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Posts posted by krix

  1. After finally reaching his next-of-kin, it looks like today is possibly the last day that I have the pleasure of being caretaker of the beloved Mr. Bentley.


    I always knew this day would come, but now that it's time to say goodbye, I realize just how much Mr. Bentley had added to my life. He's been a patient listener, a non-judgemental confidante and marvelous paperweight. We never got to go on any trips as planned, but he never uttered a complaint.


    While I'm sad our time together is over, I'm happy that he'll soon be gracing the shelf of his family.


    His constant companion, a 1-gallon can of Interior Latex Semi-gloss Enamel (off-white) is too pheklempt for words, but I know he bids a pale adieu as well.


    Goodbye, Mr. Bentley.

    It's been an honor.


  2. Here's a scan of the article (my own, feel free to use it)

    From that it sounds like you wrote the article and interviewed Keanu. If you did then that's pretty damn cool.


    oh, no no no.

    I just meant I did the scan and John or whomever were welcome to use it. Some of the other sites get fussy about that kind of thing. Though they don't mind links.


    It's a non issue, really. The article is fluff and everyone's pretty much read it anyway.

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