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Charlie K

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Posts posted by Charlie K

  1. If I were a woman, that is. I'd never shag a bald man. Might take a handy but... no, never mind. This is about sexy bald men. Sexy bald men like me.


    See, I've given this a bit of thought for my own situation as a bald man. As I explained in the face-ache thread, I think going bald changes the aesthetics of a man's face. Hair is a counterpoint to the face. It complements one's clothing. When the hair goes, a new aesthetic must be sought. A bald man has choices to make on the length of the remaining hair (stubble? to the scalp?), on facial hair, in clothing. Etc.


    I know for me this means a bit of stubble around the "horseshoe" of the head, clean shaven, and changes in clothing that accentuate the masculine. More on that later. For now, without further ado, I present.... bald men I would shag.

  2. So much love. And Avaunt is right. Ever had a moustache? I know some of you dudes run around with beards but a stache is different. It just changes you. It, more than a beard, is a flag of defiance. It's a strangely attractive yet also repellant symbol of masculinity. Honestly, I love the way it brings my face together. I've thought a lot about this: baldness changes the entire aesthetic of a man's face and he has to make decisions on how to restore that aesthetic. A moustache is one way. As you can see above, not only did I grow out the stache but I grew out that ridiculous horse-shoe shaped fringe of hair around my skull, and it works; it brings the whole thing together, makes it pop, like accessories to an otherwise boring outfit. I'd wear it year round if I could but then I'd be, let's say, lonely...


    Clearly I've thought too much about this.

  3. I'm feeling the love. I'm feeling validated. Honestly, I love the way the stache looks on me. I can't keep it up all year round, though. If I were a cop or in prison, I would. But I gotta stay cuddly the other 11 months.


    But you guys are so right, moustaches should be embraced, should be owned. Didn't we have a good group? I'm not the boss, by the way, but I think it's safe to say I am a spiritual leader to the Ron Swansons. Plus, I had the track suit. You just couldn't defend!


    So what do we do for Manuary... back hair?

    • Upvote 1
  4. So I normally look like this.




    But for Movember, the month in which we grow moustaches to raise money for prostate cancer research, I looked like this:




    This was part of a team effort at work. We called ourselves The Ron Swansons and we raised more than $15 grand! Fourth year or so that I have done Movember. My burgungy track suit comes out every year on the last day of Movember. Here's the crew:



    • Upvote 2
  5. When I was 14 I hung out every day in Mr. Brown's class after school. He was my history teacher and we spent afternoons talking about Greeks and Romans and other things. You know, it just occurred to me, just now, that I may have bored Mr. Brown, but he indulged me. We hung out all the time. God, what was I doing? What I mostly remember is that eventually I became interested in other things and barely saw Mr. Brown, and that after I left high school I didn't keep in touch with him - which I regreted years later with the kind of realization some people only seem to have later in adulthood. He was old when I was a kid so I can only assume he is dead and I kick myself for not having made a bigger effort to stay connected with him. He gave me so much. He affected my lifelong interest and ability in history ever since.



  6. Hahahaha. I see you have not lost your razor sharp wit. ON TV was a paid channel where you could watch the latest movies right in your own home. It preceeded cable and HBO and things like that.


    "Wait, everybody, the cable TV is going to come on at 7:00!" *sits and waits*


    I saw BBTStars in the theater at least once. Maybe you weren't there because it was too scary for you, little brother. Maybe you and mom stayed home and watched Care Bears.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Holy shit, Atticus, that's great.


    So, here's parenting fail # 400 or so for me (hey, I can't be a perfect dad *all* the time). Was watching TV and Jerry Maguire is on so I'm, like, "Oh, the show-me-the-money scene is coming up, cool, I'll watch that for a sec." Except I forgot the part where Cuba Gooding Jr. asks Tom Cruise to say, "You're my main mother fucker." I quickly turn it off but not before Lou Part Two goes, "What's a muckerfucker?"


    Anxiously, I tell him it is a bad word and he is not to use it, ever. But he's a smart little cuss, too, and he wants to know, "Well at least tell me what it means." I think about this for a second and realize I can't say "it's a bad word for poop" like "shit" so I just tell him it is absolutely horrible and never to be spoken and just forget he ever heard it. He goes, "Well it must be bad if you won't even tell me the definition of it."


    I'm cracking up. Of course I texted the whole thing to my brother. This little dude also won't let go of why we can't use "bitch" or "ass" because, in his view, they are legit words for animals.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Is Star Crash the name of the movie, or a description? It sounds Hasselhofful (did you see what I did there?)


    Good to see you around, Carmody.



    EDIT: Just checked out the IMDB entry for this and its says that producer Roger Corman picked up the film to see if the market was viable for a low budget space opera. This influenced his decision to go ahead with Battle Beyond the Stars.


    This alone justifies its existence.


    HELL. YES.

  9. I've no idea how many times I've watched the Wizard of Oz.


    Gosh, this. Also, of course, It's a Wonderful Life. And many others on this list.


    I almost always stop what I'm doing to watch Field of Dreams because I love it if I'm flipping channels. And Big Trouble in Little China.


    Don't you love it when you have to go somewhere or do something and you're, like, "Hang on, we can't leave until the scene where the Lion runs down the hall and jumps through the glass" or whatever?

  10. I don't mean you favorite movie, although it could be, I mean a movie you know you have watched a lot for whatever reason. Honestly, having grown up in the 1980s when cable TV was new there are a LOT of movies I have seen dozens of times because, well we loved movies but also cable TV was so new we'd watch what was on repeatedly - Ghostbusters, Poltergeist, 16 Candles, Beastmaster, Mr. Mom - just goes on and on. Does this happen to you, or did it happen to you?


    But here's another: An Officer and a Gentleman. At first I only watched parts of this movie when it came on TV but then, over time, every time it was on and I had nothing better to do I'd find myself watching the whole thing. And it really has everything: sex, manhood, martial arts scenes, love, honor, friendship, inner conflict. Just ended up loving this movie.


    What about you?

  11. Hey Charlie! Nice to see you here again--all the best to your family, they sound lovely.


    How's Ann Arbor these days? I watched The Five Year Engagement with my housemate the other day, and it was like a nostalgia trip--the main character works at Zingerman's, they drink at Old Town--it made me want to get in the car and drive back right then.


    It's just like you left it! I'm living and working closer to Detroit these days but still spend a lot of time there. We've had a beautiful fall this year that, unlike some recent years, actually lasted a while and had beautiful colors. Pumpkin patch, cider, homemade donuts, the works. Where you at? And you got hitched, right?



    Red, when you say Christian has a girlfriend, what do you mean - you mean girlfriend, singular, as opposed to adoring admirers, plural?

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