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Posts posted by krix

  1. He's a helluva lot more popular than I am!


    The cat network is admittedly WEIRD. I set up the second account as a lark, to test out some things and then had the great idea to fill the band's Top 8 with CATS (because there was all kinds of petty bickering between who was listed and I thought "fuck it, who can hate little kitties?"...but see, the thing is, the cats on MySpace will rarely add people, unless they know them, only other cats (or misc animals), So I made my spare account Humphry's and used him as a bit of PR.


    Anyway. It's all a bit weird but mostly fun and friendly, and it's amusing to respond to the spammy MySpace whore messages with "I'm just a little CAT! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU??????"

  2. Well hello there!


    I was going to look for the V for Vendetta thread, but thought I'd head straight in here to say...Well hello there!


    I'm still alive, and doing well.

    Quite well, in fact.

    I'm getting married this upcoming New Year's day.




    I meant to pop in a few weeks ago after getting a nice message from jaynova, who checked up on me oh-so-nicely, but got sidetracked with work and taxes and the crapiness therein.


    So, whilst surfing around my band's myspace I saw this hunky visage, and was back to the board in a few clicks from there, thank god for Firefoxes saves passwords!


    Tom, having a better half suits you!


    Now to check the other threads to see what's up with the rest of you!

  3. Hi kids,

    I posted what I've been up to over in the movie forum but thought I'd repeat myself here as well.


    I've been scarce online for the past month or so because at the start of March I had to have surgery as I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. There's a post at my sitewith more detail - the main point being that I'm fine now, the surgery took care of it and I won't need to do chemo or anything, just keep a close eye on things for a bit. Recovery is slower than I expected but I'm coming along fine and hope to be back to my regular online activity soon.


    I do want to urge all the lovely ladies here to schedule yourselves a checkup and pap smear ASAP if you haven't had one this year. And guys, make sure the women in your life do it as well.


    My case wasn't a death sentence but the whole thing still REALLY SUCKED and could have been avoided if I'd taken care and had regular doctors visits.


    Hi to everyone and smooches to all.

  4. Dancing with demons of the more mundane sort.

    Caught myself a bit of the cancer and had to have some parts removed the old fashioned way, no deals with the devil for me. The drugs were *awesome* though.


    I'm doing a lot better, though, so no worries, just have to keep an eye on things for the next while.


    I've missed my regular online routine, but will be back soon enough.


    Girls, get your pap smears. Guys, get your girls to get their pap smears.

  5. In his (atrociously laid-out) "blog" John Shirley talks/rants about the Constantine novelization, the movie vs. comic JC and two more upcoming novels and some other stuff that I couldn't get to because reading it in an UNSEPERATED CENTER COLUMN makes my eyes hurt too much.


    You inspired me to getting around to what I'd been putting off...the blog/Edge Trends page is now redesigned.


    Ah! And they thought I was just being bitchy.


    Thanks much, sir. And looks spiffy in Firefox, too!


    Oh, and welcome.


    I'm very excited to hear about the first book as well.

  6. I smell lovely, but my offer of sexual favors for premiere passes expired when I got a steady boyfriend. So, I'll just be going to opening day here in Vegas. At least I won't have to buy new shoes.

  7. They didn't come yesterday as planned and I just got off the phone and it seems they don't have a car, so I'll probably end up delivering him one day later this week.


    Looks like Vincent and I will get to go for a bit of a joyride after all.

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