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Donnie Van

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Posts posted by Donnie Van

  1. Hellblazer

    Swamp Thing (why, I don't know ... I'm hating it)

    Books of Magick: Life During Wartime (it all seems to work better when you can sit down and read more than a few issues at once ... the monthly schedule seems to sort of fuck it all up, IMO)

    Promethea (still tracking down back issues as well)


    Human Target (see ya)

    The Monolith (adios)

    Fallen Angel (what the fuck is up with all these cancellations?)

    Seven Soldiers (eh, the other topic convinced me to check 'er out)


    Aquaman (no laughing, you bastards)


    The Walking Dead

    The Question (sure, it's only a mini ... great art, but rather lackluster story; would've rather seen Vic return to Hub City to clean up the mess he couldn't clean up before)


    Wow. Marvel really can't get me to buy much of anything anymore (except Nightcrawler's book, but Nightcrawler's awesome)

    I might try picking up Carey's new Marvel book. Something about impossibly beautiful teenage sorceresses, right? Sounds right up my alley.

  2. Slowly devoured through the course of an issue. Like between each scene change, you get to see a panel, just one, of random shots, small and obscure enough that you can't really make out what it is. Then, at the end, there's a final splash page that just shows my thoroughly hollowed out and chewed up corpse sprawled out on the floor.

  3. I'm really not liking the idea of this so far, and doubt I'll pick it up anytime soon (if ever).


    I know it's only a few pages, but the entire preview came off as cliche and cheesy.

    Oddly enough though, I rather like the "new" look for Midnite (though it'd be better if he actually looked like Midnite).

  4. Anyone bring up the possibility that our mystery narrator could be one of the deceased Newcastle crew? We saw Gary Lester way back in #181 helping John from beyond. Maybe he's found a better way to do it ... ?

    Though then the overkill remark doesn't mark a whole lot of sense. Unless somehow he's merged with Mnemoth or become a hunger demon himself (devouring something until all that's left is a shriveled shell sounds pretty overkill to me).


    Ah, you'll have to forgive me. It's early and I'm just tossing out whatever comes to mind.

  5. "Donnie Van" doesn't get me much:


    - Vienna Don (organized crime, here I come!)

    - Anion Vend

    - Neon Dan VI

    - None I'd Van

    - Nova In End


    Tried my full name, and came up with some rather strange ones:


    - Absolve Done Inn Need

    - Bedevil Noose Ann End

    - Dandelion Seven Bone

    - Nosebleed Vein On DNA

  6. Donnie-Well, in this issue, "Rat Boy" started a bar brawl for no apparent reason. I can't see Stranger doing that, and that is pretty hands on.

    As Meaner stated that doesn't seem very helpful and friendly either! Kinda immature....playing with John....


    That's true. And it would very out of character for the Stranger to go and act out on John like that ... no matter how much John might deserve it (would you help out a guy who drunkenly pissed on your leg?).


    I'm still thinking it's Demoniacal JC, but I would wub wub wub this comic if it were the Golden Boy.


    Actually, I think Golden Boy is where I'm leaning as well. I haven't read the issue, though from what I've heard, he and John wind up merging souls, right?

    Well, I suppose his essence could have "escaped" or something during "Critical Mass." Or perhaps all his essence was transported into the Demon Constantine as well, and he's been slowly taking control over the years.


    This is really killing me :(

  7. Warning is helping ... though yeah, a bit like telling someone to watch out for fire when their sleeve is already aflame, huh?


    Well, if it is just mysterious warnings from the darkness and such, that lends more credence to the Phantom Stranger theory. And he did say that though he couldn't do anything directly, he'd be watching for a chance to make his move.


    I really don't know. I've racked my brain over this, and have come absolutely no closer to figuring it out. Makes waiting for the next issue rather torturous, to say the least.

  8. Well, way back when, there were the typical kid ones ("poop face" and other equally clever jabs). At some point, we all matured enough for "fucktard" and "queer-mo" to become inexplicably popular.

    During my last couple years in high school, I really took a shining to "[over-used word]" and "twat." I think maybe it's because you hear them so little here that they really tend to pack a punch, as opposed to the typical "fag" or whatever.

  9. All right, so after reading up on this thing a bit, the inner geek got the best of me, and I've been wondering where we last saw these characters and what they were up to at the time.


    Last I heard of Shiloh Norman (Mr. Miracle), he was warden for the Slab (that metahuman prison).

    Though it's a bit disappointing that so much shit happens to go on there. I would figure any protege of Scott Free (and that circus performer, Thaddeus something, who originally called himself Mr. Miracle as well) would be able to manage incarceration better than that.

    (The interview at the link above mentions that Shiloh has "limited memories" of the time he spent with Scott and Oberon. I can't help but think that that sounds like an excuse for twisting and fucking with previous character development, however minor. Not that I particularly care in this case.)


    Shining Knight, as I mentioned earlier, is the one member here who was a member of the original Seven Soldiers of Victory. The last time I saw him would be ... JSA, during the "Princes of Darkness" story. He was one of the (many) JSA Reservists. I believe I also heard it was his enchanted sword that Shadow Thief stole in Identity Crisis and stabbed Ronnie Raymond with, inexplicably making him explode. I guess Brad Meltzer got Firestorm confused with Captain Atom.

    (The interview says this Shining Knight is still Sir Justin, but seventeen years old. Which makes me wonder whether it's the original one, or a new one that for some reason has the same name and abilities as the first (maybe it's the same Shining Knight, but taken from a point earlier in his life .... which would really confuse the hell out of me).)


    Guardian. I haven't the slightest idea who this guy is, except I do vaguely recall that he uses a shield (I probably know that because his Kingdom Come counterpart did as well). So I can't say much, except that the riot gear + golden shield + Dr. Fate helmet costume looks like shit.

    (The interview says he accidentally killed a kid or something.)


    Now, it looks like Klarion the Witch-Boy is being completely revamped, which bothers me a bit. I'm all for using whatever characters you want, and even being selective about the continuity you want to use ... but tossing it ALL out?

    Anyways, the last time I saw Klarion (not that it means much) was during the whole "Sins of Youth" storyline.

    (Well, at least he apologizes for starting over from scratch.)


    Now, Bulleteer seems to be a new character. I recall Bulletman and Bulletgirl, but neither was named "Alix Harrower". Can't really comment much, except that the "Bullet Family" showed up in Power of Shazam! (much like all old Fawcett properties).

    (Sounds like he's giving her a bit of what I'd like to call the "Concrete Syndrome." Though since that reference would probably be lost on anyone who's never read Paul Chadwick's work, maybe "Rhino Syndrome" would be better. By that, I mean it seems that she has a very durable outer shell suit type thing that may very well be permanent.)


    Frankenstein is indeed the Spawn of Frankenstein character I mentioned earlier. Once again, I cant say much about him (maybe that's the point of some of these choices) other than he used to appear in one of the old Phantom Stranger titles as a back-up story.

    (Like James, the "has the left hand of the archangel Michael" thing sort of threw me for a loop. Though if I can accept that an angel named Michael appeared in Action Comics, this shouldn't bother me. I can just pretend they're two completely different Michaels, or realize that even if Michael should somehow lose a hand it's well within his power to form a new one, or his hand was indeed somehow recovered from Yggdrasil, or ... )


    And last, the lovely Zatanna, the most well-known member of this odd little group. I can't recall when I last saw her. Everyday Magic? JLA: Black Baptism? I know she played a major role in Identity Crisis, but I didn't read it, and don't plan on doing so any time soon. From the sounds of it, I wouldn't like how she was portrayed anyways, and so like any good comic fan (:D) I will ignore it and baselessly bad-mouth it. Phooey, I say.

    (Zatanna has an "apprentice," huh? Maybe some lovely young lass she's taken a shining to, in more ways that one? ;) Ahhh, don't mind me. I've got a bad case of the Zatanna Lust. I didn't originally like the sound of "goth fetish Zatanna," but the pic quickly put my foot square into my mouth, where it should probably be more often than not.)


    Anything to add, anyone?


    So, overall, I guess my dorky venture into research excited me, at least a bit. I'll definitely be picking up the Zatanna thing, and the Spawn of Frankenstein and Klarion ones seem like something I'd probably like. Maybe I'll wind up getting the others, too. From the sounds of it, the entire project is going to seem like a bunch of stand-alone stories, but will really tie together in the big picture. And I'd hate to miss the big picture.

  10. hmm...You're right. P.S. did refer to Newcastle when he met John in "Swamp Thing". But, that doesn't necessarily mean they know each other. P.S. could just keep track of other mystical characters from the DCU through the grapevine for his own purposes.

    It's been forever since I've read that issue!


    It goes like this:


    Stranger - The truth most painful to the heart is that which makes the spirit stronger ... and it is the strength of spirit that will be needed when the physical crisis is over.

    John - Couldn't have put it better myself.

    Stranger - John Constantine? I heard that you had perished during the exorcism in Newcastle last Winter ...

    John - Nah. The kiddie died and I was in a loony bin for a few weeks, but other that that it went really well.

    Stranger - The same Constantine. The same black humor ...

    John - Is there any other kind? Now,if you'll excuse us, I have to take our mutual friend here to see the man in charge. See you later.

    Stranger - Oh, yes. You may depend upon it.


    So John doesn't give any indication that he did or did not know the Stranger (aside from casually conversing with him like he was an old acquaintance). Though the Stranger definitely knows of John and his exploits, and his sense of humor.


    So I don't know. But I susppose any comic where John Constantine appears on-panel with Aquaman should be taken with a grain of salt as far as the large picture of canonity is concerned.

  11. I think John knew Chas before he knew the Phantom Stranger. Did he imply that he had known John longer than John had known Chas when he said "friend". I'm not sure.


    Not that I think it's the Phantom Stranger, but something to toss out ...


    Back in Moore's Saga of the Swamp Thing, John and the Stranger see one another on the Monitor's satellite. and the Stranger makes a comment about having thought John died at Newcastle (which would indicate, to me at least, that they had known one another previous to the Newcastle incident).


    Honestly, I won't mind whoever it is, barring another new character from John's past we've never seen up until now. But I have faith in Carey that it will be much better than that.

  12. Probably the oldest one, but I liked the one back in Saga of the Swamp Thing, where John's in the bar with Frank and that other guy tries starting shit with John.

    I particularly liked the quote. Forget how it went, exactly. Something like ...


    Frank: John ... you broke your glass. You've got blood all over your hands!

    John: Shouldn't worry yourself about it ... I'm sure it won't be the last time.


    Anyone got a scan of that handy? If not, I'll see if I can manage it after I get off work tomorrow night.

  13. Ha! Excellent, excellent work, James!

    It's really a breath of fresh air to read something pertaining to the Jenkins' Hellblazer Era that's not a bitchy diatribe.

    I, for one, rather liked the toned down supporting cast Jenkins brought with him. It fit the idea of a "working class mage" more so than waltzing around all the time with ghosts and succubi and angels, I think.


    :D Can't wait for the Ellis write-up

    ( I can wait for the Azzarello write-up, though I'm sure you'll be able to make that interesting as well)

  14. Now, do you enjoy seeing villains who you just plain hate? Or, do you enjoy those villains you love to hate (or even love)?


    Which type of villain would you rather see in "Hellblazer"?


    I don't mind either, really, but I'd like to feel strongly about the villain types one way or the other. That's what I'm digging about these kids; I hate the three of them horribly, especially with the most recent events, and I can't wait to see them get what's coming to them.


    That would probably be my biggest complaint about the past couple of years of Hellblazer: a lack of notable villains. Sure, there was the bit with Josh Wright awhile back, and Ghant is alright. And that's it, really. The Beast, the most prominent antagonist of Carey's run thusfar I'd say, had more of a "Galactus feel" to it. And by that, I mean it was less a villain fucking things up for the sake of sheer villainy and more a widescale cosmic-type force just fucking things up because that's it's nature. It's hard to say "Oooh, that son of a bitch!" to something akin to a force of nature. Maybe it's that there seemed to be a lack of evil intent, no maniacal cackling in the gothic castle on a stormy night, so to speak.

    That's a weird little thing from me, I'll admit, and it probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Still, that's why this most recent stuff and new lot of baddies has me excited. It's not random supernatural happenstance that John's caught up in; this is all wicked shit with the sole aim of torturing him mercilessly.

    (Or, if I wanted to do my impression of the "Constantine" PR department ... THIS TIME IT'S PERSONAL :lol:)

  15. Those creepy little fuckers.

    (Kudos to Mike for crafting some rogues I actually loathe. I don't get that enough in books anymore.)


    John's demonic self seems like a good pick, but I'm feeling like there's more to it than just that.

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