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Posts posted by Mark

  1. I haven't read Stormwatch or The Authority, but I'd imagine that the name 'Hawksmoor' is Ellis tipping his hat to Nicholas Hawksmoor, legendary architect who designed, among other things, many of the churches in Central London. He's heavily and significantly referred to in one chapter of Moore's From Hell, and given Ellis' known fondness for London (judging from his Hellblazer issues alone), as well as for historical weirdness, it would make sense.

  2. Which Wildcats 3.0 issues you after John? I only ask 'cos Gosh Comics have some loose and some complete arcs. I'll have a look next Thursday if you want to give me the #'s



    Err...could I beg a favour? If you're going to Gosh next Thu, could you have a quick look for the Walking Dead trade, and/or issues #7-current (#12, I think - right John)? I can even give you the money in advance, or meet you on Friday at lunchtime just down the road to collect. I'd go myself, but I'm not going to be in that part of town for a while, unless I go specially.

  3. I'm not a particular fan of racing games but my bro and I have been having a blast with Burnout3, there's a lot of serious car-nage (*ahem*) going on.  DJ is annoying but you can switch him off (apparently, haven't figured it out myself).


    I rarely play a game for long without turning off the in-game music anyway, so that shouldn't bother me too much. Serious CarNage sounds like fun...the crashes in BO2 were pretty mighty, but as far as I can tell they've upped the ante considerably with this one.

  4. That's almost exactly how Malin described it.


    I haven't been playing many computer games lately, on account of my PC being in Norwegistan, but the PS2 where I'm staying now is getting some usage. As I mentioned on the old boards, it's mainly been Burnout 2, but we'll be getting 3 at some point soon. Any racing game fans like to tell me if it's any good? I love 2...

  5. This becomes even more annoying and frustrating when the main story finally opens up, it's bloody good but all rushed together and never really pushed centrestage.


    Anyone familiar with the Wheel Of Time books will enjoy the hell out of the Morrowind storyline, once they finally get to it.



    Haven't got that far into it yet. Nor, in fact, have I read the Wheel of Time books. My girlfriend's got them, but even she (an alarmingly dedicated reader of fantasy) is considering giving up on Jordan...she reckons he's been spiralling up his own arse with the last couple of installments.

  6. Lest you missed it, this thread will contain spoilers for Hellblazer #200


    So, amnesia followed by fully grown alternative reality demon spawn.


    All sounds a little X-Men, doesn't it ?



    I was thinking that myself, actually. It's OK by me provided that we don't get Ric the Vic, Header et al restored to life by benevolent interdimensional beings, though...


    And major props have to go out to Carey for doing one of the only interesting 'amnesia' storylines I've ever seen in a comic.



  7. As far as I can make out, it was all actually taking place in Hell...where, as we all know, one day can be made to last pretty much as long as is required/wanted. At the end of the issue, John is spat back out into the real world, precisely 24 hours of 'real time' later...but from his perspective, that one day lasted for many years. So, everything that happened was, in a manner of speaking, 'real'...but only John, Rosa, and the kids will remember it. Gemma isn't dead, because her death was a Hellspawned illusion - however real it was for John. He remembers all three lifetimes, with his 'real' life a more distant memory from before all three of them took place...one must assume he'll not be too disoriented by that, though, otherwise it's going to get very weird over the next few issues. Not that it isn't anyway, what with demonspawn Constantine children wandering around wreaking havoc, mind you...

  8. Gah. I've also just noticed that I'm the first to top 100 posts (except Rogan...but I'm pretty sure gestalt entities with multiple bodies don't count towards this sort of thing). Too much free time on my hands...Christ, my job is dull. What can I say? You'll be seeing a lot less of me once I move to Norway, but I'm starved for human company at the moment, and this is the next best thing. ;)

  9. In fairness though, I was probably a little quick off the mark given that there were only two or three posts.  Still, learning curve and all of that.


    Heh...worry not. I was just winding you up. We little people need some way of striking back, now that The Man's powers are even greater...;)

  10. What the hey? John, this is getting silly...as far as I recall, this wasn't even too far off topic, was it? Admit it - you're just enjoying confusing us all with your fancy new "powers"...

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