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Posts posted by James

  1. Shoot 'Em Up - brilliant stuff. Still slightly perefer Crank, but all the same, it was a fine, fine film. I feel deeply sorry for those who were not able to appreciate it and hope medical science is able to isolate and fix whatever part of your brain is so grievously affected.
  2. Well I think there was an instant spark between Doctor and Martha and she thought she was going off for a dirty weekend - she was then disappointed that she wasn't going to get any so thought what's wrong with her?


    That's fair enough, but it wasn't played like that. Case in point - the bit in Human Nature where she asks why The Doctor couldn't fall in love with her, which takes it beyond frustrated physical attraction and into unrequired love territory. Had it been played as rebuffed/frustrated flirtatiousness (as with Rose's mum) then it would have been a lot more fun and I wouldn't have minded at all.

  3. It was just when you put

    And this was from a trainee doctor in her 20s, from a wealthy middle-class family who had presumably been to university and had seen a damned sight more of the universe than Rose had.

    which I took to imply she was too intelligent to get giddy over a guy, but I can see why it's annoying if it was milked (I'll say now I watched about 4 episodes of the last series, so I can't really comment on Martha's character.)


    Yeah, sorry. What I was trying to say was the Martha, having been to uni and medical school and being in her early/mid 20s, really ought to have had plenty of opportunities to get past the fiery hot first love/crush thing she seemed to have on The Doctor. I could see Rose doing it because she was still young and hadn't had as many opportunities as Martha, although as it turned out Rose had a longer, more convincingly developed relationship with him anyway.


    I'm not saying it's anything to do with intelligence. I'm not one of those people who thinks that Rose was stupid, for a start.

  4. It's not the existence of the crush, its the fact that it happened within the space of about two or three episodes. It's one thing to be rebuffed by someone you fancy and being a bit put out. It's another to longingly stare into space and ask why The Doctor has to be so hung up on Rose and not in love with you.


    And stop apologising for derailing threads! It's cool if it's an organic progression of the conversation. The only time it was really a problem for me was when people were doing dumb quips that were related to nothing, and then turning interesting conversations into unfunny games of quipping oneupmanship that went on for pages.

  5. I'm a bit worried by the wuvvy-dovey romance-sounding bollocks that's coming out of Tate's mouth, for sure. Rose's crush on The Doctor was believable because she'd been hanging out with him for ages and they had been through all kinds of adventures. Astrid's was fine too, because it was simple sexual attraction.


    But Martha's crush was creepy. Not four episodes in and she was lamenting that The Doctor didn't want to jump her bones. And this was from a trainee doctor in her 20s, from a wealthy middle-class family who had presumably been to university and had seen a damned sight more of the universe than Rose had. When she left at the end of season three, I hoped it meant that she would come back having put all that nonsense behind her, and assumed that the production team had learnt the error of her ways.


    But obviously not.


    Not looking forward to the rumoured "Martha/Rose/Sarah Jane/Donna" episode, since it sounds like it's just going to be the bickering from School Reunion doubled. Deary me.

  6. In terms of Moffat taking over, there's a voice at the back of my head that say's he'll be taking over as the *Eleventh* Doctor arrives. (oooh!)


    Why else would there be such obvious cloak and dagger antics about behind-the-camera staffing?


    I think everyone's been expecting Tennant to move on - hardly surprising, given that he's a young chap whose star is still rising - so it doesn't seem unlikely. The question is whether he's going to be out at the end of this season or whether he'll stick around for the TV specials in 2009 and bow out before season five.


    Of course, I'd prefer him to stick around for season five as well (two seasons and some specials doesn't seem like enough, especially since he only seemed to get into the swing of things in season three) but that seems very unlikely indeed.

  7. Same here. I read the first two and was so apathetic that I couldn't even be bothered to download the third and fourth for free. Eventually the moaning on the V got me to download the third issue, but as you say, I can't remember a thing about it except it had more stock Ellis dialgoue and Doktor Sleepless's alter ego is wanted by the police.


    As usual, it's Ellis letting concept and format get in the way of good plotting and characters. The idea of doing a Lost-style mystery comic that's all ongoing story and no arcs is inherently flawed, because people are waiting months (plural, this being Ellis) between issues, not a week, and because 21 pages is nowhere near equivalent to 45 minutes of TV.

  8. Kristen Bell has horrible dead eyes.


    I'd rather they went for Hayden Pantierre, if they're picking blonde chicks from Heroes.


    Anyone know anything about the rumour of David Tennant's interest in the Riddler?


    (I mean playing him - I don't mean he fancies him)


    Nope, but I'm not sure I could see Riddler fitting in with the nu-Batman ethos. I could've seen him playing Scarecrow though.

  9. Their excuse is that if the bus breaks suddenly, the lead might hurt someone. I'm not entirely clear how that's supposed to work, mind you. I'm guessing that's some after-the-fact justification and press spinning going on.


    Perhaps he puts it in a bowl and sets the videocamera as she starts to lap it up?


    "It puts the lotion on its body or it doesn't get the eyeliner."

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