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Posts posted by wolvy

  1. Well then again its not also the writers Fault.. Take batman & Robin for example. Joel "Batnipple and asscrack" Schumacher completely destroyed the franchise. My god were the lines shitty and lamer then anything I'v seen in my life, The make up was stupid. Bane was a pokemon. If youv read the comics you know that bane isnt some scrony guy, and doesnt run around saying his own name all the time.


    Though I do think your right. But then again. I hear for Sin City that their not even using a script, they are just using the actuall comics.


    Another thing I hear is they are trying to a Watchmen movie, and a V for Vendetta movie.


    I think Hellblazer woulda turned out good if they had just stuck with the actuall comic. Rather then adding in stuff that makes NO SENSE.

  2. You know the fact that he isnt British isnt the only thing that is Pissing off the fans.

    Do you want me to list the reason why people are angred at this Film? Ok here I go.



    1. Holy Shotgun

    2.Holy Brace Knuckles

    3. He has to travel to hell IN A WATER BUCKET!! Yes a Water bucket.

    4. Ennis,Ellis,Moore have all read the script and said its shit. Though Moore doesnt want anything to do with hollywood thanks to the LXG movie..Which also did suck.

    5. Theres a "Ina Godda Devita" scene in the movie that will make ANYBODY vomit.

    6. Keanu Reeves.

    7. Theres Car chase scene.. (Yeah like John gets into car chases with demons an other Mages all the fucking time.)

    8. The writers pulled a "Catwoman" and everybody knows how much a flop that film was.

    9. Their making a Chas into some 19 year old kid...


    I know its a action film BECAUSE. When you have a guy running around shooting demons with a shotgun and punching them with Brace Knuckles.. it says "action film" Also the car chase scene, along with prolly a ton more of scenes.


    Now we wouldnt have a problem with this if MAYBE Warner Brothers Called up Ennis and had HIM write the script or asked Ellis to write the script or Carry. I mean Hollywood did Fine with Thomas jane as the Punisher, And X-men, The Spider-man Movies. It just seems like DC got the shaft.


    Ex: Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, Catwoman.

  3. Ellis seems good at writing SOBS.. I mean when he did Transmetro.. You did notice that Ellis/Spider were only able to get anything good out, when they were pissed off and angry at the world.


    Ellis is a great writer i enjoyed Haunted. Wish he woulda stayed on longer. And truthfully I wouldnt have been offended by the "shoot" issue. I mean if Vauhn was able to do a issue of Ex Machina were Mitch saved the 2nd plane.. Whats wrong with Ellis doing a issue about school shootings.


    I think that Ellis also left because the Editors were forcing him to write other things. and He has better plans for John. Carey is doing great. And Oddly enough Ennis was great with John as well. But Ennis seems to have gone overboard with Punisher Max. I mean I loved "Welcome back, Frank" but people seem to think that alittle after that he started to lose his mind..


    Anyways. Ellis's run was great. I didnt mind the art. I mean when i read Dangerous Habbits I was a bit bugged at why John at the Macguiver Mullet..But then soon realized it was the style at the time.. I really dont care who the next artist of HB is.As long as its not Huberto Ramos.. Because if anybodies read his Spectacular Spider-man.. Theyll know he will end the series.

  4. With sertain series I do trades and with others I do singles.


    It tends to depend on how many trades are out and how many it will take me to get caught up on the series I;m aiming for. With Lucifer I am doing trades. Hellblazer is a abit of the both.. Transmetro I traded. 100 bullets is the type of series that you can read in the trades and still be more confused then any one.

  5. Well I dont really have the money otherwise i'd just go straight to Mycomicshop.com and get them all there. I'm trying to find a shop or site that has them form DECENT prices. The closet i'v came was ebay and Comicsnow.com But thats about it. Most other places dont have the exact issues I'd like to get.

  6. I play Halo 2 on Xbox live every now an then.


    I currently read Way too many comics.


    Amazing spider-man

    The Flash

    Green Arrow




    The Walking Dead

    100 Bullets


    Wonder Woman

    The Punisher :icon_twosgun:

    Supreme Power


    Identity Crisis

    X-men: The End

    Ultimate Spider-man

    Richard Dragon



    Fantastic Four

    Y: The Last man


    And I think thats it.. I dont really remember all of them. I know I read a lot..

    Currently I'm in the process of TRYING to get all the HB issues not collected in the trades. Then once that is done I'll work on everything else I have on my wish list.

  7. Or we can have it this way.


    After the funeral you see Johns Ghost lit a cigg and then walk down a long dark alleyway.


    Right now it seems like Carey might be planning to off john for awhile, and Have maybe Tim or Gemma take over the title an try get him back..

  8. I think the last issue should end like this.


    He should die. A blood an horrible death.. Something soo horrible it will make people "Damn that was bad." Then at his Funeral everybody shows up. Alec,Tim,Chas, Teffe,gemma, Kitt. Then when one of them goes to open the casket they find nothing but a half smoked ciggerette still burning, Then on the last page you see johns figure walking down a dark alleyways. With the words "Farewell John.. Ya bloody Bastard!!"

  9. The last place I lived had two Comic shops. One was my main one and the other I used for trades. This one I now shop at. At the end of each month. Doesnt have any Back issue bins. otherwise I would be searching through them. Suposesdly there are small cons Held in Fresno.. I just dont know when.. And if I do go to them. I will spend the remainder of the day searching through their back issue bins an 25-50 cent bins. I'm not worried about getting the trades caught up because Those are rather easy to find.. Its the fucking issues DC decided not to put into trades.. And I dont feel like paying a kings ransom for the issues. The only other place that has the most issues. is like i said comicsnow.com they just dont have ALL the ones I need. But do have decent prices. like most of the issues are like 1.95 -2.75 which is better then paying 8 - 10 bucks..per issue.

  10. Well he's more mysterious then John could ever be. And Carey seems to favor the guy.


    It hasnt really been mentioned about him. Just that he tends to appear and give lil hints an tips when Humanity is either going to end, or When he feels the need. He's sorta the Spectre only he tries not to interfere in Mortal affairs.

  11. Well really that would hurt John.. But at the end of the issue it showed Chas's truck falling off a cliff. Now he COULD survive like maybe instead of actually killing Chas they will just tortue him.. But I think they want to make John suffer. And really John has done worse things to people who done little things to him.. And sense him an Chas are like Brothers... I can see John seeking the help of Maybe Tim,Gemma, Teffe. Or Maybe he gets lil hints here and there from The Phantom Stranger.. Or maybe this will be the end of John and Gemma or Demon Constantine will take over.. Who knows.

  12. Yeah I know. It seems like he might or something. But it also feels like he's going to pull a Halle Berri. "This isnt THE John Constantine.. Its his distant 4th cousin who lives in LA..."


    I just find it stupid how they made it a action flick. Hellblazer is a Horror book. And the fact that he's not British is taking away from his character. It would be like making James Bond Puerto Rican or something. John being a brit is his character. Its what makes him such a great character..

  13. Where am I? I live 40 miles past Fresno. Up in the mountains in a small town called Coarsegold. The sad thing about that is, There NO comic shops in this small town.. So I have to do all My comic shopping at the end of the month. Thank god for Subs huh.lol.


    Yeah I tried looking on ebay for the issues I need. And usually all I find is randomly collected issues. The Closet i came was maybe 1-100 or 1-200 but that was like for 300 bucks.. And I dont really ALL the issues. I just need the stuff not collected in trades. I can get the trades Pretty cheaply off of Talesofwonder.com.. Just the issues are hard to find in decent prices.

  14. I thought it was a great issue. I have a feeling John might need some help from the Phantom Stranger. The thing is this. Chas as always seemed reasonably safe from most of Johns magik work. But now that and IF he does die.. I can see John doing something he's never done before. I think The Phantom Stranger did tell Rosa to back off in #175 i think.. And she told him to piss off. Which is something you dont want to do.. I really hope Carey keeps the kids around for much longer then a single arc. Like have them appear here an there. And maybe Chas's ghost will appear like Brenans did..Who knows.

  15. Yeah. I think my only opition is to waite for a Comic-con and rumage through all the 25 cent an 50 cent bins for the issues I need. Before I moved my last comic shop had a ton of Hellblazer back issues but at the time I didnt have the time nor money to search through them. Now I do. But the my new shop doesnt have any back issue bins..Which sucks. The only other online place I know that has "most" of the issues is Comicsnow.com. But they dont have all them I need. Damn Mycomicshop and their high prices. :angry::blink: . I can see this is going to take me a good while to get the collection completed.

  16. So far I have 3 Trades. Damnations Flame, Dangerous Habbits, Haunted.(Loved of them). I know what issues I need. And I know to skip Azzerellos HB because John was out of character and I heard it was way to confusing. I currently need.


    #10-#40,#47-#61,#84-#128,#144-#145,#175-#198.. Yeah I know thats a lot. I'v tried looking on ebay. And they usually dont have the ones I want. Its either they are randomly collected issues, or whatever. I would try Mycomicshop.com But jeez most of their stuff is like 9-20 bucks a issue. I hate how they have a great selection but charge you a kings ransom. I also need the rest of Ennis's, and Ellis's trades, along with Original sin. Then my collection would be complete(with the good stuff) And I would die a happy lad.


    Now I just need to know a good site that has those issues for cheap prices.LoL :glare:

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