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Posts posted by Shawn

  1. And Wolverine is dead.

    I wonder how long that'll last?


    About a day after Hugh Jackman inks a new deal with Fox. Or Marvel Studios get the rights to all the X-Men. Guess which is more likely to happen first.

  2. Accidentally saw the cover for Constantine #19




    So...... Mucous Membrane anyone?


    Johnny Constantine vs Demon Johnny in a Battle of the Bands! At stake: OUR SOULS!


    Why do your teasing, taunting ideas have to be better than what we'regetting in the actual comic?


    Hey, I'm available for a fairly cheap rate. Of course, I'd use that pay from DC to buy Marvel and Image books :laugh:

  3. Just in case anyone has no clue what we are talking about.



    Yes, this is exactly what the book by Rick Remender and Greg Tocchini is like. EXACTLY!

    • Upvote 1
  4. And Capt. America is black. And Hobgoblin is motivational speaker (yes really I guess). And Tony Stark is a silvery anti-hero. And Wolverine is dead. And Red Skull is now Onslaught.


    Man, unyielding, uptight fanboys are going have a tough 4th quarter this year. :laugh:

  5. Image Comics solicitations for November. Just buy it all.




    ODY-C, the gender-swapped, sci-fi retelling of the Homer classic by Fraction & Ward. OH FUCK YES!!!! Also, there's an EIGHT page fold out in the first issue.


    Tooth & Claw, a fantasy series by Busiek. I'll bite.


    Drifter. I know nothing about the creators. It's described as Dune meets Unforgiven. Okay! I'm in.


    Savage Dragon reaches #200. If anyone cares.


    Prophet continues with a six-part mini, Earth War. All the regulars are back. And so am I.


    Just the Tips. It's a sex advice books by Fraction & Zdarsky. No really. Crazy-ass mofos. I love it.


    And the rest of your favorite Image titles are doing their thing. Which is being awesome and better than nearly all Marvel and DC books.

    • Upvote 1
  6. You're probably right. I hope it does act as a catalyst for people to stand up and speak out. But NOT resort to violence. Violence only begets violence. Sadly, if it does it will probably blow up, figuratively speaking.


    Stupid sidenote: I've heard conspiracy folks say this is all part of "their plan", to initiate country-wide race riots, leading to the government being able to declare martial law. Yeah..... :angry:

    • Upvote 1
  7. Marvel November solicitations




    AXIS continues. Yet another big event that has too many cross-over minis and interferes with normal books.


    Superior Iron Man kicks off. He's got a new shiny suit and he's a dick. Okay, more of a dick. And he's in San Francisco.


    The All-New Captain Falcon starts. I'm liking this more and more. Also, he'll be in Capt. America and the Avengers, replacing Might Avengers, as a team of the people for the people by the people. Neat line up.


    Spider-verse is going strong. And I feel meh. Oh and Ben Reilly is back. For some reason.


    Spider-Woman gets a title. It's not by Kelly Sue Deconnick. Not sure what I think about Hopeless. Land is doing "art."


    Logan gets "Funeral for a Friend/World without a Wolverine" on. So what?


    For the Avengers...TIME! RUNS! OUT!! Soon. Teasing! Excitement! Things! Long form stories, building to.....things!!!


    Seeing Alex Ross doing covers of the original Guardians of the Galaxy gives me all the happys.


    The Fantastic Four are rebuilding. Again. For the 100th time. And they're back in blue. I really want to like this book. I can't. Maybe....


    She-Hulk vs Daredevil in a court of law. I don't think that's been done before. Could be fun. Good on Charles Soule.


    Howard the Duck Omnibus! Nuff said. I really need to check this stuff out.

  8. I think there's a lot of the "not in my backyard" syndrome going on. It's easy not care what's happening to other people half a country, or more, away from you. But then! If it does happen in a person's neighborhood, then they notice. Sometimes.


    So, I guess we can add a severe detachment amoung us, a lack of empathy and compassion. "It's not me or anyone I know, so what?"


    Yet, the wee little optimist in my wants to believe that most people wouldn't stand for such nonsense and would speak out and even help effect some postive change, IF given the means and opprotunity. However, my 800 lbs gorilla cynic says otherwise.

  9. Lou, you make a good point. However, I would add that with Trayvon Martin it was a different matter, as that involved another private citizen, making poor choices. This time, it's being done by those in authority that the public are supposed to be able to trust. There's a level of betrayal there that digs far deeper.

    • Upvote 1
  10. November solicitations



    There's the usual.


    Of note:

    The Spectre volume 2


    Nightwing volume 1 by Chuck Dixon. I have some fond memories of that run.


    Johnny Contantine: Heckblazer gets all caught up with the World's End cross-over between New 52 DCU and the Earth 2 crew.


    The Batman series staring Adam West & Burt Ward gets a DVD release.


    And there's even more Bat-Books that no one demanded. In the fabled tradition of Gotham Academy and Arkham Manor, we get Gotham by Midnight (by Fawkes and Templesmith), which features Jim Corigan leading the X-Files equivalent of the GCPD. Oh the possibilites of Templesmith on a horror/supernatural - ish Batman book ala Kelley Jones would be nice. Not this however.

  11. When I go to re-re-read ALL of Unwritten, once it wraps soon, I will skip the Fables stuff.

    I came close to stopping reading Unwritten completely over that nonsense, to be honest.

    I hear ya. There was some temptation for me to drop it, but my faith in Carey held strong. I had to talk a friend, who's been reading in trades, back from the "ledge." He says he'll likely skip that volume.

    I prefer to think that the Fabels cross-over was the penance Carey & Gross had to pay so they could finish Unwritten on their terms. :-)

  12. Astro City #14 is part one of a quaint story about an old lady who runs a roadside museum of discarded robots from various superhero battles. She act as their caretaker and curator. Of course, highjinks ensue. There's a slow mystery bubbling just below the surface. I suspect what it might be, and even if I'm right, I want to see how Busiek and Co. tell it. A solid story showing some of the after effects of those big superhero robot brawls.

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