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Posts posted by Christian

  1. I actually didn't think "Werewolf by Night" was anything special. I liked DeMatteis' "Man Thing" better of the two. The art and mood were good though.


    Jenkins' run on "Spider Man" was amazing!

    His twelve-issue Marvel Knights "Inhumans" series was one of the top books ever to come from Marvel. It was the closest (besides "X-Statix") Marvel has ever come to a Vertigo book in many ways.


    So, Delano's work on "Shadowman" was good? I'm going to have to hunt that down now.....

  2. Wait! Are you sure it was the Devil-Mutant Father of Nightcrawler behind it all?! I thought it was the Pope of the "Church of Humanity" that was really behind it. Something about him (later her) brainwashing Kurt?! Wasn't it something about making Kurt the Pope, making the people turn against the Catholic Church because they'd think he was a demon. Then, the religious people would join his (later her) cult because they were the alternative to a religion with a mutant demon thing as Pope?!

    God that was an awful and incoherent mess, wasn it?!?!

    I'm feeling weak and tired even trying to think about this shite!!! :angry:

  3. Actually, I'm pretty sure I read that Mr. Thatcher was bailed out by his mommy about a week after the arrest. Can anyone in England (or anywhere else I guess!) confirm this or deny it?!

    Yes, sadly, as Hilde told us, even if Pinochet does go to trial (he's been called incompetent to stand trial every time they've tried so far), she said Chile does not have a death penalty..... :(

    Allende is killed off. Che Guevara is killed off. Good people are killed, but the monsters, they stand legal trials and get to die regular deaths....What's wrong with this picture?!

    At least Karma kicked in with Ronald Reagan, may his carcass rot for as many years as the innocent lives he has on his hands.....


    Well, I'm not sure if you read it or not, Mark; but it turns out that there was a lot more going on than Mr. Thatcher attempting to overthrow that govt. I posted about it on our original (may it RIP) Forum site shortly before the Boss closed it for business.

  4. Charlie-You may be right. It may have been Oswald as the lone-gunman, but it still doesn't mean the CIA (among others) wasn't behind it. I think that the reason they would want Oswald to take the sole blame (even though it would've worked well for Commie propoganda) is for two reasons:

    1.Everyone in America was always brainwashed with the International Communist Conspiracy. They didn't need more proof! NOW, if the Commies had infiltrated American society to the point where they were able to kill off a President, all of a sudden, America would have the need for an actual war against the Soviet Union on its hands. This was the LAST thing America wanted. A "Cold War" was great. An actual war against the Soviets was not in America's best interests.

    2.More people=More need for cover-ups. Oswald might've said something, but been considered a nutjob. Oswald was easy to kill off. 4 or more people means that you have more people who might talk. If you kill off all 4, you are going to make the public all of a sudden wonder why everyone involved is turning up dead all of a sudden. It's easier to cover-up one "lone gunman".


    Yes...this whole mentality of, "How can you say the CIA is corrupt and evil? If you can find out about it, it obviously isn't a conspiracy, it's just a series of mistakes. But, if you can't find out about it, then there's obviously nothing going on." is just SO ludicrous!!!

    First, if the CIA is this stupid an inept that they manage to make the SAME MISTAKES IN EVERY OPERATION, they really just need to be fired, NOW. :rolleyes: You know?! :lol:

    Of course the CIA and the American govt. can cover up hardly ANYTHING they do! It all eventually comes out! The important thing is that these things come out in magazines like "The Nation", or books by Noam Chomsky; because the US govt. knows that only converted people are going to read and believe these things! Everyone else either has no idea these books are even available, or they're so close minded that they read these books just to say, "Well, Chomsky says this, but he sounds like a Commie liar to me; because this is what Dan Rather and the White House told me!" It's what my quote by Delano is all about!

    The Soviets propaganda was so fucked up because of the fact that everyone in the country knew they were living under an Authoritarian dictatorship! They knew they probably shouldn't believe most of what their govt. told them, which meant that even when the Soviet govt. was telling the truth, no one believed them! It backfired SO badly!

    Meanwhile, the US tells everyone that it's a Democracy, "we're the Land of the Free"....So, the people buy into this and think that govt. wouldn't hide this sort of stuff by them. That if it were true, "US News" or the ABC news would've broken the story! The US propoganda is the most affective ever (perhaps besides Nazi Germany)!


    Josh? Can you help me with some sources as to Ruby and a Mafia connection? I have so many books, and my memory is so bad, that it would take me a few hours to find what I'm looking for. You seem to have all the info handy. Thanks!

  5. I love H.G. Wells! He's an excellent writer and true forerunner for all things that are science fiction unto the present day (although in some instances, I guess this isn't a good thing....). "War of the Worlds" would have to by my favourite by him.


    I once write short stories about a vagina eating a man alive and a penis with a mind of its own raping women. Both were wonderful little stories that will never been seen in the light of the day! :)

  6. Yeah, let me mention with my critique that I am a big Paul Jenkins fan. I can't think of anything of his that I really disliked off the top of my head. I haven't read any of his indie work though (besides his TMNT work, which I didn't even know was his....). So, my critique is from a Jenkins' fan.

  7. I'm so burnt out on "X-Men" books, which is sad for me to say as I've been reading the book since the mid-80s, and use to buy EVERY GOD-DAMNED F'ING X-Book that Marvel shoved down my throat before I discovered the wonders of Vertigo! Then, I only bought the ones I actually had fun reading.

    I buy "Uncanny X-Men" even though the book offends my intelligence, due to the fact that when it comes to Uncanny, I'm a collector first.

    I'll pick up "X-Men" come the new year when Milligan takes over, because I'd buy almost anything that Milligan wrote.

    Besides that, I have a boycott on all X-books. I used to buy "Uncanny", "X-Men", "X-Men Unlimited", and even "X-Treme X-Men" after I discovered Vertigo (well, ok, I bought the "Gambit" series while it lasted also!); but once Marvel decided to over-stock the shelves with X-book after X-book this past year (not to mention the abortion that is Chuck Austen), I decided I had been pushed too far!

  8. Kissinger would be in good company at that Tribunal, Mark....


    Josh-Yep! Allende killed himself was a machine gun....These Commie subservices are so talented they can even kill themselves in new and unusual ways that the Capitalist world could never believe possible!

    I don't think anything is coming back to haunt Kissinger. He's gotten away with everything and come across as a "Real American Commie Killing Hero" in the public eye.

    Hilde gave us an update about the Pinochet situation. He's at least in prison....Not good enough.

    Kissinger's policies with Latin America are back "in vogue" today with America's continued attempts to overthrow Populist govts. in Latin American countries (in the name of the "war on terrorism" this time); or keep corrupt, non-Democratic, pro-Capitalist govts. in power.

    There's the ongoing civil war in Colombia, Chavez in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and El Salvador that I've heard about since W. Bush took office. Of course, the Zapatistas are still trying to fight in Mexico, but that's been on the losing side since 1994, at least thanks to American military aid to the corrupt Mexican govt.

  9. Charlie, the following facts are proven without a doubt,

    Oswald was in contact with CIA agents and a man known to have Mafia connections (ones who actually claimed they had to get rid of Kennedy) before and after his trip to USSR is FACT.

    Oswald was given a passport and a paid plane ticket back to the US, after the Soviets pretty well decided that the guy isn't really a "traitour", by the State Dept. is FACT.

    Ruby had connections to the Mafia and that he received a large sum of money deposited into his bank account are FACT.

    Kennedy's confrontations with the CIA after the "Bay of Pigs" fiasco and his quote about disbanding the CIA are FACT.

    The Marine's base where Oswald was stationed is a CIA-front is a very well known FACT today.

    Pretty much the rest of the info is not as "well-known", and some of the sources are a bit questionable, but if you look at the info that IS proven to be a fact, and reason it through, you start to really see that there was more going on than a couple crazy guys shooting. Do the math for yourself, see what you come up with.


    Here's a neat little quote that pertains to this topic:

    The "First Watergate Law of American Politics" states: "No matter how paranoid you are, what the US government is actually doing is far worse than you imagine." The Second Law states:"Don't believe anything until it's been officially denied".

  10. Oh, notice I said he's worked with CIA fronts in the past. Obviously the man is getting approval for his operations, or he wouldn't be allowed to get involved. But, he's not taking orders from the CIA or working as a member of the CIA (as far as I could find). He's has a private organization that I'm sure gets approval from some area of American govt., most likely one involved with the CIA, before he goes into those countries.

    Of course, I seriously doubt he even needs to ask anymore! He's working against Socialist govts., so CIA fronts will already be in the country, and if he got involved in something they didn't like, I'm sure he'd get a call to cease and desist. America hates them Socialists! Even Democrats with certain Socialist policies are targets!

  11. Aren't ALL J.C. stories worth buying?!

    Hilde kindly gave you the stories comprising "Critical Mass", which was without a doubt Jenkins' best, and should be collected into TPB.

    #97 was a solo-issue, but is considered the Epilogue to "Critical Mass", so you might include that issue also. It was amongst my favourite H.B. issues ever.


    Jenkins' run.....

    The positive:

    I liked the way he wrote John Constantine. Middle-aged, sober (not when it comes to booze though! :lol: )....

    The stories that I liked by Jenkins, I REALLY liked!

    The only lasting impact from his run on the book right now seems to be the introduction of the Demon Constantine though....

    The writing was good.


    The negative:

    I HATED his supporting cast, except for Dani, who I felt was just a plot device.

    I didn't like how much mythology he put into the book. It started to look like a "poor man's Sandman" after a bit to me.

    The issues that I didn't enjoy so much, the stories were just boring to me (which sadly made up about 50% of his run).

    The First started to look like a joke in the middle of his run. Only in "How to Play with Fire" did the First start to look like a threat again after the ending to "Critical Mass".

  12. Fucking Henry Kissinger is a war criminal and should've been tried many years ago for his crimes against humanity, along with the Presidential cabinets that were involved with him, and the CIA for being his thugs and hitmen.

    The fact remains that "Communist" (I don't know of one govt. in South America that was a Communist govt., they were Socialist) parties don't give the proper human rights to millionaires and corporate heads, and those are the only people the American govt. has ever given a damn about!

    The poor people, the workers, the common man:They don't count! They're trash to be walked over, abused, and killed off if they don't play along with the "Elite".


    You want to hear something so fucking funny that it makes you want to kill people?! Post-9/11, America's old stomping buddies (in that they made sure that America stomped out their revolution as violently as possible) those crazy Sandinistas in Nicaragua, as well as a Socialist Party in Bolivia were back to their old tricks again! You know, getting popularly elected, making land reforms, more equitable distribution of wealth, Nationalizing, stopping Capitalist penetration....Or, the things that they were called "Commies" for in the 70s & 80s. Well, guess what?! Now that they're trying all over again in this post-Cold War world, guess what?! They're NOT Commies anymore! THEY'RE FUCKING TERRORISTS!



    Here's a humourous quote by Monty Python's Terry Jones (I guess it says here he said it about the Chavez crisis in Venezuela), "He was outsted in a fair and Democratic coup, only to be returned to office on what seems to have been little more than the whim of the people."(sadly) :lol:

  13. Yes, I didn't mean that it was a problem with the comic that Azzarello and Carey portray John as such a loner, I prefer John to be alone and miserable. Like elec said, I meant it was a problem when you have to kill off people close to John for emotional impact. Hard to find anyone that's going to be "big" enough without shaking up the book, possibly too much.


    I'd be pissed as hell if they brought Kit back just to be a murder victim!!!


    Abby and Tefe! I didn't think about that! Mainly because they're more involved in "Swamp Thing", BUT remember in #200 we kept seeing Abby turn up dead. Could be foreshadowing! The demons might target those two because Tefe also has John's blood in her, as his "half-daughter".

  14. "End of the World"....Never happen until the Earth falls into the Sun.

    "End of humanity" is another matter, but that'll be good for the World! Just because humanity dies doesn't mean everything else will too.


    Either global warming will mess up the environment to the point that it'll kill off humans or the world will become so economically devastated that nuclear weapons will not be properly looked after and a large number will go off wiping out most of the life we currently see on Earth. One will happen not too far into the future....a little less than 500 years, I'd say.

  15. Nah, I don't believe Soros is involved directly with the CIA. I'm sure the CIA likes the guys' organizations and some CIA-cover fronts have worked with Soros' organziation to attempt to rig elections, but Soros' "Open Society" seems to be totally private.


    I'm not sure if I misunderstood your last paragraph Josh, but Soros is NOT a Socialist.

    The terms "Left" and "Right" are just skewered terms like "Liberal" and "Conservative" (unless you are referring to the economy), that don't have much meaning outside of America. I have a serious problem with the "Left" and "Liberals", almost as much as I have a problem with "Conservative Right-Wingers" (besides Fascist ones who I hate above all else).

    I side with the "Progressive" movement, which includes parties such as the Greens, Socialists, and Communists (among others) who are totally outside of the American political debate (I'm not saying that there is a Progressive movement who all holds the same beliefs, because there is not any unified Progressive movement, it's become more all-encompassing for people who have turned away from the "Liberal" Demoracts and the Republicans and want to see American politics ask some REAL questions about American policies). The world has become so polarized since 9/11 (not that it wasn't during the Cold War, but we got a little break for about 10 years), that it's hard to say I'm on the "Left", because a good majority of the "Left" is so concerned with this "war on terror" that it offends me. It's just like the Cold War all over again in America.....

  16. OK, take this hypothetical for a moment OK....Let's say the Cold War is going on, and I join the Marines for some reason, but I'm still my old self-professed Communist self. Let's say that no one beats the shite out of me for saying "Communism is a better system than Capitalism" amongst a bunch of macho jerk-off Super Patriots.

    OK, now, all of a sudden I decide, "Hey! I'm in the Marines to collect info on a top-secret plane and I'm moving to the USSR!" except I really don't have any of the info I tell the Soviets I have. After a bit, I decide, "Hey, the USSR is a pretty boring place, but I still believe in Communism and the KGB probably wants me to kill Kennedy for them!" So, I decide to move back to America.

    I ask for a plane ride back to the States and new passport, and contact the State Dept. to get this.

    WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME?! Yeah! The magnanimous US is ALWAYS so VERY fogiving of traitours, aren't they?! How forgetful of me!

    I'd be sent before a military tribunal immediately is what would happen in REALITY.


    OK, now look at some facts, well known CIA agents, as well as people connected to the Mafia who have CIA connections, are ALL involved in Oswald's life from the moment he gets back from the USSR.

    The fact that Kennedy was killed shortly after he claimed he was going to disband the CIA, just like King was killed when he decided to start talking out against Vietnam. Why are these things believed to be coincidence?!

    Why are they hanging around Oswald and talking to him?! Why would they trust a guy who claimed he was going to give the plans for the U-2 to the Soviets?! Why would the Mafia be involved with the CIA agents at all?!

    I just cannot understand a mentality that refuses to believe that the CIA could off an American president if they really felt like it, when they can effectively kill off so many leaders of foreign countries! This is the type of thinking by people who don't realize what the CIA has done around the world for over 50 years now!


    There is even some proof that the CIA was indirectly involved in the death of Robert Kennedy also.


    Maybe Oswald wasn't a "plant", maybe he really was the killer, but if he really was, then he was "set-up" by the CIA to do the job. Probably being told, "Don't worry! We won't let anything happen to you! You'll get away with it and we'll pay you tons of money!" The CIA bailed on him, the Mafia paid off Ruby, the rest is history.


    But, anyway, good idea Charlie! Hollywood is NOT the place to get credible info about anything!


    "Conspiracy" is such a loaded term! It simply means a "secret plot involving high ranking officials". Pretty much everything American govt. agencies do is a Conspiracy!

    Today, the term has come to mean a "whacko crackpot idea that doesn't hold up to reality". It's pure propaganda to make the word "conspiracy" look like something only geeky nerds who jack-off to their computers could ever believe.

    As Michael Parenti once said, "I have friends who ask me, 'so what? you think everything is a conspiracy by the American govt.? Do you really think they sit in a top-secret, black room and plot against the world?' to which I reply, 'No! Of course they don't sit in top-secret rooms, they sky-dive out of airplanes!'" :lol:


    As far as UFOs, I have seen facts that some of them are US military test flights, while others I have heard were tests done during the Cold War on American citizens. I have read that the US created flying circular devices (based on Nazi scientist plans) that were meant to go into space directly above the planet, and were to be positioned over the Soviet Union to rain radiation onto the country. It's well known that the US govt. has tested biological, chemical, and radioactive weaponry on American citizens. Considering the after-effects some people claimed to have when they saw a UFO and the description given of this military weapon, I just have a guess that the govt. was testing out this "radioactive flying ship" on some Americans first to see how well it worked.

    By the by, the plan was eventually scrapped when they figured that they couldn't contain the radiation being leaked by the "saucer" to one country.

  17. Yeah Pooka, Abhi. In the first Gulf War, when the Iraqi military retreated out of Kuwait, the American fighters followed them and picked off target after target, as the military equipment were driving in a fairly straight line. It was described as a "turkey shoot" by American soldiers.

    Iraqi families who had cars packed up their things and tried to get the hell out of Iraq before they were killed. Needless to say, traffic was backed up trying to get out of Iraq, US fighters bombed these cars trying to run away also. The soldiers backed up their bombing of families in cars by saying, "We didn't know who was who. Anyone of those cars could've been Iraqi officials trying to take WMDs out of the country in disguise."

    The wreckage revealed that all the blown up vehicles belonged to FAMILIES.

    Another quote included, "Man! It's such a rush, man! You shoot those tanks and they just turn fucking white hot! You see parts shooting out of the tank every which way, all super-heated, you know? Wow! Way cool!"

    This was all from the first Gulf War. So, yeah, I'm sure it's the exact same shite!

    Hypocrites! The difference between the guerilla forces and the US military is that most of these guerillas are Iraqi citizens attempting to fight against an oppressive invader to protect their homeland. America just invaded for no good reason and started blowing things up.

  18. Perhaps Angie...but by this point, it wouldn't really matter....

    Truthfully, if Carey could do it in a meaningful and lasting way, I would give him kudos for having the "fortitude" to kill of Cheryl. THAT would be a HUGE blow that COULD (read SHOULD) be felt for years to come in H.B.! If this is just going to be a "kill people off for the sake of the plot, make John teary eyed for a bit, then resolve to destroy the enemy" type thing, than no, it really shouldn't be anyone of too much importance. It has to be lasting and "Real" to be Cheryl.

    I agree with Josh as to "who could Carey kill who wouldn't mess up the franchise but would still be important enough that John and us fans might care"?!

    Personally, I would find it funny if Carey brought back all of Jenkins' supporting cast and killed them off one by one! I just hated them! BUT, the problem there would be myself, as a reader, would be enjoying those deaths and not caring that the people died. And, truthfully, I really couldn't see John shedding too many tears over them dieing at the point either! :lol:

    So, besides killing off some of the supporting magicians' circle left over from Ellis' run and "Staring at the Wall", I can't think of anyone to kill off!

    That's the problem with the fact that Azzarello's and Carey's runs have really made John into a loner or a man with few "outside contacts".

  19. John, unless it might be a back-issue that the comic shops have run the price through the roof. It might've been under-printed or something, and is now actually worth that much in the backissue bends. I'm pretty sure it's not available to order from Marvel anymore, but is probably collected in a Trade.

    Find the "Punisher:The End" one-shot if you want a REALLY good "what if?" Punisher story! Punisher doesn't just kill a bunch of super heroes and super villains. Track it down and see what happens in that book, I guarantee you will not be disappointed!

  20. Michael Parenti and Mark Zepezauer have both written excellent essays about the JFK assassination proving how ignorant it is to believe the official story, that "Oswald was a lone nut". It's really hard to shoot 3 bullets, from three different positions, from one gun at almost the same time.

    Oswald originally worked for the CIA. The base where he was stationed as a Marine, Atsugi Air Base in Japan, is well known to be a CIA-front today. The CIA sent him undercover to the Soviet Union (he was briefed by Count de Morhenschildt in NY before his Russian defection, who on his deathbed claimed that he was paid by the CIA to brief Oswald on his "secret mission in USSR"), claiming he was going to release classified documents to the Soviets (about the U-2 plane), but he was really supposed to be a spy. The Soviets never trusted him. Oswald never gave them any of the details he promised, and eventually left back to America. His trip back was paid for by the State Dept. Can you imagine if a regular "Joe" had done this and wanted to come back to America?! While Oswald was overseas, the CIA planted all kinds of "pro-Communist" evidence. Everyone close to Oswald said he never seemed to be the type of person to have any kind of "radical" ideas, until one day he started ranting about Communism, shortly before he "defected".

    Oswald was a patsy, made to look like a whacko by the CIA for "plausible deniability".

    Ruby had well known ties to the Mafia, and had actually gotten a very large sum of money deposited into his bank account shortly before he "got too Patriotic" and shot Oswald. This is SO obviously a conspiracy that it's impossible to believe that even the gullible American public believed it!

    Oswald met with "rogue" CIA agents upon his return to America (Guy Banister, Clay Shaw, and David Ferrie all of whom had at one time or another claimed they were going to "take care of the Kennedy problem").

    After Oswald moved to Dallas he was in contact with "Maurice Bishop" (who was actually David Atlee Phillips, a CIA agent), William Harvey (linked to the Mafia), and Howard Hunt (who was also involved in Watergate).

    Also, for a motive, after Kennedy "backed out" on the "Bay of Pigs" incident, some CIA agents started to harrass Kennedy about being soft on Communism. After this, Kennedy fired Allen Dulles and Charles Cabell (who was also the brother of the mayor of Dallas). Kennedy made a pledge that he would disband the CIA, shortly before he was assassinated.


    Why was the Mafia involved? I've never been too sure, unless they were pulling in favours they owed the CIA. OR, the Mafia might have wanted Kennedy gone because they were afraid that it might eventually leak out that the Mafia had contributed funds to Kennedy's election bid.


    The role of Oswald:Another good question is why did Oswald go along with any of this? Obviously, the people involved wanted to blame the "Left" for killing Kennedy (just as the CIA has done in numerous Third World countries, esp. Greece), so this explains their playing around with Oswald and making him look like a "Commie". It was also revealed that Oswald was told to meet CIA agents at the book depository, around the time of Kennedy's assassination.


    I've also read, but never confirmed that before Kennedy got into the limo, he told his wife, "If they're planning to shoot me today, then there's really nothing anyone can do about it."


    Supposedly, Nixon knew about the assassination of JFK by the CIA, and used the code-word "BAY OF PIGS" (in caps) to refer to the event. When Nixon wanted the CIA to help make the investigation into Watergate disappear, he apparently blackmailed them by sending them a written letter, "You don't want any info about the BAY OF PIGS to come out with Watergate!"


    Another interesting, but disproven, note:When Carter was running for his second term, it was well known that he had pissed off the CIA to no end during his presidency, by limiting (not stopping, mind!) their ability to overthrow foreign govts. it was leaked that some agents within the CIA were heard saying, "If Carter gets re-elected, we might have another incident like Kennedy on our hands".

  21. George Soros is an American billionaire who runs the "Open Society" organizations. It's a private organization that finances international newspapers, radio stations, NGOs, and political parties which are pro-Capitalist and anti-"nationalist". They were involved with groups within Serbia who were attempting to oust Milosevic in 1999-2000 because he wasn't playing along with the "Free Market Reform" game. The tactics were so successful in Serbia according to Open Society members, that they decided to attempt the same thing in Georgia with Shervardnadze (who was much more opposed to Capitalist infilitration than Milosevic ever was). It worked even better in Georgia than it did in Serbia.

    I'm not sure what Soros' problems are with W. Bush, per se as Soros' organization has been involved in tipping elections against Socialist candidates, but it could be that Soros is just a moderate Liberal who is opposed to W. Bush's "plan of attack". He's obviously not the most trustworthy guy in the world.


    EDITS IN:Ok, I read Josh's link, so yeah, Soros is a "left-leaning" moderate Liberal so I'm sure he believes everything he says, but I still don't much like the guy (minus most of his views on W. Bush and Israel). He's very much pro-Globalization and "Free Market", and he's been involved in questionable actions in former-Soviet Bloc countries.

  22. Thanks everyone.

    Harlan was buried today at 4:00 in my grandparents' back yard.

    He was just the best damn hamster. He was always there for me. We went through a lot together in that year and an half.

    I'm still around. Just not myself. I don't really know what to say right now and am not really too fun to be around right now. This is the only thread I'm really interested in reading and posting in for now. If you want, I can stop by and let you know I'm around. Besides that, I think I'm going to have to take a leave of abscence, until I can get my head and emotions together.

    I'm sketching out a story I'm planning to write for Harlan, right now.

    It's hard because he was always RIGHT THERE beside me in my room.

    It's just my first night without him.


    John-I'd consider it a big favour if you locked the "How is Harlan" thread for me. There's not any use in keeping it around. Just keep this one.

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