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Posts posted by Venkman


    Saw The Prestige for the first time since the cinema last night.


    I loved it even more than first time. True I'm a nerd for story structure, but watching it again with full knowledge of the plot made me realise just how artful it was and how practically every scene and every line of dialogue is pointing out the climax and misleading you at the same time.


    I heart Nolan.

  2. I once accidentally elbowed Christopher Priest in the spine. He seemed very happy with the film of The Prestige which had only just come out at the time and I was most impressed that he didn't spill a single drop of his drink despite some lanky idiot elbowing him in the spine.



    I've expressed my nonchanlance about Watchmen earlier in this thread. It's being in pre-production for so long and I've read the book so many times, I just feel like I've already seen it!


    For those really looking forward to it... I really, really hope it's not shite!


    Bah. Balthazar beat me... ;)


    Well whatever the film's like. I think those are nice posters! The only one I'm less fussed about is the Ozymandias one...it looks fine but just doesn't look regal enough for my liking and looks a bit too much like 'Sphinx' from the Mystery Men movie.




    Can finally join the great 'Shoot 'em up' debate.


    It's far more fun than it should be...but I do have a problem with films that are trying to be cult 'deliberately naff' classics. (I'm looking at you, Snakes on a motherfuckin' plane!) I read this film got the greenlight from animatics of the gun fights alone, that figures. None of the actual scripted jokes were funny even though there were a good few intentional laughs. But while the writer/director was clearly enthusiastic and had some fun ideas, they really should have worked harder (especially as they managed to get a superb cast) into making this some proper five-star, three-star-hokum.


    But I can never really commit to a film where any poorer moments can be defended by 'well, it's *meant* to be crap'. It never is.


    Malin - I think you and I felt pretty similar about Juno. Did you find the dialogue grated in the first 10-15 minutes and then seemed to calm down a bit? I was worried I was going to get annoyed when I was watching it but then quickly wasn't.



    Anyway, enough pregnant teenagers...for me it's all about Iron Man for the next few weeks. IRON MAN!!!! ;)


    I saw the Sarah Connor Chronicles on Virgin One last night (is there a thread on this already? If so - sorry!)


    It was three-star hokum but in a good way. After a spiffy opening, it did take its time but I suppose it was insisted that we get filled in on what happened on the first two movies (and more that they were underlining that they were ignoring the third one!) but then it all go going in its own direction.


    I've heard some moaning about Lena Headey as Sarah Connor but I liked her. She seemed less tough and capable so when she *proved* tough and capable it was more empathetic. I never really *liked* Linda Hamilton in that sense.


    John Connor was played by the Cheerleader from Heroes' nerdy mate from series one and he was quite good. He wasn't half as annoying as he could have been and, in seeming like a very average teen, it actually heightened the notion that this kid somehow has to become...Christian Bale in the next trilogy of movies. The weight was certainly hanging over this kid.


    Summer Glau from Firefly was great. She said she was 'a little different' from the other Terminator models...and that was all it took to make me want to keep watching and find out exactly how. Plus she kicked ass.


    In the last act, the pilot finally went in its own direction rather than just simply running from a sub-Arnie wooden actor with some metal scarring and I felt like there was going to be a series here rather than a chase movie structured episodically.


    It wasn't great but I did enjoy it and was left wanting to see what happened next. So there.




    (DISCLAIMER: The above may all be bollocks to justify that I just want to watch something with Summer Glau in it. Avanti!)


    I'm watching a charming shark film on Channel 5 called 'Red Water'. It's not as good as the Peter Benchley where the shark grows legs or something and all the kids are jumping off the cliff straight into the waiting shark's mouth but it's fun.


    I'm a shitty shark film addict! I keep hearing rumours about Jan De Bont's adaptation of 'MEG' but there seems to have been plenty of false starts.


    There's a new pic of Rorschach torching the SWAT guys in Molock's place on AICN.


    It all looks good but I still ain't that excited. What's wrong with me? Iron Man and the Dark Knight have got me having kittens.


    (but obviously it's WALL-E that has me most excited this year... ; )


    We saw Juno and I agree with pretty much everyone here - a comedy where I only laughed out loud a dozen or so times (actually that's pretty good in today's modern slate of comedies - I'm looking at you Ben Stiller!) but I had a big grin on my face throughout the whole damn film.


    However, I do wholeheartedly agree with Mark about the soundtrack and opening credits. I don't associate that music with quirkiness or small town independence - I associate it with adverts for colour printers and starbucks coffee pretending their not large corporations! What seemed quite so odd as well was how Juno herself talked about rock music so much and yet the soundtrack was this home-knitted bullshit where the wool was provided by big business!


    The film itself though - 9/10. Particularly impressed with Jennifer Garner too. Gawd bless 'er.


    Well the new issue proved at least one of the above statements wrong - and it was quite a shock too!



    As for 'who do I think Mr Slaughter is gunning for?, Rak - I think he's going for Victor but also have a suspicion he's Victor's dad. It's heavily inferred that he's one of the Minutemen's father (but there's so much father absenteeism throughout the book anyway!)


    Is he the reason Milo was 'the Bastard', for example? But I think we're looking at Victor who we have seen take out Trust head after Trust head of late and he's beginning to crack. It might also tie in with something I said in ivisi-text earlier on.


    Anyway, my big theory is still that Mr Dietrich (Megan's dad) is still alive and that Echo has been working for him. I will miss 100 Bullets as I've been placing bets on mysteries for several years now and, whether I'm right or wrong, it will be weird to actually know the answers conclusively.

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