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Posts posted by Christian

  1. Harlan W. Verotik died at 5:30 a.m., this past morning due to complications of pneumonia. He was a year and an half.

    He died laying on my chest.

    We all fought hard (him most of all), but it was just too much for him in the end.

    I don't really know what else to say right now. I've said so much about Harlan, but he was my best friend, and all I can think of to say is:

    Thank you.

    I'll miss you.

  2. Yeah, well, Har has this annoying habit of being really nice to strangers who go "Oh! What a cute hamster!". He acts so adorable and nice, and they go, "Oh! He's such a well behaved little guy!" Then, I get him home and try to give him medicine or whatever and he fights and yells....sigh...

    Actually the vet today was a really nice guy! He talked with me a bit about Harlan and some personal stuff. He asked me, "Where do you work?" and I told him I was unemployed. I guess he took pity on me and thought I was some poor guy with just a hamster in the world (not far off I guess....), because he only charged me the $7.50 for the medicine! He gave me a free office visit! Really nice guy!

  3. AHA! Thanks to Keeyah, I have an Avatar....Unfortunately, I think I ended up downloading the wrong pic off my computer!!!

    Rogan, it said that there was an error with the pic of Lenin and that that type of file was not compatable with the Avatar, or something....I'm confused!

  4. I don't know....it's all quite unusual....America had it's more "Liberal" President (yeah, I know that's an oxymoron!) with Carter, but decided to go with Reagan who pretty much flushed the toilet and the world down the toilet during his reign of terror, and he got elected AGAIN SOMEHOW!!! After 8 years of horror, it would seem that America would want a "change" (yeah, another oxymoron, eh?) by voting in a Democrat, but they stuck with the Republican in Emperor Bush the First.


    Anyway, my official position is that:

    Regardless of who won this stupid debate (over who's more Conservative and aggressive against Terrorism), WE ALL LOST!

  5. Actually, you'll see by looking at history that EVERY President since the end of World War II (when the US found itself in a position of military and economic superiority to every other country at the time), has been surronded by people attempting to establish a covert American Empire, and they've done a damn good job. The difference with W. Bush is that it's NOT covert anymore! He's actually pretty much coming out and saying that America is an Imperial power, but one which will bring "peace and Democracy" to the world. Instead of fighting wars in secret or pretending like the American interventions are in "world interest", W. Bush just unilaterally attacks countries at a whim, regardless of what it looks like to the rest of the world.

    Kerry won't change American policy, because even if he did (which I do not believe he does! If you look at his REAL policy, not his pre-memorized speeches by spin-doctors, you'll see he wants to increase the amount of soldiers in Iraq and give MORE funding to the CIA), he wouldn't have the power to do this. Under Kerry, Iraq will continue as an issue for a few years and slowly fade into the background (it will either have a puppet govt. friendly to the West just as bad as Sadaam or worse or it will deteroriate into a massive Civil War), and then we'll end up reading about CIA interventions all around the Third World in the name of "preventing Terrorist attacks".


    My predictions for America's future:The "war on Terrorism" will continue for about another 20 years or so, give or take a few years. At which point, Americans will tire of hearing about the "great danger of Terrorists in every corner of the globe", and realize that Terrorism is not as large a threat as the govt. is telling them. Much like what happened with Communism in the '80s. When America started telling the people that "Grenada is the biggest threat to American safety", the people started to wonder just what the hell was going on!

    It'll be the same with Terrorism after Sept. 11th dies down, and people wake up and realize that America is blowing up countries in the Middle East while they can't even find a job.

    At this point, China should be a credible contended for another "Superpower" on the world scene. At which point, America will declare a war against Imperialist Aggressor China.

    And, we'll be right back to where we started with the "war on Communism, drugs, Terrorism".

    Obviously, these "wars" are all about imposing Imperial American policies on every corner of the globe and suppressing dissent within America, itself. Anyone who has even a basic understand of historical American Politics can figure this out!

  6. AHHH! Another "Goths" thread!!! Can we really discuss Goths for a whole nother thread?!

    Ah well....Red will be happy! :D


    Maybe we should have a dress up day on the Forum where we all act Goth???


  7. I think Harlan's problems all started when his mother attempted to eat him....he he he


    Yes Keeyah. Besides my girlfriend, my Harlan is the most important thing in my life. He's my best little furry buddy!

    He's only 1 and a half years old.


    I took him to the vet, and he gave me some different medicine called "Albon". Rogan!!! Know anything about this stuff?!

    It's supposed to have an appetite stimulant in it also.

    The vet said the biggest reason Harlan has been so sick is that he's got a really bad "fever". Remember, with hamsters, their body temp. DROPS when they have a "fever". He's been so cold, he's just miserable and too tired. The vet said to put a heating lamp pointed on him to try and raise his temp.

    Once again, Harlan was a very good boy for the vet!

  8. As I stated, this really didn't do much for me. It seemed horribly rushed! I'm thinking Carey should've just concentrated on John's true love, Kit, for the entire issue instead of a couple of pages of Kit, then Zed (who I couldn't even tell the difference between her and Angie, personality as well as picture-wise), then Angie.

    It seems like Anniversary issues anymore are an excuse to put multiple-artists on a book! Uncanny X-Men #400 was a crappy over-sized story that was carried by the fact that it had 8 art teams. Daredevil's 40th anniversary issue was a joke, but had 6 different artists to carry it. Now, Hellblazer #200 seems about the same; not really special in the story, but 3 different art teams to make it an anniversary book. BAH!

    Personally, I think multiple artists in one book is more distracting and irritating because it's not exactly fluid.

    But, yeah, I think Carey just loves Fantasy which is why his "Lucifer" is so amazing, but I'm just not impressed with his run on H.B. (besides "High on Life" and the "Ward" story, both of which were more like Delano or Ennis issues of H.B.).

  9. Keeyah-My girlfriend is a fan of Deaver. I'll ask her if she's read that one.


    I'm reading a bunch of Noam Chomsky books right now. He's got a huge archive of FREE E-books online here:


    I finished "The Common Good" two nights ago (not available online sorry), and am currently reading the hefty 400+page "Deterring Democracy". Skip the intro as it is boring as hell and full of scholarly text that no one who does not have a Doctorate can even PRETENT to enjoy. The rest of the book has been engaging though!

    I'm waiting for the local Border's to get a copy of William Blum's new book in stock. They said 3-5 days two weeks ago!!! ARGH! (no EVIL smilies either, damn).

  10. Awww....So nice to start a new Harlan thread!

    Also, Keeyah PMed me to ask about Har, so just wanted to let everyone know how sweet and caring she is also!


    I was planning to take Harlan to the vet today, but then he got up and started acting like he was well, but he was fooling me. I think he's just highly intelligent and heard me talking about calling the vet, so he decided to muster all of his strength to act like he was feeling good so I would leave him be, because he hates the vet. He's been back to acting sick again. He's not eating all that much today either. I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow.

  11. Oh come now, Hilde! We all know I'm the one who goes off on lunatic rants against American foreign policy in just about every post I've ever written! With this thread, I'm hoping to contain my radical aggression, and save it for the people who actually want to read it.


    Rogan-Let's see:

    1.We've got a guy who wants to kill off the Arab and African race, and replace them with factories.

    2.We've got a guy who lies about everything, who would much rather have "secret wars", than undignified outright wars. What's the CIA getting paid for anyway?!

    3.We've had independent parties barred from the building where the debates are being held.

    4.We've got a "Debate", where all questions are prepared ahead of time and ran through the party for censoring.

    5.We've got a war in Iraq that is getting to levels close to Vietnam. We just need that pesky Draft now!

    6.We've got a "leader" in Afghanistan who didn't even live in the country until he got put in the Presidency.

    7.We've got Imperial transnational powers run amok as I've never seen.

    8.We have a militarization of space occuring.

    9.We've got a war on terrorism which looks and sounds suspiciously like a war on Communism from a few years back.

    10.We've got a war on civil liberties at home, unheard of since the glory days of Fascism.

    So, all in all, I'd say the Presidential debates looks exciting and interesting. I can't wait to see who I wish I could vote for: the Republicans or the Moderate Conservative Democrats.

  12. I read the first issue, and it wasn't half bad. It just didn't keep my interest for more than one issue either. Not my thing, really.

    And yes, I'm getting sick of all these "Three Witches archetypes" in Vertigo comics! Can't anyone besides Gaiman use them as actual mythological beings?! Why must they always be represented by "Real" people?!

    It would probably appeal to the Goth crowd though. Not exlusively.

  13. I will discuss political topics and review political books, etc. Anything political, I will TRY to keep here, so everyone doesn't go nuts from my ranting.

    It will also keep "News for Fools" free of Bushism and depressing news about Sudanese villagers being massacred; which it seems people were getting tired of seeing in the news thread.

    Anyone with anything politically minded to discuss or post can put it here!

  14. Ah! You're no fun, Rogan! If you're planning to die anyway....

    Oh well, where's Red at?!


    Claire-Yes, I know that S. Korea fought in Vietnam. BUT, since we're on the subject of obscure military history involving Korea, did anyone here know that American forces were fighting in North Korea before the Korean war actually started?!

  15. Hey Rogan?

    My life is pretty much shite, and I'm very unhappy with it. Very unhappy with the state of the world, and getting more depressed all the time.

    I'm thinking of taking off and spending some time in Cuba in the next year.

    Want to hook up with me and do the ol' Che Guevara routine after that?! We can travel the world and try to coordinate the Proletariat of Third World countries to stage a Revolution. Of course, we'll end up being shot by CIA agents....but our name will live in the annals of history. What do you say?!

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