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Posts posted by Malin

  1. she might think your online friends are not terribly cool


    I assume that the fact that we've actually met means that, for the purposes of this sentence, I totally don't count as one of your "online" friends, right?


    ...Right? :ohmy:


    No, honey, because you've actually met Jessie, they know you're not cool, even a little bit.


    Rogan, if your totally real and not at all imaginary girlfriend (she lives in Canada, right?) can only reach you through the Forum, I promise you she'll join soon. That's why I joined. Mark and I lived in different countries, Mark wouldn't answer his phone or log onto MSN (this was before Skype or Facebook, in the before time, in the long long ago) and it became a drag not to have my own login.

  2. But which of your ideas was it?. Anyway, anything any of us have thought about Dr Who, wolvy, Mark already thought about, put on his devils advocate hat and argued against with himself, ran past Malin, five times until she sent him outside to tell the sparrows, and THEN he brings it here to enlighten us.


    :) Cheer up mate, even Churchill had people poach his ideas at times.


    That's uncanny, Avaunt. It's like you can see into our home. You've not got cameras installed, do you?


    Wolvy, Mark did actually mention the possibility of parallell timelines (without posting about it on the Interwebs, so I get that you feel you have dibs) before Day of the Moon even aired. He likes his speculations, does Mark.

  3. The bits in the orphanage with Amy were hella scary. The Silence are totally the scariest monster Moffat's come up with so far.


    Now what I'd like to know is:


    Is that child Amy and Rory's? If so, how the hecke did it regenerate? How did it go nine months after Amy apparently shot it until it DID regenerate? There are TimeLordlings now?



    I'm confused, but I'm sure that's how I'm supposed to feel. Next week...pirates. The week after that - Gaiman's episode. I'm very excited.


    Ok, my impressions so far. The monsters are super creepy and even on the second viewing of the episode, I felt a bit wobbly when they were on screen.

    Let me be the first to congratulate you and Mark on your wonderful news. :smile:


    :laugh: Why thank you. Pretty much a non-issue yet, but STH will surely be the first to know (after my family, closest friends and colleagues) if such happy news do happen to become relevant.


    I also knew what Amy's big news for the Doctor was pretty early on, but Mark didn't think it had been telegraphed throughout the episode as much as I had, ...

    I didn't think so, either. Like Wolvy, I assumed her stomach upset was caused by the Silent's forgetting power.


    It could just be that I've got so incredibly used to the TV shorthand for this, it always pretty much follows the same pattern. Casual mention of weight-gain, stomach upsets, often dizziness and fatigue (which are all of course actual symptoms, so it's not surprising that they use them).

  5. Ok, my impressions so far. The monsters are super creepy and even on the second viewing of the episode, I felt a bit wobbly when they were on screen.

    That people forget about them the minute they turn away from them

    makes them extra scary.


    My prediction is that the person in the spacesuit on the beach is

    another version of the Doctor



    I really like Canton Everett Delaware III. They can keep him.


    I also knew what Amy's big news for the Doctor was pretty early on, but Mark didn't think it had been telegraphed throughout the episode as much as I had, so maybe I'm just used to TV tropes on female characters. I was very glad to see that Amy was written much better this whole episode, and they seem to have found something for Rory to do, except be the butt of all of the Doctor and Amy's jokes. This is all good.


    I liked River's speech as she was unlocking the door. Glad we're going to find out who she really is this season.

  6. This chap joins the regular cast in the third episode, not sure where he falls on your scale though!


    That'll do nicely. All the pretty men in the world can't make me watch a show if it's boring. If the Morgan vs Merlin power-struggle keeps being as entertaining as it was in the first two episodes, I'll give it a chance. Most of our regular shows are now wrapping up for the season, I need something to replace them.

  7. Tina Fey. I find her insufferably arrogant, pretentious and unfunny.


    Dislike dislike dislike! I dislike this comment. :(


    I have to agree with Jessie and Husamuddin here. Tina Fey is great. I just put her biography Bossypants on my E-reader after reading several very positive reviews of it, and am looking forward to reading it once I'm done with my mountain of correction work.


    Now that's something I strongly dislike. Correction work. Especially when what I'm correcting is (for the most part) extremely poorly written Norwegian essays.

  8. Mark and I watched the first two episodes, but with the exception of Eva Green, who is clearly having way more fun than the others, and is possibly in a different show in her head (much like Alan Rickman in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves- seriously, I'd pay good money to see the rest of the movie his character's clearly in), I wasn't too impressed. If it picks up a bit in episode four, we may keep with it. It seriously lacks man candy, though, which is always a bonus in your glossy entertainment show. The first ten minutes of Game of Thrones had more pretty men than the entirety of Camelot, what with Arthur being snaggle-toothed and a bit meh, sexy sexy James Purefoy having a big ol' beard

    and being killed off in the second episode and all

    and Fiennes the younger being all bald. Meanwhile, the men get Eva Green's tits. According to the New York Times reviewer (see wrongheaded review here), women only turn into fantasy shows for the sex, and if I have nothing pretty, how will it ever hold my attention?


    Caught the opening double episode of The Borgias, and think that looks like it might be lots of fun. Now that's obviously based on history, not fantasy, but I'm sure Ginia Bellafante feels they should make sure women viewers tune in by adding lots of gratuitous sex there too. After all, we have far to little intellect to care about the political machinations and intrigue or the glossy locations.

  9. I just want to state for the record that if it does turn out to be Rory who gets killed...again, I will make a little wax puppet of Steven Moffat and torture it and curse him with all the creativity I can muster. I will also reach through the television and tear his junk off. Finally, Moffat will take first place on my absolute hate list, finally allowing Brian K. Vaughn to slip to second place after what he did to my favourite character in Y:The Last Man (Robert Jordan will never get off the list, what with being dead and unable to rectify his mistakes and get back in my good opinion). Why yes, Rory is my favourite character in Doctor Who right now, why do you ask?


    I don't care if they fix it in the end, and Rory gets all better again. They killed him three times last season (I don't care if the last time was just for a very short while while they pretended the Auton Rory had melted), and I'm frankly sick of it. They can kill Amy or River instead, thank you very much. Unless he gives Amy more of a personality than bitchy/saucy shrew in a short skirt, she can even stay dead at the end of the season, for all I care.

  10. Avaunt, I spent about a week going back and reading all of her stuff, and there's just so much on there that I identify with (the fear of spiders, the reasons why I'll never be a proper grown-up, the mentally ill animals - pretty sure our Hobbes would fail an IQ test for animals too, the Alot). I absolutely love it, and now eagerly await every new update.

  11. It's an awful costume, and looks cheap, uncomfortable and impractical. It looks about a size too small for one thing, and like the seams might split if Diana actually fought someone. I'm not a big fan of the Photoshop one either, but it's a lot better.

  12. I really enjoyed 'Peri & the Piscon Paradox', although it took me a while to get into it at first. By the second episode everything starts becoming a bit more clear, though, and Nicola Bryant is very good in it, all the way through.

  13. James, hate to tell you this, but Mark has dibs on Annie. He saw her first. You can have her when he grows bored of her, and finds a new TV ghost girlfriend. You can be Annie's rebound guy. :wink:


    Am enjoying the show a lot so far, and am very glad they're not expecting us to be ok with Mitchell's actions at the end of season two. George and Nina are ace, and I'd like Annie to get something to do except be rescued and cling desperately to Mitchell now.

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