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Posts posted by TestosteRohne

  1. Today I saw 2 previews in the theater that were fairly impressive: Rise of the Planet of the Apes (awesome efx) and the American remake of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (awesome trailer, though many will hate the Zep cover).

    The latter looks like it will be a really good film, up to par with the original, which is comforting since I enjoyed the trilogy and thought the first film was the best of the three.

    Really, really don't like the trilogy, beyond a spunky but obvious heroine, it's no different to any subtextless generic murder mystery on the tele (Mind you perhaps British tele, which is littered with this sort of stuff).

    An American remake removes the Euro veneer that the Trilogy had going for it (Although that said "Next 3 Days" worked better than the original "Anything for Her")

    More superbly technical but artless journeyman work from Fincher.


    If we started talking about overhyped films I can't think of any recent films more so than that vaunted Trilogy.

    Even Avatar.

    It's a marketing deam.

  2. I don't know if they'll choose to go to that particular poisoned well, but if they do, that would explain the Talia/Ra's involvement. And a broken Bat-back healed by the Lazarus pit is slightly less silly than the Magical negress we've had in the comics.

    Healed by being caught in a physic crossfire.

    I was stupefied when I read DC's big way of getting him out of the wheelchair.

  3. And Nolan's fine efforts will be left to look like flukes amongst the rest of Warner Brothers underwhelming DC adaptations.

    Typical just once they've got it right.


    Presumably if you're going to feature Bane he'd be replete with back breaking antics.

    Surely a first time Batman Bane confrontation would have to result in a Broken back bat?

    However I'm not sure I'd want to see or that they'd even let him do that in a final film.

  4. I'm more interested in what Nolan wants to say with the film rather than the narrative itself, and furthermore what's left to be said.

    To it's credit Dark Knight felt more about the War on Terror itself than Batman.

    I wonder what Nolan's angle is for Rises?


    Aren't Warner Brothers just going to unwisely reboot the Batman franchise in preparation for the JLA movie after this anyway?

  5. Given that this thread was started by Mick, I think I read its title and subtitle about 10 times, laughing hysterically each time.

    Still true.

    What's good, everyone? I'm back and older than ever.

    Fuck Trace...

    Yes, well, nice to see you too.

    (It's strange how we joined around the same time and came back around the same time, maybe we're the same person?)

    Sadly it would answer so much in my life, sorry our life.

  6. Imagine Carousel done in the style of the kratutrock hallucination sequence from Valhalla Rising



    I'm sad to say I haven't seen Valhalla Rising (Something I'm gong to amend quite rapidly) as I didn't know Refn had helmed it.

    Mads aside I presumed it was some 300-esque cash in.

    On the Lovefilm list right now.

    I enjoyed Fear X and Bronson greatly and had seen the Pusher films and Bleeder.


    Also I'd go gay for Ryan Gosling...

  7. Just to be arsey I'm going to stick to the Punisher no vote.

    It may not be his intellectual property but he completely MADE it his, almost as much as Frank Miller did to Stan Lee's original Daredevil.

    Additionally by my maths Garth has written roughly 130 issues of the Punisher.

    That's practically Preacher and Hitman combined.


    Change them Poll rules.

  8. I finally got to see Bob Swaim's La Balance (1983, The Informer).


    After some initial misgivings regarding the 80's stylisation and cliche cops, the film quickly brings what seemed to be secondary characters to the forefront instead with tremendous results.

    A Real life ex couple bring their own demons and emotional baggage to the roles of small-time Pimp and his Prostitute lover forced by the 'Flics" to be Police Informers.

    Although not on a Jean Pierre Mellville level cinematically, it's bleak as hell without any empty modern cynicism.

    Similar themed films like The Departed incorrectly put narrative first whereas La Balance serves as a perfect example of what may only be possible in a European interpretation of the genre.

  9. The Directors cut of the LotR really works for me, especially on Blu-ray (The regular trilogy that is).

    On my Eye of God television (46' LCD 200hz motion flow) damn near every shot feels imbued with mythology but still emotionally immediate.

    I know it's not to film what the books are to literature but they're big films made with undeniable love and not cheap budget scrimping CGI.

    Exactly the kind of film Hollywood should be making.

    If most adaptations were handled with this love the world would be a better place.


    I'm a miserable film git but I do have a sentimental streak, that at least I'm aware of, Sean Bean going down Throne of Blood style gets me every single time.

    Especially when some of the orcs deliberately stroll past him rather than kill him outright.



    It must be said though that I hated the Hobbit so much at school that I unfairly never fully read the later books.

  10. Another masterful issue. I love me some prison drama so this hits the spot.

    Likewise prison scenarios usually do it for me too, especially this variation where Frans is vulnerable and not there of his own volition.

    I loved the First Blood(Rambo) line about flying/operating multi-million dollar machinery in the war but having to park cars and wash dishes back home.

    I still can't help but feel that with more of the MAX style artists this would work far better.

    Dillon is fine in the comedic segments, but this tale needs far more visual gravitas.

    For instance imagine Lewis Larosa on art.

  11. Yep as a complete 'Nam (Film) Vet, Hamburger Hill remains my favourite and I believe the best Vietnam film.

    Sure there are bigger, technically better filmed, better acted and more overtly artistically better films but the simple Sisyphus premise largely summates and encapsulates the 'Nam.

    Perhaps it's a little unfair to have the "college kids" back home revealed as the real enemy, but overall it's the film's authenticity through fastidious detailing that wins out for me.

    Large chunks form Ennis' Punisher MAX Born and especially the film's ending is repeated in his Valley Forge, Valley Forge.

  12. ouch. At least you didn't get them all on the train, heading in to town to attend, and then find out.


    "Hmm, never mind folks, we can go to the museum instead?".

    Oh I had a posse of unimpressed friends with me, but thankfully they were all local.

    I suspect now I'm viewed as the boy who cried wolf.

    "Hey let's do it again sometime, next month".


    Wow now I have a whole thread dedicated to my ineptitude.

  13. Bits of this months issue seem to support my DID postulation.

    Namely Fury's appearing and vanishing act, his cellmate complaining about Frank talking to himself and artistically some conversations presented as detached, unconnected speech balloons.

  14. Imagine having to explain to your friends and lady friend that you pathologically seem to confuse June with July.

    The bloody signing is in fact next month.

    A groaning Herculean feat of twattery on my part...

  15. Personally Lou if you're on to Batman & Robin and the Return of Bruce Wayne I'd recommend this reading order.


    Batman & Robin 1-9

    Batman 701, 702.

    Batman 700

    Batman & Robin 10, 11

    Return of Bruce Wayne 1,2

    Batman & Robin 12

    Return of Bruce Wayne 3,4,5

    Batman & Robin 13,14,15

    Return of Bruce Wayne 6

    Batman & Robin 16

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