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Posts posted by Mark

  1. So...let's see what people think, shall we?


    I've gone for option (1) - they may not be quite as intuitive and simple as the old boards, but there seems to be a lot more you can do, and they're a fair bit faster thus far. Plus, of course, there's always the thrill of the new...

  2. I will be at the Expo on the Friday and Saturday but leaving Bristol on the last train from trancentral which probably arrives back in London at 3am Eternal.


    That sheep died for you, you know...


    Oh, and the slideshow sounds like a magic idea. Can't help with photography, though, 'cos my camera's in Norway.

  3. Preview pages...


    Take a look, see what you think. Mike Carey, Leonardo Manco, all-new hardcover Hellblazer graphic novel...what's not to like?


    Err...except for Thomas Constantine's magical regrowing arm, apparently. Plot point or continuity cock-up? Who can say...



    This post was brought to you by the 'moving useful things from the old boards' service. Attending to your every need since about 5 minutes ago...

  4. I could, but I won't do so here, out of respect for Rogan's honourable intentions (I can't believe I just typed that).


    On a similar note, I suggest the following subjects as being out of bounds for this thread...


    Bram Stoker's Dracula

    Dogstar (Keanu's band - I've heard them, you don't want to)


    The Matrix 2 & 3


  5. Please allow me to introduce myself...I'm (sadly not) a man of wealth and taste.


    They call me Mark, usually (except Rogan, who seems happy to call me Tambouriner), and I'm 23, recently graduated (MA in English from St Andrews - it's not technically a proper MA, just a kind of 'BA-and-a-half' Scottish degree, but it sounds swanky, don't it?), and working as a legal secretary in London. Just for a wee while though, because as soon as I've saved up enough money, I'll be moving to a flat in Oslo, Norway, to be with my comics, CDs, books, DVDs, kittens, and last but not least, my beautiful wumman, Malin.


    Oi likes many things, and dislikes many others. Key 'likes' would inlcude: music (of all sorts...I'm working on a book about Bob Dylan, so 'classic' folk, blues, rock & roll etc. are a given, but I also enjoy electronica, rap, heavy fuckin' METAL, and so on), reading (again, a broad church...lots of comics, hence my presence here, but primarily fairly heavy literary stuff, non-fiction, biography, and so on. I also occasionally enjoy trashy thrillers, because everyone needs a break sometimes), film (the denser and less accessible the better, as a rule...I'm a pretentious wee bastard), mountain biking, and many others. Oh, and recreational drug use gets a big thumbs up (but only weed...I've grown out of all the other shite).


    Dislikes are too many to list here.


    That seems fairly comprehensive...so I'll close with a little bit of 'uh huh', and a whole lot of 'oh yeah'.

  6. Seriously, you should've seen the stupid grin all over my face when I was sitting in The Ship last year with James, Ade, Hugh and Mike - I still can't believe that an off the cuff decision to fuck around with HTML seven years ago has led to me meeting (in the flesh, and virtually) so many great fucking people.



    Without wishing to sound like the sycophantic little fuck I clearly am, you did a great job. This is the first forum I've ever really felt inclined to spend more than the occasional couple of minutes on, and that's largely down to you, I suppose. So cheers. Have a pint on me when we meet up in London.


    I may also be able to supply some 'herbal' supplements...it's very tenuous at the moment, but we might have found us a new dealer. This is A Good Thing. Can we still say that sort of thing here?

  7. I can change it for you it you want.



    I'm tempted...I'll get back to you on that.


    How about you change my name to Mark, and give me a ranking of "Tambourine Man"? That'd work, and Rogan could still call me whatever he likes.


    *OK, I just want a custom ranking, so I can feel special



    EDIT: I can also use the edit function now. Aren't I clever?

  8. Big fat ass Carey-continuity props for the Nergal angle. This issue left me a little confused.


    And big fat ass removal of same if what everyone's saying about Jenkins' 'How To Play With Fire' is true (which I assume it is...it's one of the stories I've never read). Heh. I'm looking forward to reading this tonight.

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