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Posts posted by wrongemboyo

  1. Okkk...


    My name is Martin Schilling. I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois in a working class family. I have five siblings similar to the Brady bunch in that we are three boys and three girls. I am Peter Brady in the group, which to those unfamiliar, is the second boy, right smack dab in the middle.


    I am a junior in an Arts college studying Cinematography (my favorite Cinematographer is Michael Seresin A.S.C. who shot...Angela's Ashes, Harry Potter and the Pof A., and of course AngelHeart.)


    My first HB experience was issue #185 like i have repeated almost five times already.


    I procrastinate, drink too much coffee, work in a video store (which can be comparable to hell in many ways) and stay up too late.


    I used to visit this forum before it switched over, once it did, I got lost in the higgledy piggledy that followed.


    I have made Two films....no longer than 8 mins each. One decent called Trunkfull, on 16mm B & W reversal, and one crap one that I thankfully have no copy of based on H.P. Lovecraft's, "The Statement of Randolph Carter"

    I have shot at least ten similar bad student films and hope to make a career of it. I think a HellBlazer series on Tv would be great, and I have always wanted to visit England and Ireland but have never traveled because I have no dough.


    My favorite Soccer ( I say it because of geography) team is Chelsea...and favorite player is Frank Lampard. I recently watch Team England beat Team USA which i was very proud of because Team England is just plain better.


    I have never had a pint, my mom's lung cancer discourages me from ever lighting a cigarette, and I don't practice Magic. Though my father considers himself Wiccan, and he says we are descendant's of a Celtic druid Priestess or whatever the fuck....like he would even know.


    I can go on but I see Ive said enough already.

  2. Has anyone seen this show. I followed the first season and I find it is pretty HellBlazeresque. I always thought if Any American would play JC it should be Denis Leary.

    Lets see similarities...


    Followed by ghosts...

    Hard drinking....

    Hard Smoking....

    Family life in shambles...

    Gets Friends killed...

    Witty dialogue...

    A few tricks up his sleeve for revenge...


    Do I have this right. Except it's about NYC firefighters and quite different from the dark noir hellblazer feeling.

  3. I have been broke for oh-so-long, that my last HB comic read was 205. I need to reread it and buy the new issues but it doesn't look good so far.


    It saddens me to hear Mike Carey's run is ending. it's the run I started with when i bought my first issue, #184, and #185 together. When i saw John dip his hand into the boiling water and not be burned until no one was looking.. I was sold.


    Since then, my life has changed. But i have yet to read everything and am a bit intimidated by long deep conversation about it, because I don't know all.


    And now I feel I have missed out on a few good turns in the story, and must go back to reread and purchase the new ones. But how to earn the dough.

  4. I'd say this one is the best one to date, and definitely the topper of all comics to film. But.. I have always thought Christian Bale was badass. Since American Psycho. But my god he pulled off Batman spectacularly.

  5. Unfortunately I havent seen Sean Phillips work. Frusin does it for me though. He seems to sometimes get lazy, and just silhouette everything but it still works, and he is the master of the John's mouth close up. A cigarette, a dark smirk, and it says enough.


    Leonardo Manco seems in my opinion a step down from Frusin because it looks messy to me, less smooth. Whatever i mean by that...


    Sean Phillips must be pretty good if I picked out this avatar from all of them without knowing.


    I would also like to add, that I am not exactly a new member but thanks for the welocme. Just been a long time gone. Long time.


    I saw AngelHeart because of this site, and I must say, other than de Niro as Satan...the movie is great. Naked was good too.

  6. My vote goes to Marcelo Frusin. He uses this wide setting, almost cinematographic visual style with so much shadow, which fits Hellblazer so much. I like his scene formatting as well. Recently he uses very few closeups and a lot of interesting wides. Sorry for the film language but it's the only way I know how to describe comic drawing.


    I didn't like the coloring of Dangerous Habits TPB... which is who? Simpson?


    I don't think Ive seen Sean phillips. Unless he did the Haunted TPB... I thought that was amazing.


    Steve Dillon is great throughout Preacher, and Hellblazer as well, especially the package deal, his drawing with Garth Ennis writing and Glenn Fabrys covers made for good comics, but on it's own I fins I like the shadowy look of Frusin better. But one of Frusin's downsides is that I find it a bit hard to distinguish one women from another.


    But I don't have even half of the issues, I didnt start collecting until issue 185... and even now I have only .... Dangerous Habits,,, Haunted, Freezes Over, Good Intentions, Red Sepulchre, and issues 1-3 59 - 70


    It's the only comic I read regularly. And I wish I knew all about it. Which is why I'll frequent that Q&A post...



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