, include the issues covering the 'War Games' crossover which took over the Bat-titles towards the end of their time on the book. Because even by the low, low standard of post-NML Bat-crossovers, that one was a stinker. The short run of largely self-contained stories leading up to it, though, was good stuff - nothing revolutionary or groundbreaking, just a strong take on the character(s) with some well-constructed stories and nice art. I was particularly fond of Detective Comics #896, the only comic I read which really made good use of the short-lived(!) Stephanie Brown Robin.


    I've not read anything by Gabrych since, but he struck me at the time as a promising writer. He did one of those Vertigo Crime mini-hardcovers, I believe, a book called Fogtown - anyone read it? Was it any good?


    896? I'm confused.

  5. Cheers, I wish DC was better at trading stuff.


    All 11 issues,under one hardcover,is the deal of the year Kondek.


    But,yeah,I too wish it would come out sooner.I rarely buy the collections,if I have all the singles,but this shit is supremely shelf worthy.

  6. +1 on the love for the Snyder run. It was oldschool high-class comics. Reminded me of Gotham Central.


    Christian, did you read Detective 871-881? (Or whatever.) No fashionable hypercompressed storytelling there.


    No. I was reading Morrison's Batman, and didn't feel like reading more than one Batman title.

    At this point, with the relaunch upon us, there was no reason to start picking up any new DC titles.

    When you figure in new titles like Superboy or Xombi which were recently launched and are now being canceled, it really shows how short-sighted DC were with their decision.

    Maybe someday I might get around to reading the TPB.

    Good point,I hate that they had to restart every last title.


    I was actually thinking about picking up Xombi,then they cancelled it.Detective,Action and Brian Woods stuff is getting thrown out with the bath water.

  7. Rak, I could not agree more! That run was brilliant. I've got a good feeling it will hold up as one of the best Batman/Detective/Grayson runs ever.


    I really liked how Snyder nailed Grayson's character. His Batman likes to soar above the city, as a trapeeze artist should, wanting to get a better view, while still connecting with people much better than Bruce. The circus performer came out in all the right ways. Also, I'm glad he showcased Richard's detective skills, both in and out of the cowl. He didn't forget that at one time Grayson was a cop in Bludhaven or that he was trained by the world's greatest detective

    Very well put,Shawn.


    I also liked how Dick realized he kinda cared about Gotham,from the black pins on the map to him realizing why it was he came back to the city.Also,James Juniors comment about Dicks smile was perfecly appropriate.

  8. Detective Comics # 881 by Scott Snyder,Jock & Francesco Francavilla. The end of an error,and of an amazing year on this book.


    Considering the character of Dick Grayson(as a fictional property)is over 70 years old,I'm sure there is a better run or era,from one of his many titles,but right now,I am hard pressed to think of one.This is truly Grayson as Batman,Snyder didn't just grab a Batman idea and cross out Bruce and write in Dick and hand it into DC editorial,this is Grayson at his best-optimistic,vulnerable and full of heart,yet clearly weighed down by the mantle of the Bat.


    James Gordon Jr,was an excellent character,that Snyder did alot with.I can't be alone in considering this possibly the best book of the year.

  9. I'm gonna check some of that out,I really want to get into Doctor Who,and other than The movie-The Waters of Mars,I have no real experiance with this stuff.I think it could make a decent comic,Those IDW reprints are exactly what peaked my curiosity for the stuff.Thanks Dom,Thanks J.


    Honestly Mark,if I dig this stuff,I could easily see myself checking out one or more of the novels,concise and accurate write ups always help out with any purchase decisions,Thanks.


    That squirrel has no pants on.

  10. I just noticed Wonder Jett's amp cord is her golden lasso. Good.

    And she's rockin a pair of red Chuck Taylor Shoes,and the drum logo is the DC from AC/DC.


    If Chiang thought this up on his lonesome,he must've been channeling the spirit of Tesla or Edison.Like Dave said,I would buy whatever this is from.I hope whomever makes the decisions about Elseworlds is seeing this stuff.

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